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Compiling a List of Problems
Spiegelman Offline
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Solved: 9 Years ago RE: Compiling a List of Problems

(10-08-2010, 08:21 PM)bugmenot Wrote:
(10-08-2010, 04:55 PM)Spiegelman Wrote:
(10-08-2010, 12:46 AM)bugmenot Wrote: I crawled under the stairs to the big doors in the cistern room, and got stuck there. Dodgy

Added. By "crawled" you mean you were crouching? And what side of the stairs did you get stuck in? I'll update the details if/when you get back to me.

I tried to do it again.. The correct name of the area is "Entrance to Cistern". It happens quite easily when going to the left hand side of the stairs. I couldn't get it to happen from the right hand side. And yes, crouching. You end up underneath the stairs and can walk about under there, but can't escape.

Updated again. Thanks for the report. Smile If you find anything else just post it here.
10-08-2010, 09:16 PM
bugmenot Offline

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Solved: 9 Years ago RE: Compiling a List of Problems

Ok, some things I've found...

  1. One of the loading screen texts, Ch02_Diary07_04, "no longer breath properly", should say "breathe" instead.

  2. Agrippa talks about a lever, CH02L21_Agrippa_Nrm_PulledLever_01 and CH02L21_Agrippa_Nrm_PulledLever_02, "What lever? Oh, that one. So many of Alexander's things are breaking down. Look around, maybe the other room." and "There are machine parts hidden all over this place. You'll find a way to fix it.". I have no idea what lever he was talking about. The IDs suggest I had pulled a lever, but the only levers I remember around there were the one on his talking machine, and the two up the stairs, which I don't think I had pulled when I heard him say it.

  3. Another thing Agrippa says, CH03L26_Agrippa_Nrm_PotionDone_02, "Now, pay attention. First feed me the tonic and then use the saw to remove my head.". I hadn't seen the saw at that point. It's probably too late to change stuff like that, but it would be more sensible if he said "find a saw to cut off my head" or something, instead of talking about "the saw".

  4. Maybe a bit nitpicky, and unlikely to be changed, but worth mentioning anyway... When you are approaching the torture room where the man was sawn in half, you hear noises of sawing wood.. Unless they saw wood in there too, or the man was made of wood, this seems a little funny. Tongue

  5. Fungi! Fungi is plural, and fungus (singular) should have been used instead in most of the places where fungi is mentioned.
    Note_CH02L19_Antidote_Text "the fungi-ridden sewer"
    Note_CH02L19_Plague_Text "a peculiar poisonous fungi" either should be "a peculiar poisonous fungus" or "peculiar poisonous fungi"
    Note_CH02L21_ChannelWeyer_Text "The poisonous fungi should"
    CH02L16_JourneyToSanctum05_05 "a rather poisonous type of fungi"
10-09-2010, 05:52 PM
Kim Offline
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Solved: 9 Years ago RE: Compiling a List of Problems

Sorry about the late reply, been distracted by Minecraft among other things.
I don't know which version the problems were on. Helloween is apparently on the forums, so sending a PM might be worth a shot if he's got notifications enabled.

On my second playthrough I never activated Agrippa's talkbox and when I came back after the capture his head were gone. Nothing all that strange if it weren't for the developers comment that talks about how whether you are helpful or not in-game affects whether your sister survives in the between level flashbacks. Well, she survived even though I didn't help anyone. Not sure if that's a bug or if it's simply something they never implemented.
I still collected the fungus and the bone, if that has any bearing on the events.

The above is on vanilla, the Linux patch was released last week so I'll try to find some time to go through it again.

Spiegelman Wrote:REMAINS (1.0.1) Vanilla * Confirmed: Machine Room - One of the possible combinations of "8 up, 8 down" on the levers may be faulty. I don't believe it is the combinations themselves. If you do the following combination from left to right - down, up, down, up, down, up - and then move the left most lever to the neutral position, it will not count the puzzle as solved. I had to leave and re-enter the Machine Room for it to work.

