Ok I've just checked the main ones and the code is [br][new_page][br]
But the problem is, it doesn't seem to work when narration is present in the note. None of the original notes which had pages in them seemed to have narration in them as well.
When you have both [voice keepernote.ogg] and the [br][new_page][br] later on in the note, it just doesn't pick up the new page. It's like it was never there and all the text is cluttered onto a single page.
Can you guys think of any other way of to make it work with scripting?
I have 1 idea to trigger to use PlayGuiSound ("keepernote.snt", 100); upon clicking the note, but will it actually play whilst the note is opened? Even if it will, it will continue playing if the player cancels reading the note prior to the sound finishing.
Uhg this really sucks. Trouble is, I want every single note narrated in my custom story