(09-10-2010, 09:41 PM)Radu IceMan Wrote: How do your triggers work? Is it a brush based entity? I noticed the AI path finding system in one of the videos, which is quite similar to the one used by the Source engine.
Also, can you go a bit in detail about the scripting system? Will we have a input/output system with multiple options to choose? I like to compare engines to the Source engine, since I'm only experienced with that. If there are more similarities to it I might actually enjoy it.
There's not really "triggers". Well... There is, but they're not called triggers.
To make a "trigger", you create an area in 3D space (x,y,z), and call it something. Then in your script, you can use the function:
AddEntityCollideCallback(string &in asParentName, string &in asChildName, string &in asFunction, bool abDeleteOnCollide, int alStates)
void OnStart()
//Add a collision callback, so that when the player touches our area, the function called
//FunctionToCallOnCollide will be called.
AddEntityCollideCallback("Player", "AreaNameHere", "FunctionToCallOnCollide", true, 1);
void FunctionToCallOnCollide(string &in asParent, string &in asChild, int alState)
//Player "triggered" the area. Do some weird shit to him.
void DoWeirdShitToPlayer()
//Then you would do crap here, etc.
(09-10-2010, 10:05 PM)monkeyshots Wrote: Hi !
The Question that i have in my head since i read about the level and other editors being released is:
will people only be able to make 'single'-maps or is it possible to actually make a series of maps and chain them together like in the main game ? so that people could make real and long stories/expansions and release them to other people ?
You'll be able to make exactly what you see in the real game.