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Blog: "One week after the release of Amnesia"
ajvitaly Offline

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RE: Blog: "One week after the release of Amnesia"

It looks like the blog attracted some attention - Amnesia has reentered the current top ten best selling list on steam.
09-20-2010, 05:55 PM
ajvitaly Offline

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RE: Blog: "One week after the release of Amnesia"

Trying to do my part to keep the "paying it forward" attitude going:

09-20-2010, 07:06 PM
shaola Offline
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RE: Blog: "One week after the release of Amnesia"

(09-16-2010, 11:22 AM)Licaon_Kter Wrote: I'll paste my blog answer here too:

Dropping the Linux/Mac version will get you something for sure: -10% sales. Not to mention the bad word, 'cause you should not forget that Linux users have plenty of Windows only friends that might not hear about an indie game (niche games specially) if not told.
I've been promoting your game in GNU/linux forums i used to visit. I really think that GNU users are much more concienciated against the piracy, and a lot of people of thoose forums bougth your game because i told them "you are always complaining because there are not good comercial games for linux, so stop complaining and support this small company and buy te ***** game"

(09-16-2010, 11:22 AM)Licaon_Kter Wrote: I bought Amnesia and both the Penumbra Collection and Penumbra:Overture ( via Humble Indie pack ) just because of the Linux support, and FG will not get my support/money in the future if no Linux version is available ( 64-bit too Tongue ).

I bought amnesia and i loved it so much. I have played penumbra before and after finishing amnesia y bought also penumbra collection from your website just to thank you and to support the developing of good comercial games for linux.

Remember also that one of the best publicity is hand-to-hand (or mouth-to-mouth, i don't know the english expresión for that) from the final user.

So please don't stop developing forks for linux (mac users fight for themshelves), i will keep buying your games and promoting your small company. (we have to help them friend, they are five guys trying to survive developing grate games...)
09-20-2010, 11:14 PM
No Sadists Offline
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RE: Blog: "One week after the release of Amnesia"

All this big budget stuff is forgettable garbage. If Frictional ceases to be, it will be a sad thing indeed. I pirated a title, but found it so compelling I purchased all the games.
09-21-2010, 01:37 AM
Shadow4K Offline
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RE: Blog: "One week after the release of Amnesia"

Well I've been reading the blog and some comments... I'm spanish and FG have a spanish team member, so let me write what I need to say on spanish.

Mirad, FG, si quereis pasaros a consolas y a hacer juegos para tontitos machacabotones/automátas/zombies/quinceañeros me parece cojonudo!!

Pero vuestro juego no ha vendido poco por ser un juego de PC, vuestro juego ha vendido poco por un marketing pobre (en cantidad y calidad) y porque Amnesia es un juego muuuy corto (de mucha, muchísima calidad, pero MUY corto). ESE ES EL PROBLEMA

Si os pasais al bando de crear "ultra-comercial-stuff" me parece muy bien, pero así os cargais vuestra base de usuarios y el ser una desarrolladora de calidad en PC, si cruzais ese camino... pensad en no retornar (preguntadselo a REMEDY por ejemplo).
Si os pasais a consolas, bien, hay que respetarlo, pero como he dicho, olvidaos luego de volver a vuestras raices.

Si quereis seguir siendo lo que sois, creo que deberiais planteros hacer juegos más largos y que faciliten contenido adicional (los juegos de mundo abierto son perfectos) Un survival sandbox mezcla de STALKER y PENUMBRA estaría cojonudo, eso os permitiria ademas sacar contenido despues de lanzado el juego.
Ademas deberiais plantearos sacar alphas y betas públicas de libre acceso, la comunidad haría parte del testeo e incluso crearía mapas que vosotros podríais añadir al juego.
Podeis incluso hacer como muchos juegos/mods que hacen una version libre y gratuita y tiempo despues una version final con todo el contenido de pago. Eso ayudaria a promocionar el juego de la mejor forma (jugándolo) el juego se haría más popular, los usuarios se sentirían parte de el (si incluis mapas hechos por usuarios) y al final cuando saliera la version de pago CON TODO EL CONTENIDO tendríamos un juego de unas 30-40 horas pulido y con una base de fans dispuesto a comprarlo porq han estado colabornado en el desarrollo (en cierta medida) y porque lo han jugado durante sus fases alpha y beta. ModDB os facilitaría esto. OS pongo como ejemplos Fistful OF Frags o OpenOutcast que son mods gratuitos y libres, que la gente lleva siguiendo y jugando desde hace tiempo. Si estos juegos llegasen a tener una version Indie de pago, sin duda muchos pagaríamos gustasemente.

