did you copy the game over from another system? or did you reinstall from scratch?
You can try running the "checklibs64.sh" that is in the game install directory so it will "relink" the included libs. (as libalut.so.0 is included)
It seems the issue you have is the libalut is a 32bit libalut instead of a 64bit libalut. libalut is usually part of the "freealut" package.
If the checklibs script doesn't work then it's probably confused by the fact that you have libalut somewhere in the library path and the linker is incorrectly pulling the 32bit lib for the 64bit application. You'll need to hunt that down and remove it. Or manually link the library.
cd /path/to/Amnesia/libs64/
ln -s all/libalut.so.0 libalut.so.0