Like I said earlier, from what I can tell it doesn't recheck the value when a lever is set in the neutral position. Whether this is intentional, as in that having a lever in the neutral position is not meant to be a valid solution, or if it's simply overlooked I do not know.
The code in question:

13_machine_room.hps Wrote:/*Set values depending on up/down postion or 0 for middle*/
if(alState == -1){
if(asEntity == "machine_lever_1") SetLocalVarInt("up_"+asEntity, 3);
else if(asEntity == "machine_lever_2") SetLocalVarInt("up_"+asEntity, 3);
else if(asEntity == "machine_lever_3") SetLocalVarInt("up_"+asEntity, 5);
else if(asEntity == "machine_lever_4") SetLocalVarInt("up_"+asEntity, 1);
else if(asEntity == "machine_lever_5") SetLocalVarInt("up_"+asEntity, 2);
else if(asEntity == "machine_lever_6") SetLocalVarInt("up_"+asEntity, 4);


AddDebugMessage("Lever Min & up value: " + GetLocalVarInt("up_value"), false);

else if(alState == 1){
if(asEntity == "machine_lever_1") SetLocalVarInt("down_"+asEntity, 1);
else if(asEntity == "machine_lever_2") SetLocalVarInt("down_"+asEntity, 5);
else if(asEntity == "machine_lever_3") SetLocalVarInt("down_"+asEntity, 6);
else if(asEntity == "machine_lever_4") SetLocalVarInt("down_"+asEntity, 5);
else if(asEntity == "machine_lever_5") SetLocalVarInt("down_"+asEntity, 2);
else if(asEntity == "machine_lever_6") SetLocalVarInt("down_"+asEntity, 2);


AddDebugMessage("Lever Max & down value: " + GetLocalVarInt("down_value"), false);

else if(alState == 0){
SetLocalVarInt("up_"+asEntity, 0);
SetLocalVarInt("down_"+asEntity, 0);

// No CheckValue(asEntity); to be found here!

AddDebugMessage("Lever Mid", false);

Quote:STILL NEEDS TESTING (1.0.1) Vanilla * On occasion, if the player dies in the Cellar Archives where the water monster is first encountered, upon respawning the water monster will not be present. This can also happen with the second water monster encounter.

I think I remember one of the developers comments mentioning that the level can change when you die a certain amount of times. For example, I saw in Helloween's play that the guarding monster in the sewers disappeared when he died a couple of times. Another example, dunno' if this is still in the full game, in the demo I died in the Cellar Archives to the second lurker and upon respawning it was gone only to break down the wooden door when I touched it.
So this might be intentional.

Quote:REMAINS (1.0.1) Vanilla * Confirmed: Occasional slight drop in frames-per-second when activating the lantern. Tested this myself. Hard to tell if it's an actual FPS drop or rough animation.

You might already know this, but you can activate FPS and other debug settings in user_settings.cfg found in your game profile. Refer to Kein's savegames post for details.

Quote:<Debug ShowFPS="true" ShowSoundPlaying="false" ShowPlayerInfo="false" ShowEntityInfo="false" SaveCheckPointOnMapLoad="false" ShowDebugMessages="false" UseProgLog="false" ScriptDebugOn="false" InspectionMode="false" DisableFlashBacks="false" DrawPhysics="false" />

Most FPS drops appear to be related to bad implementation of OpenGL on the driver side of things?

Quote:STILL NEEDS TESTING (1.0.1) Vanilla * Game crashing may occur when having an inventory item ready to use (double clicking), then re-entering the inventory and combining the object with another one, e.g. combining the hammer with the pick.

Helloween did this with the syringe, but instead of crashing the object simply became invisible. The combination is at 12:00 and then 12:40 he uses the invisible object on the door.

Quote:Also seen a youtube video somewhere showing a monster falling through the bridge on the right (the one that collapses later).

This one?

By the by, could you please switch to imgur for image hosting? Imageshack is so annoying when it comes to zooming the image and being generally messy.

(10-09-2010, 05:52 PM)bugmenot Wrote: Agrippa talks about a lever, CH02L21_Agrippa_Nrm_PulledLever_01 and CH02L21_Agrippa_Nrm_PulledLever_02, "What lever? Oh, that one. So many of Alexander's things are breaking down. Look around, maybe the other room." and "There are machine parts hidden all over this place. You'll find a way to fix it.". I have no idea what lever he was talking about. The IDs suggest I had pulled a lever, but the only levers I remember around there were the one on his talking machine, and the two up the stairs, which I don't think I had pulled when I heard him say it.