Para termonar, Amnesia ha salido hace una semana, no es demasiado pronto para hacer cábalas?

Un saludo, y espero escucheis el feedback, necesitais juegos más largos y con la comunidad más metida en ellos desde fases tempranas del desarrollo.

Esto no es una crítica. Me encantan vuestros juegos y no ve gustaria veros haciendo basura comercial para la masa de quinceañeros button-smasher consoleros. De ahí este rollazo.

Buena suerte.
09-21-2010, 11:33 AM
Hannibal Offline
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RE: Blog: "One week after the release of Amnesia"

(09-15-2010, 10:34 AM)Thomas Wrote: "So what should we do?"

I suggest releasing an official custom story for $5-$7 that takes 60-90 minutes to complete, introduces a new monster (for scares) and tells us more about Agrippa (in the endings thread many remarked that they like him but don't know him). Many successful games offer DLC options.

This will extract more money from the efforts you put into Amnesia and its game engine and keep your existing customers 'interested' rather than moving onto the next game. Smile
09-27-2010, 07:49 PM
La Merwaffle Offline
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RE: Blog: "One week after the release of Amnesia"

This is my first post on the forums, so please forgive me if I don't know something or say something stupid. @_@

Piracy: D: It was leaked before you even sent it out. How sad. ;___; I agree with what an earlier user said. Try to create a bug to make it not work! In the mean time, I guess all you can do is to hope that some people will buy it to support you if they really like it. Me and my boyfriend are especially supportive of Indie companies. <3

Mac/Linux users: Nooooo!!! -cries- I just found you and you're already trying to take yourself away?! DON'T FORCE MY LOVE AWAY. D: Your game is scaring even my boyfriend! He didn't even jump (okay, maybe once) at Dead Space! It's REALLY hard to find games that scare us both and you game does it! Please, please, please!!! Don't take away your Mac support. >: My desktop isn't strong enough to play your game and I'd REALLY like to be a new loyal customer. I'm probably going to buy Preumbra (I think that's it?) when I get some extra money instead of a big company game. <3 You have my support, guys!

Sales: I think word of mouth will definitely up sales. I'd tell more people, but I only know console players who don't play computer games at all. I already told one of my co-workers about it. I'll DEFINITELY be promoting this game. I might be able to get a few of my console friends to get interested.

Good luck guys! <3 I'll be scaring my pants off with my AWESOME mac version of the game. >D
09-30-2010, 05:41 AM
harlequ1n Offline
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RE: Blog: "One week after the release of Amnesia"

I'm sorry to hear about the piracy issues, but I'm even more fearful about the possibility of losing Mac support for your next games. As a Mac user I really try all my best to support quality Mac games like this one and promote them as much as I can.

Amnesia is such a compelling game that I do believe it would benefit extensively from a PSN/XBLA port. Quality DLC games are starting to perform greatly in those platforms.

no gods or kings, only man
09-30-2010, 03:54 PM
La Merwaffle Offline
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RE: Blog: "One week after the release of Amnesia"

(09-30-2010, 03:54 PM)harlequ1n Wrote: I'm sorry to hear about the piracy issues, but I'm even more fearful about the possibility of losing Mac support for your next games. As a Mac user I really try all my best to support quality Mac games like this one and promote them as much as I can.

Amnesia is such a compelling game that I do believe it would benefit extensively from a PSN/XBLA port. Quality DLC games are starting to perform greatly in those platforms.

I agree THOROUGHLY with the XBLA benefit. I think it'd do AMAZING with that. I would recommend it HIGHLY and probably buy it again from you guys. Plus, on xbox, it says what your playing so one person could see, ask their friend about it and it'd still be getting around to other people. Me and my boyfriend are primarily Xbox users, so if you do want to take away Mac ports, it'd be a nice alternative for people like me. Smile
09-30-2010, 05:40 PM
Oblidor Offline
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RE: Blog: "One week after the release of Amnesia"

Any update on how the situation is now after the release? Is the first week sales prognosis still valid or has the situation improved?
10-01-2010, 11:53 AM

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