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Just wanted to share my most terrifying experience (SPOILERS)
Just felt like getting it out of my system, you know...
The Prison. Oh lordy, what a scary place. Being in there reminded me a lot of some of the darker moments in the Penumbra games (dark, claustrophobic tunnels, etc.), which really didn't help soothe my fear. Anyway, I was creeping around just trying to get a feel for the place when I saw the first grunt come out of a cell atop a set of stairs ahead of me. My heart immediately took a dive into my stomach, and I thought "oh... great. This place isn't bad enough already". Luckily however, he didn't spot me and seemed more interested in heading off down a corridor in the other direction. I carefully tiptoed through the area he was in and tried to make my way toward the kitchen. I even managed to briefly fall into the blissfully safe routine of lighting torches, scavenging rooms for spare oil and tinderboxes, and generally trying to forget about my horrifying surroundings. Then I heard the scream.
It sounded like a whale being savaged by a pack of sharks, and it made the muscles in my body tense up instantly. I whipped around and saw him standing under a torch a good 50 yards down the hallway. Staring directly at me. There was a brief moment of tense fear as we both took each other in; and I spent it trying to shift my gaze away from his horribly disfigured hand, which would probably be more accurately described as a claw. Then he started lumbering towards me. I catapulted into action; whipping out my lantern, pulling a U-turn and sprinting down the hall in the other direction. I still didn't know where I was going, but anywhere that he wasn't was preferable at this point. Luckily, my shambling adversary didn't semm to be very fast; I figured I would just take a few turns and duck into a side room while he was still catching up.
Then my lantern went out. My optimism vanished almost immediately as my surroundings faded into blackness. The solid wall of darkness in front of me might even have been reassuring if not for the screaming in my ears and my rapidly deteriorating sanity. I broke into full panic mode, sprinting blindly through the dark corridors without a clue of where I was, where I was headed, or how far behind me my pursuer was. This blind chase continued for about another 15 seconds of full-speed sprinting before I started to wonder, "how big is this damn prison? Am I going in circles?" I decided to make a quick stop under a torch to assess the situation and determine a course of action. At least I was safe from my sluggishly gruesome friend back there for a few moments. I stopped to catch my breath, and turned around... and what I saw literally made my heart stop. He wasn't far off down the hall; HE WAS RIGHT BEHIND ME! I only caught a brief glimpse of his horrible form appearing out of the blackness before he brought his huge claw arm up, and landed it squarely on my face.
As Daniel collapsed to the ground and the screen faded to white, all I could do was lean back in my chair and stammer out the sentence "Jesus Christ, the f*ckers can run."
Thanks for the terrific game FG  Nothing's got my heart to race that fast in quite a while.
09-14-2010, 08:21 AM |
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RE: Just wanted to share my most terrifying experience (SPOILERS)
very nicely written 
indeed the prison was scarcy!
argh im soon there again now with the commentary!
09-14-2010, 09:09 AM |
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RE: Just wanted to share my most terrifying experience (SPOILERS)
Yeah, I didn't expect them to run, they looked so slow when walking around.
09-14-2010, 09:27 AM |
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RE: Just wanted to share my most terrifying experience (SPOILERS)
The whole game was terrifying for me!
I was waiting an enemy from the start, and the teases would't help my nerves either.
I belive my first true fear was when I reached the library, when I picked up a journal in the secret room. At exiting, if you turn left to the big room with the piano, the loud growl made my drop my heart to the ground, I dind't even knew what was behind me or what was that, I just instatly runned towards the exit. And the worse part was, that I was almost sure I saw something peeking from the end door of the room and then disapearing.
I learned the hard way that they CAN run. When we meet our first enemy in the cellar, the area next to the wierd fountain, I literally runned from the very end of the place to the exit where I came from and it was RIGHT BEHIND ME, I could hear its growls and I knew he was inches from getting me and he did, even with my finger on sprint!
The prison was the worst, there was barely any light and the latern didn't illuminated more than a few meters from me. I was expecting the first sound of alarm to turn my lantern off and run in the opposite direction or to hide in a cell in the darkness.
Anything could put me off, even if it was a false alarm.
The biggest scare I had in the whole game, that "SUPRISE" moment, was in the Choir. That damn freaking torture machine that looked like a stand coffin with spikes inside of it, when it oppened I felt like I had a flat-line moment there.