The only time I've heard this is when I pulled the levers before setting the gear in place. So it's a hint, from a crazy bastard but still a hint. The "PulledLever" in the file name might be in reference to the actual lever you pull to make him start his crazed ramblings or they might've simply forgotten about that last 's'.

Quote:Maybe a bit nitpicky, and unlikely to be changed, but worth mentioning anyway... When you are approaching the torture room where the man was sawn in half, you hear noises of sawing wood.. Unless they saw wood in there too, or the man was made of wood, this seems a little funny.

I guess sound samples of men being sawn in half aren't as readily available as one might expect. =P Sawing flesh and bones doesn't generally give off much sound from what I've experience, but that wasn't with such a broad and large saw either.
10-09-2010, 10:37 PM
Batman55 Offline
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Solved: 9 Years ago RE: Compiling a List of Problems

I asked about this question in my own thread but have received zero responses thus far. I may be impatient but perhaps someone reading this read may have some ideas:

The problem is after I go down the staircase in the Laboratory (I'm early in the game, in the Entrance Hall), the graphics kind of "double." It makes the game nearly unplayable and does not go away once it starts, not even after leaving the area. It's not present when loading from the Laboratory, but it comes right back as soon as I start moving around in there.

I searched around a little bit on this forum and have not seen this specific glitch mentioned anywhere. I have the retail version and have patched it to v. 1.01, before playing it in fact. So there is no issue of using a savegame from 1.0.

My desktop computer meets all the recommended system specs. I'm using Windows 7, 32 bit, and I have an ATI X800 card. My drivers are up-to-date. There are no longer any driver updates for the X800 as it's an older video card--it's moved to a "legacy support structure." Here is what ATI says on the Driver Update page for the Radeon X800:

"Note: AMD’s DirectX 9 ATI Radeon graphics accelerators are not officially supported under Windows 7. If the user chooses to, they can install the ATI Catalyst Windows Vista graphics driver under Windows 7. Please be aware that none of the new Windows 7 graphics driver (WDDM 1.1) features are supported (as the Windows Vista level graphics driver is limited to WDDM 1.0 level support). Using the ATI Catalyst Windows Vista driver under Windows 7 is not officially supported by AMD, and as such AMD will not provide any form of customer support for users running in this configuration."

The resolution I'm using is 1024x768, medium textures/shadows, anistropic filtering and all SSAO effects are off. I tried with all effects off including shadows but the problem persists.

My hpl.log is attached.

Does anyone have any ideas here?
10-10-2010, 04:48 AM
Mike74Negs Offline
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Solved: 9 Years ago RE: Compiling a List of Problems

Hello there. I am reviewing Amnesia for a Dutch gaming website, http://www.negs.nl.. I have almost finished the game and I like it so far.. However, I am sorry to say I ran into a (for me) gamekilling bug: After cutting off Agrippas head I ran to the big room with the bridges where I had earlier on assembled the orb.. However, the door to the room with the Orb was now closed and BLOCKED by something inside, making it impossible for me to enter the room and thus the Inner Sanctum.. Sad

The red stuff had already spawned in this section, would it be possible it's blocking the door from the inside? The first time (when the stuff had not spawned yet) I had no problems opening the door.. Theres tons of red stuff on the outside of the door.. I tried exiting and entering the map (three times) but that didnt help.. Sad
Checked again: I can see the red lining of a pile of red goo on the underside of the door.. Looks the same like on of the piles near the door.. The door only opens a couple of inches.. So, it looks like I won't be able to finish this.. Too bad! Sad

I have patched btw..
(This post was last modified: 10-10-2010, 05:21 PM by Mike74Negs.)
10-10-2010, 05:08 PM
Spiegelman Offline
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Solved: 9 Years ago RE: Compiling a List of Problems

Okay phew... lot of reports in a short amount of time. I'm not currently at my normal computer right now and a bit busy in the past two days so I'll have to update the list later tonight, after I get back to campus.

Batman55 - you can try waiting to see if Kim will reply in this thread again, he seems pretty knowledgeable about computers and programming. Tongue It sounds as though maybe something's corrupt within the level itself? If it only does that in the Laboratory, maybe you should try re-installing the game and playing without the patch first, then try playing with the patch. (Patching it before launching the game may have done something to the files, but don't take my word on it).

