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About no replay value...
LyR Offline
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About no replay value...

I don't get some "journalists" or users on some forum boards criticising the replay value of Amnesia.

I mean seriously,

- first playthrough 7-10 hours

- for the second playthrough there is the developer commentary, I love stuff like this and so do many other people (that's why Valve is keep doing it), let's say another 7 hours

- level editor/custom stories, pretty much limitless replay value, as long as there're user making new levels/stories

and that all for 15€ ...and let's not forget that it is AN INDIE GAME !
Seriously, I see no difference ... Amnesia could easily be a full priced 50€ game.

Take a very successful (in terms of sales, not quality) mainstream title like Modern Warfare 2, the campaign is 3 -5 hours long and there is this Special Ops mode ... that's it, and believe it or not there are a lot gamers out there that don't care for Multiplayer. (especially console MP which have the reponsiveness of a bus on an one way street, where CPU controlled "things" kill you more than actual human player and 24/7 guys get even more advantages like unfair perks which make them even stronger, is everything but good designed MP)

I'm one of them for instance. I only play well made competitive Multiplayer only titles for PC like Counter Strike, Quake or TF2 but I prefer a good Singleplayer experience much more.

The point being is that this unfair, two faced double standards schema some journalists/gamers have is just ridiculous.

well done FG, your game is one of my fav. games next to Grim Fandango and Outcast (the voxel engine game from Appeal), two games made in the late 90's ... it did take that long for another great game to come across (imo)
09-29-2010, 01:48 AM
CplShep Offline
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RE: About no replay value...

The reason most people don't think Amnesia has no replay value after the first run is the fact that the game isn't as scary the second time through. Once you know where most of the major scares are the overwhelming feeling that something can jump out and claw your face off at any time is gone.

That isn't to say that I don't agree with you. I'm on my second run right now and I'm definitely having just as much fun playing with the commentary on as I was playing through the game the first time. It's interesting to see what the developers had intended for the player to do in certain areas and to find out if I had played right into their hands played through a section as they had intended, or if I completely missed the obvious signs and did everything out of order.

But the biggest thing that going keep this game going long after its release is, like you mentioned in your last point, the modding tools. I suppose most reviewers rag on Amnesia for re-playability because they either choose to ignore this one major factor or they (somehow) forget about it. I believe that with the attention Amnesia is getting right now the community will grow and start pumping out custom content that will keep the game going for a while. Well, at least until the next game is released.
09-29-2010, 03:43 AM
Hannibal Offline
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RE: About no replay value...

Quote:I don't get some "journalists" or users on some forum boards criticising the replay value of Amnesia.

Then I'll explain. What attracted me to Amnesia were the scares and the story, and those won't be there on the second play through. With Dragon Age: Origins or Mass Effect 2, for example, even after winning there are many reasons to keep playing: (1) to try different character classes or alignments, (2) to try harder difficulty levels, (3) to unlock new stories and outcomes, (3) for downloadable content, etc...

I wouldn't mind watching a 45-minute commentary video, but I wouldn't replay the game for it. The custom stories... maybe... not yet... but I'm keeping my eyes out for a compelling one or DLC.

I've really enjoyed some of the Amnesia videos on YouTube.
09-29-2010, 03:55 AM
Sexbad Offline
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RE: About no replay value...

When it sticks in your head, is there really a need for replay value?

[Image: jao3z.jpg]
09-29-2010, 04:10 AM
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Crabski Offline

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RE: About no replay value...

(09-29-2010, 01:48 AM)LyR Wrote: The point being is that this unfair, two faced double standards schema some journalists/gamers have is just ridiculous.

This is very true.
09-29-2010, 04:28 AM
Mjarr Offline
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RE: About no replay value...

