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Stop a looping sound
Jordo76 Offline

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Stop a looping sound

Hi i'm doing my next map and wanted to know : "How to stop a looping sound ?"
I tried StopSound but failed and failed...
Can someone help me please ?
09-29-2010, 05:28 PM
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Equil Offline

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RE: Stop a looping sound

Open the .snt file of the sound you want looping stop on with notepad or a similar text program, find the value "Loop=" and change it to false.
09-30-2010, 03:55 AM
Jordo76 Offline

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RE: Stop a looping sound

No i want the sound to be looped (already is) but stop when i want it
09-30-2010, 11:58 AM
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Equil Offline

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RE: Stop a looping sound

You need to use a timerloop such as this:

void BeginCreak(string &in asTimer)

   int iCreak = RandFloat(1, 4);
   float fCreak = RandFloat(5.5f, 12.5f);
   PlaySoundAtEntity("creak1"+iCreak, "scare_wood_creak_mix.snt", "AreaCreak_"+iCreak, 0.0f, false);
   AddTimer("creak", 15.0f+fCreak, "BeginCreak");
   AddDebugMessage("Now Creaking in AreaCreak_: "+iCreak, false);

This will randomize when the sound plays and it's location, assuming you have setup several script areas(1 to 4) named "AreaCreak_#".
09-30-2010, 12:52 PM
Jordo76 Offline

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RE: Stop a looping sound

Thx for the information but it's not the awnser :/
I will try another explication :
I made a script that make a flashback and start a sound (set to loop in the .snt) so it's looping but i can't stop it when the flashback is over...
09-30-2010, 05:16 PM
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Pandemoneus Offline
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RE: Stop a looping sound

Show your code. Tongue

09-30-2010, 08:31 PM
Jordo76 Offline

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RE: Stop a looping sound

Here it is (May contain spoilers on the last level from the Darkness,because it's the script from the last map of "The Darkness",i wanted to try)

Spoiler below!

void OnStart()
AddEntityCollideCallback("Player", "AreaFlashback", "CollideAreaFlashback", true, 1);
AddEntityCollideCallback("crowbar_joint_1", "BreakDoor", "CollideAreaBreakDoor", true, 1);
AddUseItemCallback("crowbarondoor", "crowbar_1", "UseCrowbar","UseCrowbarOnDoor", true);

void CollideAreaFlashback(string &in asParent, string &in asChild, int alState)

void FlashbackTimer(string &in asTimer)
if(asTimer == "FlashbackTimer")
    SetEntityActive("crowbar_1", true);
    SetEntityActive("TortureMan", true);
    for(int i=1;i<=4;i++)
        SetLampLit("candle_floor_" + i, true, false);
if(asTimer == "FlashbackTimer2")
    PlaySoundAtEntity("24mb01","24_mb_01", "AreaBreakEffect", 0, false);
if(asTimer == "FlashbackTimer3")
    SetEntityActive("TortureMan", false);
    SetEntityActive("crowbar_dyn_1", false);
    for(int i=1;i<=4;i++)
        SetLampLit("candle_floor_" + i, false, false);

void UseCrowbarOnDoor(string &in asItem, string &in asEntity)
    AddTimer(asEntity, 0.2, "TimerSwitchShovel");    
    PlayPropAnimation("TortureMan", "squirm", 0.2f, true, "PrisonerSquirmOver");
    PlaySoundAtEntity("pickupcrow","attack_claw_hit01.snt", "Player", 0.05, false);
    CreateParticleSystemAtEntity("breakps", "ps_blood_tiny_splash", "AreaBreakEffect", false);

    PlaySoundAtEntity("24mb03","24_mb_03", "AreaBreakEffect", 0, false);
void TimerSwitchShovel(string &in asTimer)
    PlaySoundAtEntity("attachshovel","puzzle_place_jar.snt", asTimer, 0, false);
    SetEntityActive("crowbar_joint_1", true);
void CollideAreaBreakDoor(string &in asParent, string &in asChild, int alState)
    PlaySoundAtEntity("break","attack_claw_hit03", "AreaBreakEffect", 0, false);
    PlaySoundAtEntity("24mb","24_mb_04", "AreaBreakEffect", 0, false);
    CreateParticleSystemAtEntity("breakps", "ps_blood_big_splash", "AreaBreakEffect", false);
    CreateParticleSystemAtEntity("breakps", "ps_blood_constant_splash", "AreaBreakEffect", false);
    SetEntityActive("crowbar_joint_1", false);
    SetEntityActive("crowbar_dyn_1", true);

As you can see after "void UseCrowbarOnDoor" and "void CollideAreaBreakDoor" i tried the sound string name for stopsound,it didn't worked,
I tried string name
.snt name
sound name with .ogg
sound name without .snt
Area Name
Nothing worked
09-30-2010, 08:38 PM
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Pandemoneus Offline
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RE: Stop a looping sound

Hm... looks fine. No idea what is wrong.

09-30-2010, 08:50 PM
Equil Offline

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RE: Stop a looping sound

Try this:

void CollideAreaBreakDoor(string &in asParent, string &in asChild, int alState)

   if(alState == 1) {
StopSound(asChild+"24mb03", 1);
    PlaySoundAtEntity("break","attack_claw_hit03", "AreaBreakEffect", 0, false);
    PlaySoundAtEntity("24mb","24_mb_04", "AreaBreakEffect", 0, false);
    CreateParticleSystemAtEntity("breakps", "ps_blood_big_splash", "AreaBreakEffect", false);
    CreateParticleSystemAtEntity("breakps", "ps_blood_constant_splash", "AreaBreakEffect", false);
    SetEntityActive("crowbar_joint_1", false);
    SetEntityActive("crowbar_dyn_1", true);

10-01-2010, 11:20 AM
Jordo76 Offline

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RE: Stop a looping sound

It don't work,the crowbar don't collide with BreakDoor anymore :/
I don't know what is wrong

Edit : I make it worked,it collide,but don't stop the sound,like there wasn't aschild and alstate,like before
10-01-2010, 11:53 AM
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