Anyways, again sorry for the slow updates. I'll get on it tonight. Smile
10-10-2010, 07:27 PM
Batman55 Offline
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Solved: 9 Years ago RE: Compiling a List of Problems

(10-10-2010, 07:27 PM)Spiegelman Wrote: Okay phew... lot of reports in a short amount of time. I'm not currently at my normal computer right now and a bit busy in the past two days so I'll have to update the list later tonight, after I get back to campus.

Batman55 - you can try waiting to see if Kim will reply in this thread again, he seems pretty knowledgeable about computers and programming. Tongue It sounds as though maybe something's corrupt within the level itself? If it only does that in the Laboratory, maybe you should try re-installing the game and playing without the patch first, then try playing with the patch. (Patching it before launching the game may have done something to the files, but don't take my word on it).

Anyways, again sorry for the slow updates. I'll get on it tonight. Smile

Thanks for the comment, Spiegelmon. But are you sure that patching the game before launching it would do something "unnatural" to the files? Anyone else on this point?
10-11-2010, 06:57 AM
Spiegelman Offline
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Solved: 9 Years ago RE: Compiling a List of Problems

(10-09-2010, 05:52 PM)bugmenot Wrote: Agrippa talks about a lever, CH02L21_Agrippa_Nrm_PulledLever_01 and CH02L21_Agrippa_Nrm_PulledLever_02, "What lever? Oh, that one. So many of Alexander's things are breaking down. Look around, maybe the other room." and "There are machine parts hidden all over this place. You'll find a way to fix it.". I have no idea what lever he was talking about. The IDs suggest I had pulled a lever, but the only levers I remember around there were the one on his talking machine, and the two up the stairs, which I don't think I had pulled when I heard him say it.

As Kim said, he only says that if you've pulled the lever up top before fixing the gears in that crawl space; however you said you don't believe you touched them before talking to him. Maybe it's not triggered by touch, but just by entering the room ("seeing" them).

(10-09-2010, 05:52 PM)bugmenot Wrote: Another thing Agrippa says, CH03L26_Agrippa_Nrm_PotionDone_02, "Now, pay attention. First feed me the tonic and then use the saw to remove my head.". I hadn't seen the saw at that point. It's probably too late to change stuff like that, but it would be more sensible if he said "find a saw to cut off my head" or something, instead of talking about "the saw".

Maybe a bit nitpicky, and unlikely to be changed, but worth mentioning anyway... When you are approaching the torture room where the man was sawn in half, you hear noises of sawing wood.. Unless they saw wood in there too, or the man was made of wood, this seems a little funny. Tongue

Fungi! Fungi is plural, and fungus (singular) should have been used instead in most of the places where fungi is mentioned.
Note_CH02L19_Antidote_Text "the fungi-ridden sewer"
Note_CH02L19_Plague_Text "a peculiar poisonous fungi" either should be "a peculiar poisonous fungus" or "peculiar poisonous fungi"
Note_CH02L21_ChannelWeyer_Text "The poisonous fungi should"
CH02L16_JourneyToSanctum05_05 "a rather poisonous type of fungi"

Unfortunately, I don't think any of these can be changed. Since they're all more than just text, it would be a bit difficulty to re-record and insert them into another patch. I don't know of any other way for Frictional to correct these.

(10-09-2010, 10:37 PM)Kim Wrote: I think I remember one of the developers comments mentioning that the level can change when you die a certain amount of times. For example, I saw in Helloween's play that the guarding monster in the sewers disappeared when he died a couple of times. Another example, dunno' if this is still in the full game, in the demo I died in the Cellar Archives to the second lurker and upon respawning it was gone only to break down the wooden door when I touched it.
So this might be intentional.

Yeah. I changed this to "May be intended." If we could get one of the devs to confirm some of these "may be intended" problems, I'd love to remove them from the list.

(10-09-2010, 10:37 PM)Kim Wrote: You might already know this, but you can activate FPS and other debug settings in user_settings.cfg found in your game profile. Refer to Kein's savegames post for details.

Most FPS drops appear to be related to bad implementation of OpenGL on the driver side of things?

