(09-18-2010, 10:22 AM)Luis Wrote: It is strange that it does not store the new resolution values. Try the following, see if we can fix it:
- When you have entered the values for width and height, click on any other input. This is to force the focus out of the resolution input, thus making it update the settings value. Then exit the program and launch it again.
- If you still see no change, while the editor is not running, open the "My documents/HPL2/LevelEditor.cfg" file with a text editor, and change the Width and Height values in the Screen tag. If you want it to more or less cover your entire screen, you should make it look like the following:
<Screen Width="1920" Height="1100" Fullscreen="" TexQuality="0" />
You can tweak the height value so it doesn't go under the lower bar. This last trick should definitely work 
Thanks for that tip about the cfg file.
However... now I don't have that monitor running!!!!!
A few hours ago, I ran Vista's own Memory Diagnostic Tool that's supposed to check the system's memory. It reboots the computer and brings up a DOS like screen with a progress bar. Well after about 40mins. It tells me it will reboot.
Which it did. But when the computer reboots , the monitor is black.
I gave it another half hour listen to the drive running while looking at a black screen and then said sod it and rebooted with the power button. Just a black screen again, I hooked up another monitor and a message is there saying Vista cannot start would I like to reset back to a previous registry - I do that and eventually it's all working.
I put the first monitor back - still no picture.
Hook the monitor to my old XP computer and it works correctly.
Doesn't make any sense.
Anyhow this older monitor only goes to 1250 x something or the other, so temporarily my problem doesn't matter.
I shall endeavor to figure out it out later... googling found me nothing.
So I may be facing a 600gb backup and re-install of everything.
But I shall make the CFG change as it looks like I will be able to customize to any res.
Why is the window for the editor not just resizable like other windows?