(05-09-2010, 12:37 PM)jens Wrote: I think the easiest way to see if things work is to change the fullscreen="true" to fullscreen="false" and then run the game.
Oh, thanks. I had opened that file with vim, but the line lengths made it look funny, but now I've found that setting.
(05-09-2010, 03:39 PM)dakkar Wrote: I only get a black screen with the mouse pointer. There is no way to get out of it without doing a hard reboot.
Ctrl+Alt+Backspace will restart your X11 environment (bring you back to the GDM/KDM login window). This will close most of your programs, but it's still better and faster than a hard reboot. It would really be helpful if the game responded to Alt+F4.
(05-09-2010, 03:45 PM)jens Wrote: You could most likely use crtl-alt-F1 to bring up a terminal window, ...
I know in my case this wasn't an option since the nVidia 185 drivers don't handle the context switching properly. If I kill gdm I can switch between ttys, but if I have X11 on tty7 I just get a blank screen when trying to switch.

. The fullscreen setting works, though, and I can build from there to find a working resolution.
Edit Final solution was to change this line in my xorg.conf:
Option "metamodes" "CRT: 1280x1024_75 +0+0; CRT:1024x768_75; CRT: 800x600_75; CRT: nvidia-auto-select +0+0"
From playing around in nvidia-settings, where I could apply resolutions without reloading X, I found my monitor won't tolerate less than 75hz except in 1280x768, and of course 60hz seems to be what "nvidia-auto-select" likes to choose.