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Black Plague crashes after intro cutscene
SeanLP Offline
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Solved: 9 Years, 2 Weeks ago RE: Black Plague crashes after intro cutscene

Another reinstall, still no luck

However, I did find this thread: http://www.frictionalgames.com/forum/thr...28961.html

The poster had the same problem as me, and some guy said he found a fix by manually editing the map names ... although I don't know where and how to do that, any advice?Blush
07-10-2010, 01:56 AM
Thomas Offline
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Solved: 9 Years, 2 Weeks ago RE: Black Plague crashes after intro cutscene

It is not possible to just change the map names. If a re installation does not solve it, then you the installation did not work properly. Do an uninstall and then check so that the game is really gone before installing again.

From where did you get the game?
07-10-2010, 09:06 PM
SeanLP Offline
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Solved: 9 Years, 2 Weeks ago RE: Black Plague crashes after intro cutscene

(07-10-2010, 09:06 PM)Thomas Wrote: It is not possible to just change the map names. If a re installation does not solve it, then you the installation did not work properly. Do an uninstall and then check so that the game is really gone before installing again.

From where did you get the game?

07-11-2010, 07:04 PM
jens Offline
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Solved: 9 Years, 2 Weeks ago RE: Black Plague crashes after intro cutscene

Make sure to remove the settings.cfg file in My Documents/Penumbra/Black Plague so that it creates a new file without the incorrect map settings.

Also do not install any updates as the Steam version is already at latest version.
07-12-2010, 06:01 AM
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SoullessDreamer Offline
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Solved: 9 Years, 2 Weeks ago RE: Black Plague crashes after intro cutscene

So what I did to get it to work is as fallows:

<Game FirstStart="false" Subtitles="true" SimpleWeaponSwing="false" DisablePersonalNotes="false" AllowQuickSave="false" FlashItems="true" ShowCrossHair="false" AskTutorial="false" SimpleSwingInOptions="false" Difficulty="1" CurrentUser="default" LanguageFile="english.lang" ShowPreMenu="true" ShowMenu="true" ShowIntro="true" />
<Controls MouseSensitivity="1.000000" InvertMouseY="false" ToggleCrouch="true" />
<Keys Forward_Type="Keyboard" Forward_Val="66" Backward_Type="Keyboard" Backward_Val="62" Left_Type="Keyboard" Left_Val="44" Right_Type="Keyboard" Right_Val="47" LeanLeft_Type="Keyboard" LeanLeft_Val="60" LeanRight_Type="Keyboard" LeanRight_Val="48" Run_Type="Keyboard" Run_Val="116" Jump_Type="Keyboard" Jump_Val="6" Crouch_Type="Keyboard" Crouch_Val="118" InteractMode_Type="Keyboard" InteractMode_Val="61" LookMode_Type="MouseButton" LookMode_Val="1" Holster_Type="Keyboard" Holster_Val="67" Rotate_Type="Keyboard" Rotate_Val="46" Examine_Type="MouseButton" Examine_Val="2" Interact_Type="MouseButton" Interact_Val="0" Inventory_Type="Keyboard" Inventory_Val="1" NoteBook_Type="Keyboard" NoteBook_Val="57" PersonalNotes_Type="Keyboard" PersonalNotes_Val="59" WheelUp_Type="MouseButton" WheelUp_Val="3" WheelDown_Type="MouseButton" WheelDown_Val="4" Flashlight_Type="Keyboard" Flashlight_Val="49" GlowStick_Type="Keyboard" GlowStick_Val="50" Escape_Type="Keyboard" Escape_Val="5" RightClick_Type="MouseButton" RightClick_Val="2" LeftClick_Type="MouseButton" LeftClick_Val="0" One_Type="Keyboard" One_Val="22" Two_Type="Keyboard" Two_Val="23" Three_Type="Keyboard" Three_Val="24" Four_Type="Keyboard" Four_Val="25" Five_Type="Keyboard" Five_Val="26" Six_Type="Keyboard" Six_Val="27" Seven_Type="Keyboard" Seven_Val="28" Eight_Type="Keyboard" Eight_Val="29" Nine_Type="Keyboard" Nine_Val="30" ResetGame_Type="Keyboard" ResetGame_Val="97" SaveGame_Type="Keyboard" SaveGame_Val="100" LoadGame_Type="Keyboard" LoadGame_Val="101" Screenshot_Type="Keyboard" Screenshot_Val="108" PrintLog_Type="Keyboard" PrintLog_Val="55" />
<Graphics NoiseFilter="true" Bloom="true" MotionBlur="true" MotionBlurAmount="0.300000" DepthOfField="true" Refractions="true" TextureSizeLevel="0" TextureFilter="0" TextureAnisotropy="16.000000" Gamma="1.000000" FSAA="4" PostEffects="true" ShaderQuality="3" LimitFPS="true" Shadows="0" />
<Debug ShowHealth="false" ShowSoundsPlaying="false" LogResources="false" />
<Sound Volume="1.000000" UseSoundHardware="true" UseEnvironmentalAudio="true" MaxSoundChannels="32" StreamUpdateFreq="10" UseThreading="true" MaxMonoChannelsHint="0" MaxStereoChannelsHint="0" LowLevelSoundLogging="false" />
<Screen Width="1920" Height="1080" FullScreen="true" Vsync="true" />
<Demo WebPageOnExit="http://www.penumbrablackplague.com/" />
<Map GlobalScript="global_script.hps" File="level01_cells.dae" StartPos="link01" />
<Physics PhysicsAccuracy="2" UpdatesPerSec="60.000000" />

You need to change what is Bold and underlined. Because I fixed it at 1am last night I can not remember the name of the file that was origonaly there but it had something to do with boat in the name.....which if you look in the black plague folder there is no level with boat in the name Undecided so, That fixed mine. That should fix yours.
Oh ya, mine is a steam copy as well, uninstalling it and downloading the game again from steam does not help. It does not help because steam is the one that puts the file there and if the steam servers do not get updated then even if you re download it from them, you are just re downloading the same file with the same broken .cfg file =-/

The file to change is Documents\Penumbra\Black Plague\settings.cfg just FYI
(This post was last modified: 08-21-2010, 04:12 PM by SoullessDreamer.)
08-21-2010, 04:08 PM

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