Hi first of all I have to congrats on your new game Amnesia:TDD . I'm sending this massage to Frictional all game designers and I hope they read this open mail and discus my ideas. I really love the game all parts feel crafted with thinking (except the Choir room). Story is well told, but it could have more drastically twist and turns. The sounds and music are fitting the game perfectly(except the sanity drain sound). Grahpics are believable.
And now here's my ideas for future games or new chapters for Amnesia! What I really want to see, is my body! With same cam(FPS) If we look down we could see our legs,feet,stomack (and maybe our wounds too) or if we look around we could see our arms and hands( maybe sanity make our body shake and we could observe this?). The reason I suggest this couse if we are hiding in a corner with crouch position It will be cool to see our knees and arms shaking.And one another thing about our body part it will look cool if we stick to a wall and walk around with our hands on the wall or maybe if we stay in a dark room player may drag out his arm to feel what is front of him/her(like real life). Basicly more animation is needed to be in the game by not changeing the FPS cam. I have tons of ideas like that. For ex. Opening doors,unlocking doors,taken' an item to our inventory (backpack?) climbing, etc... but the most important is those very unrealistic lifting heavy objects with our one hand(while the other has gaslamp) and it will be cool if we accually see our hands while carrying an object opening a drawer,etc... there for the game can be more chalangeing and more fun!
And about sanity system. It could have drastically panalties for player. For ex. When we try to light a candle we cant do it on the first try (maybe an animation of that try? ), Hearing voices (let us feel like somebody is around but we cant see it -talking with yourself ?-), Seeing unreal things( not like monsters but maybe blood drops can be fall from ceiling or flys. Make them bond to sanity and even we have low sanity too.
About healt system it could have better because at the final of the game I ve got 10 potions didnt use but none oil left. Make an envoriment we accually need to heal.
Puzzels are not hard but very fun. Keep that.
Give little more open world to find about the game. Make more reading stuf. Create lots of books that we can read, they can be about the story or different story but about the game world.
Make secter areas. Reward the curious playeres who explore around.
More different hiding places. Ex. under a bed .
Well I think ı have more but it will be enough for now. I really love your uniqe game I just have some ideas. I hope you guys at least consider this. Maybe I can write the rest later. Bye.
P.S. Sorry for bad english this is the best I can do
