OK! So here's my dilemma.
I bought the game off the Steam, and play it from there.
While playing, I encountered some severe slow-down and choppy-ness at certain points, especially during the beginning of the game where Daniel begins talking to some voice in his head (not his own); at this point it actually made my computer freeze up.
Not thinking it was due to my high performance settings, I decided to look for a patch for the game. I installed the 1.01 patch manually which I believe might have been intended for those who purchased the game outside of steam.
So NOW whenever I try to play the game, before it even starts it asks me to enter in a serial number, that which I don't have since I bought it on steam.
So now I can't play the game being of my stupid decision... What should I do?
EDIT: So yeah, I looked around and discovered that that patch was deffinetly the wrong thing to do since it is stated on this site that it isn't intended for steam users (you're working on it).
I feel like an idiot now.