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How to?
Luis Offline
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RE: How to?

Ah, I think I have it. Put your test.map under a subfolder named 'maps'. Thats the map folder by default, I think the wiki should be updated with this info.
(This post was last modified: 09-16-2010, 01:30 PM by Luis.)
09-16-2010, 01:18 PM
Boulipoulpe Offline
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RE: How to?

Thank your for your answer,

So I have now in my subfolder "test" : the map test.map, the file custom_story_settings.cfg and the file test.hps where I added the code... but it still doesn't work ><

I'm going to read the tutorials more attentively, I guess I missed something somewhere...

Thanks anyway, (but if you can help me more it would still be great)

EDIT : I have just seen your answer Luis, I'm trying it right now.

EDIT 2 : It works Big Grin I just put my map in a subfolder named maps. Thanks a lot !
09-16-2010, 01:36 PM
Armored Cow Offline

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RE: How to?

Well I have the .map file and the .hps file, as well as the custom_story_settings.cfg and extra_english.lang files. I still cannot get the story to appear in my Custom Story section of the main menu.

EDIT: The .map and .hps are in a subfolder named 'maps' as well.

I don't understand what I could be doing wrong.
09-16-2010, 03:07 PM
Luis Offline
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RE: How to?

@Armored Cow: could you post the contents of the custom_story_settings.cfg file and folder structure? Also, post a copy of your hpl.log in your "My documents\Amnesia\Main" folder, making sure you opened the custom story list window in your last run.
09-16-2010, 03:17 PM
Armored Cow Offline

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RE: How to?

Well, somehow I simply opened the game again and went to Custom Story and it worked!

Not really sure how that happened, but it's good nonetheless.

Thank you for the help anyway.
09-16-2010, 03:53 PM
Argoon Offline

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RE: How to?

How to:

Make a shortcut for the game to be able to play the main game/custom stories and a shortcut for the game to be able to test my on maps?

Right now i need to rename my edited (for development) main_settings.cfg to something like main_settings_dev.cfg and use a non edited backup to be able to play the main game and the custom stories.
09-16-2010, 09:15 PM
Armored Cow Offline

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RE: How to?

Yeah basically I just go back in and change the .cfg every time I want to switch. A pain, but there's most likely an easier way.
09-16-2010, 09:19 PM
Zombie Shakespeare Offline
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RE: How to?

I am also having this problem.

This is the structure of my folder: Custom Maps > testmap (containing custom_story_settings.cfg) > maps (containing testmap.map and testmap.hps).

The contents of custom_story_settings.cfg are:
Name="The Test Chamber"


From my hpl.log I have found what I believe are the relevant errors:
Game Running
-------- Loading map 'menu_bg.map' ---------
Cache Loading: 2741 ms
Entities: 758 ms
Compilation: 1 ms
Total: 3557 ms
Meshes created: 26
Bodies created: 5
-------- Loading complete ---------
Setting profile: 'dev_user' Path: 'C:\Users\Kyle\Documents/Amnesia/Main/dev_user/'
ERROR: Unable to open config file 'maps/main/ch01/custom_story_settings.cfg'! Invalid filepointer returned!
Error creating custom story from path "maps/main/ch01" : could not find custom_story_settings.cfg file or it was invalid.
ERROR: Unable to open config file 'maps/main/ch02/custom_story_settings.cfg'! Invalid filepointer returned!
Error creating custom story from path "maps/main/ch02" : could not find custom_story_settings.cfg file or it was invalid.
ERROR: Unable to open config file 'maps/main/ch03/custom_story_settings.cfg'! Invalid filepointer returned!
Error creating custom story from path "maps/main/ch03" : could not find custom_story_settings.cfg file or it was invalid.
ERROR: Unable to open config file 'maps/main/MyMaps/custom_story_settings.cfg'! Invalid filepointer returned!
Error creating custom story from path "maps/main/MyMaps" : could not find custom_story_settings.cfg file or it was invalid.

I am fairly certain that whatever the problem is, it is my fault. I screwed around with the usersettings.cfg and mainsettings.cfg files in an attempt to follow the instructions from the wiki here: http://hpl2.frictionalgames.com/amnesia:devenvguide

I gave up on not being able to find some of the options required to be changed. If you think it might help, I can just reinstall the game and work from there.

Thank you for your time, and I apologize for the long post size.

EDIT: Progress! I repaired the settings files that I mangled, and now the string of errors is considerably smaller. I have updated that section of my post to show the new contents of the hpl.log.
09-16-2010, 10:40 PM
Rosto Offline
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RE: How to?

Is there a way to:
1. Use "Focus" without reseting camera distance from the object?
2. Follow the moved object in the real time? It works when I'm holding down the "f" key but it's far from perfect. You could copy solution from UnrealED (all You need there is to hold down the "Left SHIFT").
3. Use radians for rotation (or at least give users a choice)?
4. Change the position of the pivot point in object?
5. Set separate "Snap" values for Translate and Rotate tool?
6. Toggle grid-snapping on the fly by the hot-key (maybe "x", just like in Maya)?
7. Add a "Simple Shading" (without textures) in "Render mode" menu?
09-17-2010, 12:05 AM
NGW Offline

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RE: How to?

I too am having issues getting my map to open in the game.

I've done everything detailed here as well as on the wiki, and nothing seems to be working.


[Image: ngweyesigcopy.jpg]
09-17-2010, 01:04 AM

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