Hi jonez
PLayed the map very nice, If you can get scripting working properly you will go on to making killer stories

Personaly through the way I learn I cannot create anything lol. <I have to see it done to be able to do it>
Anyways I have an Idea for a story, if you want to to toy with it feel feel free, same goes with any other modders.
The whole story starts thus...
Your on your way to go camping in the woods near a river for a spot of fishing for the weekend, As you walk an unatteral storm kicks up forcing you to find shealter in a nearby abandond and rundown cottage that no one has lived in for years.
After finding a way in, <I was thinking breaking a window in> And having a good look around, <to find things like a strange old key, some tinder and an old lamp> You head into the basment to see if theres anything of use down there.
As you walk around you hear the floor creeking and groaning untill suddenly you fall through the floor and fallfor what seems miles and get knocked out as you desend.
When you come too its as if someone was waiting for you, theres a bed with a matress on that broke your fall that you are laying on, across the small room there is a table with a candle thats lit along with a meal that resore's helth when used, <was thinking of taking the healing pots ingame and just changing what they look like to fill this role>
The walls of the room appear ancheint, and there is a note on the door.
Note reads
Welcome <name>
I am sorry if you were hurt during your decent the storm was the only way I could assure you would find this place, But please take comfort in the knowlage I am not here to hurt you, I guided you down here to help me.
I have been waiting for this day for centureis, I am afraid I have placed us both in great danger for if my master finds you or learns of my involvment we will surly be killed or worse turned into one of his lapdog's.
My master has been on the run for centuries for crimes he commited back on our homeworld.
There are peices of a shatterd orb scatterd throughout this castle, the first peices is quite close to your location and is the least protected. Finding all the peices of the orb and combining them will make my master visible to those that seek him and allow him to be puished for his crimes.
If we do not meet in the future I wish you all the luck in your endevore for both our sakes.
One last thing There are things in this castle that are not from this world and feed of human flesh, Light and noise attract them, Stay quiet and stick to the shadows.
I hope I have placed enough supplies throughout the castle for you, I had to be carefull what I took so he would not notice, CHECK EVERYTHING.
Story time over lol
Depending on how many puzzles you wanna make I suppose is limited to how many bit of the orb you have.
The idea is there if anyone is brave enough