I even reflexed-slap the mouse that it flew out of the secretary, if it wans't for the wire I would've probably spent 10 minutes looking for it.
09-14-2010, 10:30 AM |
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RE: Just wanted to share my most terrifying experience (SPOILERS)
I remember the part in the storage area where you pick up the remaining two machine parts. You come out of the small room and the monster is right in front of you. Behind you is a dead end, so you need to act quickly. My first idea was to simply run past the monster and try to outrun him. He looked like a zombie, so I thought it'd be possible. Oh, how wrong I was.
09-14-2010, 12:33 PM |
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RE: Just wanted to share my most terrifying experience (SPOILERS)
(09-14-2010, 10:30 AM)Datenshi92 Wrote: I even reflexed-slap the mouse that it flew out of the secretary, if it wans't for the wire I would've probably spent 10 minutes looking for it.
Ok, I just did a little research and can't find another commonly-used meaning for the word "secretary" other than what I immediately think of, which is an administrative assistant (a person). When I first read your statement, I was perplexed, but willing to accept that there may be some other meaning. But I can't find one, and all I can think of is naughty things now. Thanks.
tl;dr - Wat.
09-14-2010, 01:25 PM |
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RE: Just wanted to share my most terrifying experience (SPOILERS)
(09-14-2010, 01:25 PM)Eigenmusic Wrote: (09-14-2010, 10:30 AM)Datenshi92 Wrote: I even reflexed-slap the mouse that it flew out of the secretary, if it wans't for the wire I would've probably spent 10 minutes looking for it.
Ok, I just did a little research and can't find another commonly-used meaning for the word "secretary" other than what I immediately think of, which is an administrative assistant (a person). When I first read your statement, I was perplexed, but willing to accept that there may be some other meaning. But I can't find one, and all I can think of is naughty things now. Thanks.
tl;dr - Wat.
my imagination is not "vivid" enough to imagine what you're imagining =)
i think he means some kind of furniture:
09-14-2010, 02:29 PM |
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RE: Just wanted to share my most terrifying experience (SPOILERS)
I too had an experience in the prison which took me completely off guard. At this point my lantern has already exhausted its very last drops of oil, and I have very few tinderboxes so lighting torches to make my way through the prison area is a rare comfort. The walls seem like they are moaning from the agony they may have witnessed in this cursed place. In the distance I hear a man vocalizing sounds which could only describe true terror. They are getting louder with each step. I pass a cave-in to my right and notice a hall to my left. At the end of this hundred-pace blackened hall is a door with a barred window, and I realize that the source of those screams is inside. There is a light in this room, and I can vaguely see something shambling toward the window...
I panic, jerk to the right and run up a flight of stairs. Almost immediately I am face to macabre face with some disfigured and mutilated creature infused with horrific devices of bladed torture.
Before I even realize what I'm doing, I've already spun around and find myself running in the opposite direction, attempting to traverse darkened catacombs at breakneck speeds. I instinctively head toward the entrance of the prison, I've got to get back to the elevator room, I've got to escape. I can hear the monster growling just a step behind me, I can practically feel its rusty blade attempting to flay my flesh with each swipe. I'm heading down the stairs now, I know that it is just one more hallway and a right turn until I have a hiding spot. But halfway down the steps, something flickers in the pitch black darkness ahead...
Another flicker and I realize its the monster I thought was behind me! The unnatural darkness of this prison is being permeated with quarter second illuminations which illustrate some nightmarish horror, rapidly approaching toward me at a completely unnatural and impossible pace. By the time I realize what's happening, it's directly in front of me, staring at me blindly through its mangled and empty maw. I quickly dart to the left and down the dead end hall with a caved-in ceiling. Inside an old cell with no door I crouch, hiding behind a chair, grasping at my sanity to little avail.
A minute passes and nothing has found me. I gain my bearings and venture out of my false sense of security. The creatures are gone, but the darkness remains.
The eeriest part was that when the monster was flashing toward me - it wasn't moving. Some supernatural force was propelling it forward, and it was just staring at me... Blindly, through its mangled and empty maw.
09-14-2010, 07:01 PM |
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RE: Just wanted to share my most terrifying experience (SPOILERS)
The prison was a very scary place I agree. I did okay though until
I'm not sure if this was scripted or not but I think I lost a good 5 years of my life in the process.
09-15-2010, 12:24 AM |