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Questions about engine possibilities
goamanu Offline
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Questions about engine possibilities

I've just played the demo version of Amensia, and it's really great. I'm an avid fan for adventure games, for many years, and i've always dreamed of a 3D first person PURE adventure. I've even tried to hire developers to do one of my own (yeah, don't laugh).
Amnesia is the closest game to my dream, so far.
It even has the possibility to make custom games!
The only problem is... horror is just not my style Sad
I was wondering:
1. If one could make a standalone game with your engine (let's say: Amensia, but without Amnesia levels, only the custom levels, engine and the installer, of course, copyrights paid)
2. What can you do with scripting? So far i've seen only Amnesia clones, dark rooms with candles and tinderboxes. I'd like to make an adventure game without chases, deaths and dark corners. Is it possible?
Moreover, I'd like my game to be full of inventory puzzles and objects. Can I do that with your engine?
Thank you in advance for your responses, and sorry for my english. It's not my native language Smile

At least, PLEASE do such a game, if you can! I promise I'll buy it Wink
09-21-2010, 07:17 PM
Pandemoneus Offline
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RE: Easy questions

Your topic title irritates a bit. Since you directly address the developers, you might want to change the topic title accordingly.

09-21-2010, 07:22 PM
goamanu Offline
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RE: Questions about engine possibilities

Done! Sorry... Angel
09-21-2010, 07:30 PM
Jinix Offline

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RE: Questions about engine possibilities

I know what you want to make - you have my same thought.
No war, no killing and probably no weapons? My favorite games have always been the 'discovery' type; chests, secret doors, well hidden quest objects that are really well hidden and a challenge to find and puzzles like the ones in this game Amnesia
You may want to try a more sophisticated game engine as in GECK or TESCS that Fallout3/Oblivion/Civ4 and a few others use.
These give you everything you need to create really large worlds and tons of ready made items to place in it.
With a couple of free (Blender and Nifskope) programs or expensive ones like 3Dmax, you can easily import your own models or just re-texture the standard models for a new look.
You also have grass and trees that blow in the wind, night and day cycles, plus NPCs with cool AI.

I've spent 1000s of hours making my own stuff with TESCS. I have yet to make a weapon or armor but I have about 200 NPCs doing things night and day in my world and it's a lot of fun watching them go about their everyday lives.
They go to bed, get up, have breakfast, go to work, break for lunch, back to work, go for evening meals at the pub , have a few drinks, get into fights, and go home to bed. On weekends they can have different routines that may include church, lunch on the patio, a walk in the country, a swim in the lake or maybe just sit in the town square and chat.

Jinix ~~~ZiXiZ~~~ OAP
09-21-2010, 09:07 PM
gosseyn Offline

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RE: Questions about engine possibilities

i stopped playing fallout 3 long ago. Multiplayer has been released? maybe with a mod or something ?
09-21-2010, 09:20 PM
goamanu Offline
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RE: Questions about engine possibilities

@Jinix, thank you for your advice.
It's all about time and money, as usual. I cannot afford to spend a huge amount of money on a sophisticated game engine, that requires a lot of time to be masterred.
I want to do it all by myself. HPL engine seemed to be the perfect compromise, 'cause I liked the phisycs and the relatively easy scripting. The best thing is that HPL is used in an half-adventure game and it has the adventure elements: contraptions, inventory, letters, etc.
My only two concerns are related to stand-alone capability (under copyright) and scripting limitations. Very few adventure games have moving trees and grass, for example. Even today, the majority of AG's are bidimensional, which is a shame Sad
A lighter environment and puzzle ability would be great!
09-21-2010, 10:23 PM

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