Replay value is a real bitch, since depending on the game genre it can either be nonexistant or only moderate. Only games that do have concrete replay value (considering in a way, it would offer something 'new') in the long are mostly RPGs and multiplayer games, even though MP games are somewhat questionable even in this category when you consider most of the time you're just repeating the exact same thing with the random variable known as human player. Everything else gets trashed because it has poor "bang for buck" value, even though once again there is one funny thing with this whole argument: it's up to the subjective view itself. Game may offer poor bang for buck, but may be more memorable experience than getting enraged while playing [insert typical multiplayer here] -> ragequit, but like abused spouse you would still return to play it because it's "replay" value as a multiplayer game. If we want to be even more annoying since what is a "good" game and what is not is pretty subjective factor, the bang for buck factor is often very skewered if the person just enjoyed the game.

Yes, almost any single player game (besides RPGs) have poor replay value. You could pick up the latest generic spacemarine\modern shooter and play the single player maybe once through, then it's just grinding through the same shit all over again unless you try to add some challenge by mods, artificial restrictions or something like that - so why have single player in the first place is a legit question if people are so worked up about poor replay value?
09-29-2010, 09:29 AM
dbfuru Offline
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RE: About no replay value...

I agree, I will probably run through it for the commentary again, and I am eagerly awaiting some full-length custom stories, I might even start trying to make my own stories once I stop being lazy and get some free time.

But what is disappointing is how it's not so much scary any more on the second run through.. The total fear you feel, sitting in a wardrobe for 4 minutes working up the nerve to leave.. For some reason it's fun to be scared witless. On my first playthrough of Penumbra I don't think I ever used the flashlight haha!

I also don't understand the criticism of game length, it took me 7 hours personally, and that was a lot longer than some other game's campaigns I have played, and they were by well established game companies.

And anyway, it only cost me AUD $20 on Steam. It took me one hour and maybe 15 minutes to earn that. I think it's worth it for the quality of gameplay you get.

Adding the toolkit was a great idea. I still play Oblivion and I had it since near release, due to mods.
09-29-2010, 11:05 AM
LyR Offline
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RE: About no replay value...

(09-29-2010, 03:55 AM)Hannibal Wrote:
Quote:I don't get some "journalists" or users on some forum boards criticising the replay value of Amnesia.

Then I'll explain. What attracted me to Amnesia were the scares and the story, and those won't be there on the second play through. With Dragon Age: Origins or Mass Effect 2, for example, even after winning there are many reasons to keep playing: (1) to try different character classes or alignments, (2) to try harder difficulty levels, (3) to unlock new stories and outcomes, (3) for downloadable content, etc...

I wouldn't mind watching a 45-minute commentary video, but I wouldn't replay the game for it. The custom stories... maybe... not yet... but I'm keeping my eyes out for a compelling one or DLC.

I've really enjoyed some of the Amnesia videos on YouTube.

yea, but the games you mention cost up to 60€ when they're released and only two of your mentioned points are reason enough for me to play it again. (couldn't care less about the difficulty and DLC costs extra and is released months after)

Everyone has his own likes and dislikes in that matter. We could debate all day long about that. Just like Mjarr said, it's all subjective.

What I was trying to say is that for a 15€ game Amnesia has, at least for me, much more to offer than some full priced retail games. The price-performance ratio is more than OK. So complains about replay value are kinda unfair to be honest. They tried really hard with their limited budget and time and they did a great job with that in mind.
09-29-2010, 12:01 PM
Zanderat Offline

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RE: About no replay value...

(09-29-2010, 11:05 AM)dbfuru Wrote: But what is disappointing is how it's not so much scary any more on the second run through..

This is true of horror in general, regardless of medium. The "what the hell is going on?" factor is removed upon subsequent run through.
09-29-2010, 12:45 PM
dbfuru Offline
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RE: About no replay value...

(09-29-2010, 12:45 PM)Zanderat Wrote:
(09-29-2010, 11:05 AM)dbfuru Wrote: But what is disappointing is how it's not so much scary any more on the second run through..

This is true of horror in general, regardless of medium. The "what the hell is going on?" factor is removed upon subsequent run through.

True, it's a shame, I wish I could drink a targeted Amnesia potion to make me forget games I've played, so that I may experience them again!
09-29-2010, 12:52 PM

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