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RE: Halo: Reach: made $200 million
(10-02-2010, 10:41 PM)dvow Wrote: All of the people going "*SCOFF* halo sucks, and I am far beyond such trivial gaming" are funny. You guys are the reason why I usually avoid independent game communities, because they tend to be full of pretentious douchebags that somehow think they're better than everyone else.
Hats off to the guy that likes both Halo and Amnesia, and wasn't afraid to say it. You give me hope.
I won't deny there can be a lot of pretentious people in indie game communities, but there are a lot more people who scoff at games like Amnesia because they don't have big-budget content, or a name like Bungie associated with it. It makes those of us who appreciate indie games a little sore, especially when the hardcore fans of Halo look down on US, and are apparently far beyond playing such a game with "pathetic graphics."
Some of us in the community do react angrily, and get hostile towards fans of Halo, even the casual ones, and this kind of thing definitely should not be happening. However, not all of us who criticize Halo are pretentious douche bags, as you seem to be implying. None of us have EVER stated that we hate trivial gaming, or those who play trivial games. If we did, we would all be hypocrites. Any comments of "Doom! Doom!" thrown at the Halo franchise is not necessarily MEANT for the Halo franchise, but at the people who detest lower-budget games out of their OWN snobbery.
There is plenty of pretentious douchebaggery coming from "both sides."
10-03-2010, 01:09 AM |
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RE: Halo: Reach: made $200 million
(10-03-2010, 01:09 AM)graykin Wrote: There is plenty of pretentious douchebaggery coming from "both sides."
Always is always will be.
(10-02-2010, 10:41 PM)dvow Wrote: All of the people going "*SCOFF* halo sucks, and I am far beyond such trivial gaming" are funny. You guys are the reason why I usually avoid independent game communities, because they tend to be full of pretentious douchebags that somehow think they're better than everyone else.
Hats off to the guy that likes both Halo and Amnesia, and wasn't afraid to say it. You give me hope.
As graykin said, not everyone has been like that, I like halo personally, I just don't like the fact that it is mainly console based which is really crappy because consoles suck.
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10-03-2010, 11:07 AM |
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RE: Halo: Reach: made $200 million
(10-02-2010, 10:41 PM)dvow Wrote: All of the people going "*SCOFF* halo sucks, and I am far beyond such trivial gaming" are funny. You guys are the reason why I usually avoid independent game communities, because they tend to be full of pretentious douchebags that somehow think they're better than everyone else.
Hats off to the guy that likes both Halo and Amnesia, and wasn't afraid to say it. You give me hope.
Yeah , i`m totally NOT biased ....
IF a game is good imo it deserves praise , being it on console or pc ...
Most REAL gamers think like this , 13 year old fanboys,xbots,pcgeeks,wiidrones ,etc... on the other hand .....
10-03-2010, 04:09 PM |
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RE: Halo: Reach: made $200 million
(09-25-2010, 01:16 PM)Scraper Wrote: I played the first one and then thought that: "nah, not my game".
That's exactly how I felt. Like the Zero Punctuation said (, it's a mediocre game that is hyped up way too much.
On topic, of course Amnesia is a niche game that isn't perfectly situated to be people's first introduction to gaming, like Halo was on the Xbox, so it's not going to have that breakaway success. It's not possible.
A more apt comparison is to Minecraft, a niche game released inauspiciously that still broke records. How can Amnesia model success after that model? Is it possible? It's a single player only, with the mod-friendly bonus. But the replay value is mostly dependent on new stories being developed, not multiplayer, so what we really have is a Little Big Planet replay, with Minecraft release model.
Honestly, I think such a story-driven, austere gameplay game like this, which renders gamers so powerless can only get modest success in this early stage of videogame history.
Doesn't stop me from telling everyone I know to play it  .
10-05-2010, 02:11 AM |
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RE: Halo: Reach: made $200 million
I scoff because for the 110 dollars they try to charge here for it in Australia. It is a quarter the game you can get for 20 dollars if you know what to buy. I don't argue that it isn't fun. I love playing Halo with my friends (they pay the exorbitant price  ) I argue that it isn't 110 dollars fun. Starcraft 2 is the closest thing I've seen to something polished enough to justify the price (from a big company) and before that Orange Box. Console gamers just seem to be missing the link between their brain and wallet. Perhaps a move to include the console market may take advantage of this. They don't even seem to mind paying for content that should have been released with the initial game and will play glitchy games without complaint so the standard of release could be lower for that market. The expectations simply aren't high and the appreciation for innovation due to the more casual nature of console gaming is lacking allowing for poorer product to sell based upon marketing.
The biggest selling point perhaps is the ability for anyone to pick up and play with their friends in a multilayer setting. PC gaming simply doesn't tap this social/casual (often drunken teenage male /stereotype) market. Blow stuff up just appeals more easily and is more replicable with less effort for inexperienced users is what I think may be the unfortunate crux of it. Good games can often end up like good movies. Off to the side because they too easily offend or challenge rather than spoon feed.
One only needs to look at the way WoW has changed over the years. Content is now nerfed to the point that all but the most casual players see endgame, and sales figures have increased despite the loss of the hardcore. Elitism and challenges simply don't align with the desires of the majority of potential playerbase so Blizzard has made the sensible (yet tragic) economic move to please the masses and offend the hardcore. I would be sad to see Frictional forced to do the same given the outstanding products produced so far, yet wouldn't be surprised if that was what was required to remain afloat, albeit with a slightly lower standard (but more easily appealing) product.
10-05-2010, 05:23 PM |
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RE: Halo: Reach: made $200 million
10-05-2010, 05:47 PM |
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RE: Halo: Reach: made $200 million
Having played Halo 1,2,3, and ODST, or more specifically, liking Halo 1, renting Halo 2, renting Halo 3 and returning it the same day, and renting ODST because someone insisted it was better which it wasnt, i can say that ive never enjoyed any Halo game, and only liked Halo 1 for its splitscreen.
In any case, how much money a game makes is equal to the obsessive fans who must buy it for it is supreme or something.
There are some decent people who play games like Reach, but they are few.
Im half expecting someone to come on here and tell me how wrong i am and scream at me for playing an Indie game. In any case, this is the Amnesia forum. Im trying to work out why we're talking about a Halo/Console game.
10-07-2010, 12:51 PM |
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RE: Halo: Reach: made $200 million
I myself who has played halo 1-2 found it extremely boring because i feel as though the console games (especially x360) are very expensive and short (i beat mw2 the night i got it) so why pay 60 bucks for 4-6 hours of fun? no im not dising most xbox360 games or ps3. its that they dont have enough work put in to them. they feel rushed...ill take amnesia for an example its got a short length but it has a map editor and you can play around with almost any object in the game. thats fun. mindless shooting isnt really fun...its boring after 5 minutes by being killed by 10 year olds who scream into their mics.
*Wishes Penumbra Tech Demo section would return*
10-07-2010, 03:56 PM |
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RE: Halo: Reach: made $200 million
Halo is a good game. However the worst game ive ever played is Moder warfare 2. If someone of you enjoy that game...sorry i cant respect you. It an ENORMOUS shame that people buy this game. It sick
Sorry but MW2 is Shi*.
10-08-2010, 12:00 AM |
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RE: Halo: Reach: made $200 million
i agree mw2 is fairly overrated and is a fairly annoying game. i only play it if my friends want to do a private match otherwise i just dont really play
*Wishes Penumbra Tech Demo section would return*
10-08-2010, 03:18 PM |