(09-18-2010, 05:48 PM)Oblidor Wrote: There is no human right saying you are entitled to steal games just because you don't have money. 
I can condone theft if it's necessary to one's survival/preserving the dears... but there are
NO excuses for getting entertainment value you're supposed to pay for at no cost. It's simple: it's too expensive you can't get it and it may also help transmitting the message to those businesses as to consider a review of their pricing policy or limit the garbage that gets spewed out every year (one may always dream).
Something's seriously wrong if someone feels anything else than ashamed for downloading stuff.
This may come off as slightly hypocritical but I can speak out of experience, I'm not entirely blank either. I gave in to some music, misc stuff here and there (never games out of sheer principle) but I felt ashamed by doing so because nothing could rationalize/excuse those deeds.
I've seriously cut down on those actions today, I'm a person of principles after all.
Concerning the topic at hand: integrating something like this is just completely useless and missing the point in my opinion. We need to be "passive ignorants" about the problem, hitting on it anymore will only alienate even more people (DRM!). We should not give it that much attention which it "clearly" doesn't deserve.
Keep the "innocence" at home get the amnesia potion and provide those cute puppy eyes as solid argument for those lost souls who may be on the verge of taking a decision they would not have considered before! (well, I hope at least some of you will get what I mean with that.

EDIT: just to add a little last thing to the piracy rant: humility. Its meaning has been lost on many of us nowadays unfortunately (fanboyism, a**kissing, etc... are no OK synonyms) and spares us a life of being an a**hole. Sorry for my fine language.