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Resolution error in Overture FIXED
Setä Hemuli Offline
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Solved: 9 Years, 2 Weeks ago Resolution error in Overture FIXED


I bought the humble indie bundle version of the game, and I'm having problems setting the resolution I want. The menu doesn't allow 1650x1080, so I manually inserted it to the settings.cfg file in my user files, but when I try to start the game I get an error: could not set displaymode and 640x480 is used instead! Why does this happen? From what I've read from other forums this method should allow a customized resolution to be used.

I'm using a Radeon HD 5770 video card.

Edit. Omg what an idiot I am... of course the resolution is 1680x1050 Big Grin No need for help anymore...
05-11-2010, 06:30 PM

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