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Opinion on Amnesia.
bogger Offline
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Opinion on Amnesia.

Great story.
Great voice acting.
Great art.

I hate the fact that I cannot use the hundreds of rocks, various hammers, shovels, boards and other objects as weapons though. At least once to crack a zombie over the head and get away. I don't know about you guys but I am not a tough guy so I would hit once, as hard as possible hopefully killing these scary things and run away.

Spoiler below!
What about using the acid as a weapon when the zombie comes into that room. That is a huge oversight and a great place where the tension could have been built.

There are so many implements of destruction in the castle that I cannot use that it seems like an artificial way of lengthening the playtime.

I am glad that it was a gift but I think that it could be drastically improved.

This is only my opinion. Please, do not harangue me with insults because my opinion differs from yours.
09-16-2010, 12:47 AM
Crabski Offline

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RE: Opinion on Amnesia.

Doing so would:

a) Reduce the horror factor of the monsters, and
b) Increase production costs (new animations, particle effects, new code to support it, etc.)

...both of which I'm pretty sure were against their design strategy.
09-16-2010, 12:54 AM
Honethite Offline
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RE: Opinion on Amnesia.

As Frictional Games said, Amnesia is about story and atmosphere first, and that you are intentionally defenseless so that the game could be alot scarier, and ofcourse be something a little different from your standard horror survival game.
09-16-2010, 01:14 AM
Adeno Offline
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RE: Opinion on Amnesia.

I actually tried using the acid in a jar the first time when the monster came crashing in. I was thinking "Now's the time of my revenge, for all the scaring and stalking you've done to me!" As the monster got near me, I opened my inventory, chose my jar of acid, and clicked on the monster. I was met with the message that I can't use it on the monster. I died lol!

09-16-2010, 01:59 AM
Sstrelok Offline
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RE: Opinion on Amnesia.

No way! Weapons would ruin this game. They made Penumbra worse in my opinion.
09-16-2010, 09:39 AM
Mina Darsh Offline

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RE: Opinion on Amnesia.

Well, perhaps it would be a nice game-play element if you could just throw a rock quickly to, well... Not really knock the enemy out, but to daze it enough to make fleeing a bit easier. And perhaps made so that this only works once or twice, as after that the enemy will try to dodge it.
09-16-2010, 12:23 PM
Turikan Offline
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RE: Opinion on Amnesia.

I thought they did stumble if you hit them with physics objects.
09-16-2010, 11:01 PM
Riku98523 Offline
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RE: Opinion on Amnesia.

I think they do also that's why they say "don't try and fight them" because technically you can but it won't do any good.
09-16-2010, 11:15 PM
Mina Darsh Offline

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RE: Opinion on Amnesia.

Perhaps someone should just make a level with a monster in it, and a rock, and toss it at it to confirm if the monster does react to the hurled rock. Tongue
09-16-2010, 11:51 PM
Jinix Offline

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RE: Opinion on Amnesia.

Of course you want to fight back but if you really were confronted with a powerful and fast zombie, you would not try to fight it you would run and hide, which is what this games all about. Running, creeping, hiding and freaking out with fear.

If anyone remembers Thief 1 and 2 mods there was an option to play the game without fighting and it was possible to creep through the games stealing whatever without being seen by any NPC.
That made for really immersive play.

I'm sure modders will soon have us fighting umpteen different monsters with a variety of weapons . But the game, as is, is perfect.

Jinix ~~~ZiXiZ~~~ OAP
09-17-2010, 09:05 AM

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