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Penumbra: Overture website & publisher announced

RE: Penumbra: Overture website & publisher announced

Actually, wolfs eyes can LOOK like they glow in the dark, as they reflect more light then most other things in the envarioment.
Since (I hope) the game won't be constantly swiching between perfectly-lit areas and totally-dark areas, they could appear normal when lit well, but nightmareish in darker places. The great shadowing technology can help with that.

And Thomas.

I can safely guess that those that thought the enemies look lame, are probebly Silent Hill fans, who would accept nothing but the perfect replica of Silent Hill.

Making the enemies alien is good, but not only aliens are scary. Also, it matters more on what the wolfes DO then what they LOOK like.
(This post was last modified: 10-20-2006, 02:35 PM by Jojje.)
10-20-2006, 02:33 PM

RE: Penumbra: Overture website & publisher announced

Those Animals acting weird remains me FIEND, we need some kind of Unatural Monster, Somekind of Mutated animals From the Radiation or something.
10-20-2006, 06:45 PM

RE: Penumbra: Overture website & publisher announced

And we hath recived another fine educated suggestion from someone who doesn't know how to use capitols.


It will cause an uncureable disease(s) after a certain amount. It won't make a well-fed wolf turn aggressive and attack a human whe he/she doesn't need to.

It will also NOT make big, unnatural (and anatomically impossible) monsters out of animals.

But what about a hungry crab the size of YOU?

Overtune isn't another bughunt where you go hunt down icky bicky little monsters with automatic machine guns twice the size of you. That's not the point, that's not horror.

Trust me, everyday, wild animals WILL become scary when you are alone and on thier turf.
10-20-2006, 07:35 PM

RE: Penumbra: Overture website & publisher announced

I dont mean Super Natural Monsters Made From Radiation by animals, i mean wolfes with Strange Injueries and Rotten Flesh. a wounded animal always is Dangerous.

I mean things like this: Link 1
Radiation Dont cause mutations? Link 2
10-23-2006, 02:30 PM
Thomas Offline
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RE: Penumbra: Overture website & publisher announced

Well radiation do cause mutation. The thing is that since only a single cell is mutated and that mutation does not cause the entire animal to get changed, this can cause cancer and stuff though.

However when an egg or sperm cell gets mutated the mutation may be part of the offspring. And when that happens you can get all sorts of strange outcome. Mutations also happen naturally but are quite rare, radiation makes it all alot more common.

That is my amature biologist explaination Tongue Please correct me if I am wrong.
10-23-2006, 03:29 PM
Dark Offline
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RE: Penumbra: Overture website & publisher announced

your right about the sperm/egg thing bu not about it being common.
what you mean is when the embryo is growing but not in the correct way, this may cause strange stuff to happen (like that 2 headed snake:http://pbskids.org/backyardjungle/files.php/23398_discovery_f.jpg)

[Image: elfenliednx4.jpg]
10-23-2006, 04:20 PM
Thomas Offline
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RE: Penumbra: Overture website & publisher announced

Well there is a huge difference between mutations and embryos not growing the right way. Both things can cause various defects to the offspring but have different causes. That two head snake is a conjoined twin if I am not mistaken. I wonder if you can order those Tongue

I never said mutations where common did I? Smile Mutations are very rare and are not always bad, I mean mutations are the base of evolution.
10-23-2006, 04:30 PM
Dark Offline
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RE: Penumbra: Overture website & publisher announced

srry misread your sentence
and your partialy right about the evolution thingy:
adaption makes the body change over the course of x number of years.
thats the way we got our thumb and our little toe is so small Smile

[Image: elfenliednx4.jpg]
10-23-2006, 04:38 PM

RE: Penumbra: Overture website & publisher announced

Is you take "uncureable sickness" as a mutation, then yes. But not mutation in the way you were suggesting (http://www.bmoviecomic.com/?cid=73).

Regardless, what point would that have?
Radioactivity is not dangerus in low dosages and if treated properly. Also its makes creatures crippled from birth, meaning that a child born from a heavly-dosed mother will be very weak. If you can get photos from the Hirosima and Nagasaki victims, you'll be very clear what I am talking about.

Also the first link talks about a wolf-dog crossbread, not "mutation" (though it is mutation in a certain way, but lets not go there). The second it talks merely about how people from Chernobyl are effected by the leaked radioactivity, not dealing about radioactive damage itself (to be a bit more specific, it deals about the LACK of dealing with the radioactive damage).

Radioactivity is very nasty, but it couases terrible death, not miracles.

And for mutation: there are several types of mutations, most which are not good. "Controled" mutation either by genetic engineering or trough netural selection is "good" (we are talking about relative terms here). Mutation caused by envarioment, such as radioactivity damages the body, often in a way that the body cannot repair itself.
10-23-2006, 06:03 PM

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