I've just played the demo version of Amensia, and it's really great. I'm an avid fan for adventure games, for many years, and i've always dreamed of a 3D first person PURE adventure. I've even tried to hire developers to do one of my own (yeah, don't laugh).
Amnesia is the closest game to my dream, so far.
It even has the possibility to make custom games!
The only problem is... horror is just not my style

I was wondering:
1. If one could make a standalone game with your engine (let's say: Amensia, but without Amnesia levels, only the custom levels, engine and the installer, of course, copyrights paid)
2. What can you do with scripting? So far i've seen only Amnesia clones, dark rooms with candles and tinderboxes. I'd like to make an adventure game without chases, deaths and dark corners. Is it possible?
Moreover, I'd like my game to be full of inventory puzzles and objects. Can I do that with your engine?
Thank you in advance for your responses, and sorry for my english. It's not my native language
At least, PLEASE do such a game, if you can! I promise I'll buy it