Just wrote a little system for you. I haven't tested it, but I don't see a reason why it shouldn't work.
Simply paste it in to your script (Eg. at the bottom), then call SetupCoins from OnStart.
void OnStart()
The coin system:
* Sets up the coin system.
* In order for this to work, the coin bags must have their default names.
* Parameter "max" is the maximum number of coin bags of each type.
* You can just call it with 1024, is it's not really that much of a CPU hog
* To do this once :P
void SetupCoins(int max)
SetGlobalVarInt("Coins", 0);
for(int i = 1; i <= max; ++i)
if(GetEntityExists("coins_large_" + i))
SetEntityPlayerInteractCallback("coins_large_" + i, "CollectedCoinsLarge", true);
if(GetEntityExists("coins_medium_" + i))
SetEntityPlayerInteractCallback("coins_medium_" + i, "CollectedCoinsMedium", true);
if(GetEntityExists("coins_small_" + i))
SetEntityPlayerInteractCallback("coins_small_" + i, "CollectedCoinsSmall", true);
//Callbacks for picking up coins
void CollectedCoinsLarge(string &in asEntity) { AddCoins(50); }
void CollectedCoinsMedium(string &in asEntity) { AddCoins(25); }
void CollectedCoinsSmall(string &in asEntity) { AddCoins(10); }
* Gives the player some coins.
* Parameter "amount" being the number of coins to give.
void AddCoins(int amount)
SetGlobalVarInt("Coins", GetGlobalVarInt("Coins") + amount);
* Takes some coins from the player.
* Parameter "amount" being the number of coins to take.
void TakeCoins(int amount)
amount = GetGlobalVarInt("Coins") - amount;
if(amount < 0)
amount = 0;
SetGlobalVarInt("Coins", amount);
* Sets the current amount of coins the player has.
* Parameter "amount" being the number of coins to set.
void SetCoins(int amount)
SetGlobalVarInt("Coins", amount);
* Returns the amount of coins the player currently have in their posession.
int GetCoins()
return GetGlobalVarInt("Coins");
* Returns true if the player can afford the specified amount of coins.
* Returns false otherwise.
bool CanAfford(int amount)
return (GetCoins() >= amount);