This is my first time here. Forgive me if there is an appreciation thread already, but it never hurts to receive more thanks, does it?
Let me first say that I heard of this game through another forum and had no idea that you were the developer until I visited your website. After figuring this out I immediately crapped my pants remembering my adventures in the Penumbra series, and then again just
imagining the thrills and chills I'll have in this new game. I checked this website
at least four times a day waiting for a demo. Needless to say, I was not disappointed.
To me, you all are the last remnant of a dying franchise -
survival horror. I'll admit, some of these new generation horror games have their moments, but none of them compared to the classic Resident Evil, Silent Hill, or even the more recent Fatal Frame (first one)... but then came Frictional Games and Penumbra (and soon to be Amnesia). I wish that these major developers would take you on board and let you continue working on your own projects with a hefty amount of financial support (if this ever happens, make sure they don't take over your game and soil your good name!).
One thing that put a thought in the back of my head though, is that you're releasing a level editor for players to make their own scenarios. Does this mean that we won't see another installment or support for quite some time? However, I can understand releasing this will improve the longevity the game and each new scenario we play will be a refreshing experience.
Just thought I'd take the time to tell Frictional Games that I'll continue to support them whenever they release a new game.

And before anyone asks, I pirated Penumbra: Overture, then bought the full game, bought Black Plague and Requiem through them, and then bought BP and Req
again through Steam (I lost the old BP and Req. because it was on my other comp that died).
TL;DR - Long live Frictional Games!
Edit: I would also like to add that I pre-ordered through your website for Amnesia because I believe VALVe takes a cut of the profits if you buy through them? I believe you deserve back every penny and more that you put into this game.