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[Suggestion] Commentary mode
Rosto Offline
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Solved: 9 Years, 2 Weeks ago [Suggestion] Commentary mode

I love commentary mode since I saw (heard) it for the first time in "Half Life 2: Episode 1". It's a great way to learn more about the creative process behind the game and a good reason to finish it once more. Although I have a few suggestions:

1. The overall volume of the commentaries is little too low in my opinion. I think You should add separate volume slider in the menu. You could also change commentary icon model and let player control the volume level using built-in physics system. I suggest some kind of handle or valve attached to it.

2. Transcription text for the commentaries would be a nice addition.

3. I have an impression that not all the comments audio files are normalized correctly. Some of them seems to be louder than the others. Could You provide some tips how to normalize .ogg files without patching the whole game?
09-13-2010, 12:11 AM

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