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What scares you?
(Stolen from some other board list)
Is it not knowing what's beyond the corner?
Or knowing what's there?
Does what the monster look like scare you?
Or does the sounds it makes and not knowing where it is scare you?
While the pictures I added (Hopefully they work) don't really scare me, if they were moving and in real life, it would.  Small story.
When I try going to sleep, sometime's I'm half-asleep when I see things or something.  Such as falling off a swing or a chair.  It happens while I'm dreaming, but my body reacts and I practicly push myself about half a foot-1 foot into the air from laying on my back(It's scared my cat several times)
But othertimes, I'll just be staring at the ceiling, and I can't move.  It isn't a dream, but my body thinks it's in a dream or something.  I can move it, just alittle bit, maybe a inch and than I lose control and it goes back on the bed.
Anyways, sometimes my head will start playing tricks on it's self when it does it,  and it isn't fun.  My vision starts to get really dark, even though my eyes adjusted to the darkness along time ago.  My heart just goes out of control, beating really really hard.  The worst part is I know that nothing bad will happen to me and I'm half asleep, but I can't move and "wake" myself up, so I lay there for about 10 minutes with my heart hammering my chest and believing that something is pulling down on my sheets(I'm not scared of the dark or anything btw)
The reason why  I told this fantastic story, is because those pictures remind me of it.  Dunno how common my half-asleep nightmares are with other people.
(And if you want the poll disabled, just ask, I'm not sure if I can do it, but mod/admin I'm sure can delete the poll if you want it to)
Sometimes, if you look carefully at a wall for a few minutes, you'll realize you wasted some time.  It's true.
12-16-2006, 05:46 AM |
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RE: What scares you?
takes much to scare me
only when im gaming half asleep, a monster wich jumps at me can make ma full awake again but thats about it 
allso, your pictures are freaky but not scary (especialy the 3 one, wich looks like a missformed butt :p )
btw, why should i close this poll, its in the right section ^^
so carry on...XD
12-16-2006, 11:46 AM |
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RE: What scares you?
Here's another picture.
Sometimes, if you look carefully at a wall for a few minutes, you'll realize you wasted some time.  It's true.
12-17-2006, 12:18 AM |
RE: What scares you?
What is really scary, is that there are signs that there is SOMETHING out there, but you don't know where and what it is.
If I saw the thing, I might have an idea what to do. If its a ghost, you know that it can do little to you. If its a monster, you know that its a physical being. If its a mixture of the two though...
But it's worse when you don't know what it is. You do not know what to do, what it can do, you do not even know if its sentient.
Your antagonist can be a harmless rat, but it can still scare the shit out of you. The greater fear is that it is more then a rat.
It's even worse when you are alone, and in the dark. In the dark, you cannot see. You are blind and open to attack.
That can be very scary.
12-17-2006, 05:33 PM |
RE: What scares you?
Some of the scariest, pure adrenaline moments for me have been when I knew where the enemy was, but I was hiding and hoping to god I wasn't found - that or being discovered and having to run for my life! 8-O
Thief is one of the best games ever created. B)
That wheezing sound the zombies make is one of the most unnerving sounds I've ever heard in my life! :-0 So adrenaline moments aside, I'd have to say the use of sound more than anything else is the key to creating fear. Penumbra has a great ambient vibe for this effect.
12-18-2006, 06:32 AM |
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RE: What scares you?
Bump this topic; Add some pictures if you guys want to: )
Sometimes, if you look carefully at a wall for a few minutes, you'll realize you wasted some time.  It's true.
12-22-2006, 04:27 PM |
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12-23-2006, 10:35 AM |
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RE: What scares you?
So you finally post a screamer eh?-_-
Sometimes, if you look carefully at a wall for a few minutes, you'll realize you wasted some time.  It's true.
12-26-2006, 07:52 PM |
Posts: 179
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RE: What scares you?
hey it was your idea
12-27-2006, 10:17 AM |