Well, the only thing is that I have no FPS problems at any other point in the entire game. I've taken it out while turning left and right and it looks as though the animation itself is rough. I'll follow the guide and do a little more testing just in case.

(10-09-2010, 10:37 PM)Kim Wrote: Helloween did this with the syringe, but instead of crashing the object simply became invisible. The combination is at 12:00 and then 12:40 he uses the invisible object on the door.

I actually experienced this same problem in the Laboratory where you make the tonic. Now I know what caused it and I've added this video to the end of the issue.

(10-09-2010, 10:37 PM)Kim Wrote: This one?

Yes, thanks.

(10-09-2010, 10:37 PM)Kim Wrote: By the by, could you please switch to imgur for image hosting? Imageshack is so annoying when it comes to zooming the image and being generally messy.

I'll work on it. I can't guarantee I'll have it done anytime soon, but I'll try to manage it this week.

(10-10-2010, 05:08 PM)Mike74Negs Wrote: Hello there. I am reviewing Amnesia for a Dutch gaming website, http://www.negs.nl.. I have almost finished the game and I like it so far.. However, I am sorry to say I ran into a (for me) gamekilling bug: After cutting off Agrippas head I ran to the big room with the bridges where I had earlier on assembled the orb.. However, the door to the room with the Orb was now closed and BLOCKED by something inside, making it impossible for me to enter the room and thus the Inner Sanctum.. Sad

The red stuff had already spawned in this section, would it be possible it's blocking the door from the inside? The first time (when the stuff had not spawned yet) I had no problems opening the door.. Theres tons of red stuff on the outside of the door.. I tried exiting and entering the map (three times) but that didnt help.. Sad
Checked again: I can see the red lining of a pile of red goo on the underside of the door.. Looks the same like on of the piles near the door.. The door only opens a couple of inches.. So, it looks like I won't be able to finish this.. Too bad! Sad

I have patched btw..

I added this to Map Issues. I haven't experienced this problem myself, but I'll try to replicate it next play-through.

(10-11-2010, 06:57 AM)Batman55 Wrote: Thanks for the comment, Spiegelmon. But are you sure that patching the game before launching it would do something "unnatural" to the files? Anyone else on this point?

Well, no... I'm not entirely sure. It may or may not have been the patch, but it does sound like you may have some kind of corrupted file in that level. I can only recommend re-installing the game, testing it in vanilla version, and then installing the patch if it works and seeing if the patch may have caused the problem.

Or if you want to wait for someone to reply in here, you can. You also may try messaging one of the developers... but I'm not sure how often they reply (or if at all).

All other problems have been added to the list. Thanks to everyone for the contributions - the list is looking pretty good!
10-11-2010, 07:22 AM
bugmenot Offline

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Solved: 9 Years ago RE: Compiling a List of Problems

(10-11-2010, 07:22 AM)Spiegelman Wrote: As Kim said, he only says that if you've pulled the lever up top before fixing the gears in that crawl space; however you said you don't believe you touched them before talking to him. Maybe it's not triggered by touch, but just by entering the room ("seeing" them).

Ahh it is those levers then.. He really should say "levers" instead of "lever" then, as there are two of them.
But, as recording new lines isn't so simple, maybe it would be easier to change the two levers to just one that opens both doors? I don't see any reason why you'd only want to open one of the doors, so that would solve the problem with his line.
10-11-2010, 11:26 AM
Kim Offline
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Solved: 9 Years ago RE: Compiling a List of Problems

Perhaps they originally had one lever but after doing the recording they changed it to two and forgot about the recordings. Might also be that Agrippa just doesn't know the details and just knew that there's a lever on the floor above that opens the door(s). I think Agrippa is more of a "quizmaster" than a guide so the discrepancy might be intended.

As for why they would want two levers, probably to lessen the risk of escapees.

(10-11-2010, 07:22 AM)Spiegelman Wrote: I'll work on it. I can't guarantee I'll have it done anytime soon, but I'll try to manage it this week.

Oh, didn't mean you'd have to convert everything. It was meant as a suggestion to put up future images on a more... user-friendly host, if that makes sense. All for the better though if there's less Imageshack around. Tongue

Many thanks for putting all of this together! Big Grin
10-15-2010, 12:10 AM

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