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Episode length
piibii Offline

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Question  Episode length

Since Penumbra has gone for episodic content, I'd like to know how long will one episode approximately be in terms of gameplay hours? Or is it still too early to say anything about it?
10-17-2006, 12:00 AM
Thomas Offline
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RE: Episode length

We are aiming at 8 hours per episode. This will vary depending on the player though. The tech demo has been reported taking everything from 15 min to over three hours Smile
10-17-2006, 07:03 AM

RE: Episode length

Which can increase or decrase depending on interactivable detail, the complexity of a puzzles, and the amount of tries they require. A simple puzzle can take a long time to do, and some people like to play around with a puzzle. What can also add possible time is level detail: things like reading the notes and such of other people.
10-17-2006, 02:20 PM

RE: Episode length

I love reading Note books like those ones of Resident Evil. the Reports, Diary's or memorandums of other people than can make the game more inmersive and Scariest.
10-17-2006, 08:17 PM

RE: Episode length

Will there be commentary? I love commentery in video games. It woulkd also give replay value.
10-18-2006, 12:13 PM
Thomas Offline
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RE: Episode length

It would be cool to have perhaps we will have it as an extra download later on. Nothing on this is decided atm.
10-18-2006, 01:40 PM
CrazyCanuck Offline
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RE: Episode length

Thomas Wrote:We are aiming at 8 hours per episode. This will vary depending on the player though. The tech demo has been reported taking everything from 15 min to over three hours Smile

If you played it and beat it I imagine it would be easy to run through in 15 minutes. I think for me it took like 2 hoursTongue. Playing at 3am and was too freaked out to go into certain placesBig Grin
12-03-2006, 05:55 PM

RE: Episode length

Same. I never did make it into the toilet.

I never got behind the toilet door in Penumbra either.
12-12-2006, 06:29 AM

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