(09-15-2010, 08:50 PM)membrain Wrote: By the way ... Long arms, climbing or something like that doesn't have to do anything with AI. AI means what the monster does when it hears a sound, when it sees you or when it looses track of you. It might be searching for you, sneaking around the place (sniffing for you). I bet THAT would be scary. 
You right about the first thing cause the makers need to make this in the monster design what they didn't do, so they are to stupid to reach you when your on a table, and when on ground just run into a wall where is a little dark or very dark and duck and look to the wall till you don't hear monster anymore...the Boom Boom sound in music just keeps going till you look back and see he's gone....sometimes they are 2 feet away and i look a little to them while standing in the light but they won't attack....you still think these monsters are challenge???
Sorry but Dead Space was more scarrier for me cause monsters come from every direction scaring shit outa you and you can't escape them by simply jumping on something higher or watching to pretty walls...
I think this technic they made to just not look at them they won't attack you, made this game just 2 easy and made me think these monsters are dumber then a zombie in Left4Death...
AI sure has something to do with a monster that sees you but when you turn around and duck against a wall he is mysteriously lost sight at you....HE SAW ME DUCK AND HIDE IN THE LIGHT!!!! so that really is above stupid AI just try and see!! this game is easy and only scares a bit with sound the gameplay isn't scary at all, i'm glad i could not attack them cause they are stupid enough