TTLG = trough the looking glass?
if yes, that is a fansite :p Thief was made by looking glass studios
Dynamic loading engines is only possible with engine recoding.
i only know one game wich had it and that is morrowing(not sure about oblivion tough)
The metroid prime games had a kinda nice loading area, when you opened the door, it wouldn't open for alittle bit, when it was doing it, the area behindthe door was loading, but you didn't notice it..
Since this place might be alittle old, maybe the doors take alittle bit to open up, or the code thing takes alittle bit to register..
Sometimes, if you look carefully at a wall for a few minutes, you'll realize you wasted some time.  It's true.
Then you would notice the immense lag, that comes when the CPU is decoding resource files and loading them up to the RAM.
EDIT: Also, it would be inconvient when you are running away from monsters. For some people the doors would load instantly, for others it would take 10 minutes.
(This post was last modified: 10-29-2006, 06:42 PM by Jojje.)