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Black Forest Castle V2.1 (micro update!)
You wake up in an uninviting room with the foreboding feeling that something is lingering outside... You recall a dark figure stalking you the night before. Your mind feels foggy. Your lungs ache from breathing in the old, dusty air trapped between the centuries old walls... You need to make a move, and soon. Wait too much longer and you may find this black forest to be your final resting place!
Download V2.1: Mediafire or Moddb
Screenshot Library
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Came back and decided to do a fun little update 6 years(!) after having completed my custom story. More like lost steam and got too busy in life, but considered it complete because I never wanted to admit I actually failed to get around to completing it... What? Did someone say something? Anyway, I never liked the beginning 'story' note I typed up, so I decided to change it since I had time on my hands and somehow Amnesia modding popped into my head. I also added in a new little horror story note that was always in the mod, but I had it disabled as an entity since I never finished the little story before I stopped Amnesia modding. These notes were updated simply to bring in a little setting to the uh, *ahem*... setting. I can now officially call Black Forest Castle 51% complete! If any veterans of these forums are around, you might remember my mod! Probably just wishful thinking though lol.
HOLY CRAP, IT'S LITERALLY BEEN 6 YEARS TO THE DAY SINCE I UPLOADED THIS MOD! Is it a sign? I wasn't even aware of the date, the mod simply popped into my head this evening and I remembered the little story plot I always wanted to refine, but never did, and finally got around to doing it since I had some free time today and cared enough to actually do it! I was even formatting and updating this original post without this text I'm typing right here when I saw the original date of the post and the date of today. Whew! Maybe this is a sign I should start a mod for SOMA?
This custom story of mine was an experiment to be sure, but it ended up as a labor of love and something I'm actually very proud of, considering I knew nothing about scripting or HPL before taking it on. In addition it felt really cool to see people's videos of their play-throughs and how they reacted to scenarios I had concocted! I was also interesting to discover some random Youtuber called PoopsInPies, i think, play it back before he had 40+ million subscribers, or even a million probably. Creating this mod really helped me through a boring summer of epic proportions back in the day. It is fairly short (Markiplier said so) and to the point, maybe 30 minutes long if you literally examine and sniff every corner of the world, no doubt admiring my level design prowess /s. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
I hope you enjoy my custom story - it was my first attempt at mapping/scripting for Amensia: TDD, so I learned AngelScript and the in's-out's of the HPL2 Editor as I went. This custom story of mine has received my utmost attention to detail and polish. My scripting knowledge increased ten-fold since the start of my mapping for Amnesia back in 2010, and I'm carrying with me years of level design experience, so hopefully this custom story will do that some justice.
I hope you enjoy your ride through Black Forest Castle!
Fixes/Updates/News Log:
3/17/2011 4:00pm (PST) - fixed monster pathnode issues
3/17/2011 4:30pm (PST) - fixed forest grunt glitch
3/17/2011 7:15pm (PST) - spaced text on note in starter room
3/25/2011 12:30pm (PST) - REALLY(?) fixed monster pathnode (spinning) issues
4/6/2011 3:30pm (PST) - I figured out why the grunt still sometimes has issues with his navigation around the storage room (and possible spinning that may still be present) and am coming up with a fix.
4/7/2011 2:15pm (PST) - I am currently working on redesigning the layout of the storage area outside the castle. I'll create a new post and update this one when it's finished. You should no longer experience any issues with the grunt in that particular area after that.
4/9/2011 11:25pm (PST) - Uploaded new version with redesigned storage room (completely fixes grunt spinning issues), more oil, and... CHECKPOINTS!
3/7/2012 9:45pm (GMT +4) - Just continued work on Black Forest Castle! Look for an updated download soon!
9/24/2016 12:39am (EST) - Redone beginning 'story' note and added later mini horror-story note for added setting.
Check out my custom stories(1)(2)!
(This post was last modified: 09-24-2016, 06:07 AM by theDARKW0LF.)
09-24-2010, 07:25 AM |
Junior Member
Posts: 22
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RE: Black Forest Castle (WIP)
Really nice, very scary ! This is actually the best custom story, for me.
Just one things, there are too many keys.
09-24-2010, 08:12 AM |
Posts: 150
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RE: Black Forest Castle (WIP)
(09-24-2010, 08:12 AM)Cowa Wrote: Really nice, very scary ! This is actually the best custom story, for me.
Just one things, there are too many keys.
Thanks! I'm glad you enjoyed it. I will lessen the amount of keys later on (as well as in that portion) as my scripting skills increase and I start to make use of other items (buzzsaws, daggers, what-have-you's). The keys are more of temporary placeholders for unique items that will take their places later on. Of course since this is a work in progress, the downloadable version's areas are by no means finalized (they aren't). I'm in the process of constantly refining and improving and adding features (perfectionism)  . And so as time passes, it will get much better.
Check out my custom stories(1)(2)!
09-24-2010, 08:19 AM |
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RE: Black Forest Castle (WIP)
Yep, nice maps. Although I find you to be using too many monsters to scare the player. 
But well, it did what you wanted, the one that scared me most is Make sure you have more unexpected events in your future maps.
Oh, and you might want to rotate the shelf the other way around (by placing the rotate area at the other corner). Right now it kinda blocks the path.
09-24-2010, 10:42 AM |
Armored Cow
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RE: Black Forest Castle (WIP)
You have been working hard. Those screenshots look awesome. I'll have to play this story (As well as Pandemoneus'. Haven't gotten around to that yet  ).
09-24-2010, 05:07 PM |
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RE: Black Forest Castle (WIP)
Great maps ! Please make more ! I would like to see more from you.
09-24-2010, 06:31 PM |
Posting Freak
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RE: Black Forest Castle (WIP)
Can you please upload the file to a different site? The one you're using now doesn't work.
09-24-2010, 10:06 PM |
Armored Cow
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RE: Black Forest Castle (WIP)
(09-24-2010, 10:06 PM)Lee Wrote: Can you please upload the file to a different site? The one you're using now doesn't work.
Yeah he's right. When you click download and put in the captcha it acts like its loading a page but then fails.
09-24-2010, 10:14 PM |
Posts: 150
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RE: Black Forest Castle (WIP)
Ok I'll change it, stay posted.
Check out my custom stories(1)(2)!
09-24-2010, 10:36 PM |
Senior Member
Posts: 469
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RE: Black Forest Castle (WIP)
Cool events, very well made. Make it longer!
Creator of Wake, Through the Portal, Insomnia, and Cycles What to do with HPL3....
09-24-2010, 11:30 PM |