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Xbox One Controller Issue

Not Solved Xbox One Controller Issue
I am attempting to play Amnesia with my Xbox One controller on Windows 10 however I am coming across an issue that makes it unplayable.

When I start the game I can do regular menu navigation fine. However as far as looking around is concerned nothing works properly.

The left trigger makes you look up. Left plus Right triggers make you look down.

On the left thumb stuck pushing up makes you lean left. Pushing down makes you lean right.

I've looked at the in-game settings to see if there was any resolution but I am unable to find one.
10-13-2015, 07:09 AM

Not Solved RE: Xbox One Controller Issue
Im having this issue too. It sounds like there's still no support for X1 controller with the game. Others have had success with the normal xbox 360 controller though. It would be nice if Frictional advised on this
12-06-2015, 04:26 PM

Not Solved RE: Xbox One Controller Issue
I too have this issue, I have just bought Amnesia and playing on my windows 10 Surface pro with an xbox one controller.

Everything works bar the right stick so I have no way to turn Sad
02-02-2016, 10:57 PM

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