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What part of Amnesia scared you the most?
Vonicon Offline
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RE: What part of Amnesia scared you the most?

The Storage

-dark and big place for the first time
-you know there's a monster somewehere but you also know that
-you have to go deeper into the storage to get the elevator sticks
01-22-2013, 02:09 PM
PutraenusAlivius Offline
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RE: What part of Amnesia scared you the most?

(01-22-2013, 02:09 PM)Vonicon Wrote: The Storage

-dark and big place for the first time
-you know there's a monster somewehere but you also know that
-you have to go deeper into the storage to get the elevator sticks

Where are you now? Oh, and if you got the elevator working, Get Ready to shit bricks and pee in your pants!

"Veni, vidi, vici."
"I came, I saw, I conquered."
01-22-2013, 02:30 PM
Vonicon Offline
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RE: What part of Amnesia scared you the most?

I finished the game about 6 months ago Big Grin

But I remembered this part and the prison as the most intense

I dont get why so many people were scared at the choir

at that part of the game, you got "used" to it's "shocking style" and it wasn't so intense as the parts before, which were newer ^^
01-22-2013, 02:49 PM
AmbrozZomburg Offline
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RE: What part of Amnesia scared you the most?

I finish the game 9 times in 3 months!!! I LOVE THIS GAME!!!! I'm going to play till the new arrives *_*!!!! But, even if I played 9 times, I'm still so scared in the prison XD!!!
01-22-2013, 03:39 PM
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felixmole Offline
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RE: What part of Amnesia scared you the most?

(01-22-2013, 02:49 PM)Vonicon Wrote: I dont get why so many people were scared at the choir
The choir is mostly scary to those who don't get it that they don't need to use their lantern there.
01-22-2013, 07:20 PM
rtjhbfvsrry Offline

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RE: What part of Amnesia scared you the most?

My most scared moments in order of the most terrifying last.

- There is a room very early on that is extremely dark and there is one of those suits of armour standing in the back. First time I played it I thought there was someone standing there and I didn't expect anything that early in the game so it freaked me the hell out and I actually fearquit. Not my proudest moment.

- I stared at the wall for about ten minutes in the Wine Cellar because I was too afraid to check if the grunt was still there.

- The Archives entirely. The noises, the constant monstrous moaning and gurgles, the self-playing Piano. Urgh! This area still sets me on edge every time. The first time, I saw that grunt walking around the corner, freaked out, ran to the other side and triggered that damned poofer and then nearly had a heart attack, yet the thing that gave me the biggest jump was that damned urn exploding. Freaking jumpscares!

- The Iron Maiden and the exploding Torch thing in the storage. I repeat, freaking jumpscares!

- Three monsters in the Chancel. That was a huge surprise because on first playthrough I didn't meet any monsters after Aggripa until these - frankly I was getting a bit complacent.

- Storage. For some reason I convinced myself that since none of the monsters I met before except for the Kaernk had actually attacked me that these monsters were all show and no teeth. I proceeded to spawn every monster available in the storage and they taught me a lesson. First after picking up the drill part, then the one hidden behind the door, then the one who spawns after you pick up the rods, and finally the one near the collapsed rocks.

- The Brute in the morgue after injecting myself. I thought it was another jumpscare and I didn't expect something to actually come in, so I was in a huge panic when I realized something was actually behind the door and I had to run like hell. I stood in a corner in one of the morgue rooms and I kept hearing it right behind me, I was terrified! I felt like it took half an hour for it to leave.

- The Sewers. I saw the Brute, I sneaked back to pick up the rock and then proceeded to accidentally bang the pipe with the rock. Before I realized what happened the Brute was already walking into view to investigate and I ran like hell. I died right before reaching the ladder and my heartbeat was almost painful.

- The Black Hall. Yes, the safest area in the game scared me most. I was extremely rattled after the Storage and went to the Black Hall to recover, it was my safe place. I was looking around and then, very stressed out, and the fountain was fine. Then I looked around again and there was a corpse in the fountain. I was flabbergasted and just stared at it for a few minutes. Then I looked away and back again and the corpse was gone. Deciding that wasn't the safe place I required I walked up the stairs to where the Study and Guest Room are because those were doors, those were safe and as I reached the top of the stairs... chewed up torso. Every single illusion of safety in this game was broken at that moment.

Oddly enough some areas other people found the most scary didn't get me much at all - first time around I got really lucky and second time around I'd seen a few LPs so I knew what was there. First playthrough at the Prison I saw some of the monsters in the distance but that's it because of my finely tuned "run away at any noise" response and in the Choir I heard a grand total of one Brute noise and didn't see a single one. I heard the chase music once in the Prison but I didn't realize the music meant I was being chased at the time.

Oh, and the Kaernk didn't scare me at all. I know a lot of people think that thing's terrifying but I found it rather silly. I kept thinking "Gollum, why are you chasing me if you already have the ring on?". I replayed the area with my girlfriend later and she found it terrifying, however.
01-28-2013, 09:59 PM
kmarinis88 Offline
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RE: What part of Amnesia scared you the most?

I just finished Amnesia TDD... And I am like... WHAT THE HELL DID I PLAY???
Once in a lifetime experience.... (Take that console owners. Just kidding Big Grin )

Here are my 10 most frightening (remember frightening does not mean scary. Means that which instills fear) moments throughtout the game (10 being the least).

10. Forest Outdoors
Seeing the madness had spread in the outside world is a view to behold...

9. Exiting through the main gate
Seeing for the first time that something paranormal is happening in the castle with that red goo. Also the feeling that you are essentially trapped in the castle

8. Prison
I had to exit the game after going in there. It was just too much to take, especially not having 1 hour after completing the Storage part. It is low in my scare factor because you have already witnessed the Grunt and because I had plenty of oil. However 2 things horrified me.... Going up the stairs and then running as hell to escape with the lamp off and going in the kitchen to get the acid, then having a Grunt breaking in and me nowhere to hide. I ultimately hid behind some animal meat for like an eternity...

7. Shadow
This is the chase right after the Cell blocks...
I had been chased many times at this point on the game so far. But been chased with walls crumbling, having to backtrack to find the right way, running, turning and not seeing a thing was something else.

6. Storage
Ok, how am I supposed to describe this? It was THE HORROR.... Going to the first open space I immediately searched the room on the left. As soon as I went out I SAW HIM for the first time... God the horror. I spontaneously turned off the lamp, went inside the room, closed the door and climbed up some boxes. I heave heard that it cannot find you in the dark, so (since I am also a good Thief player) I waited.... Gosh, he breaks the door and runs towards me. Because he couldn't reach me, it kept rushing and leaving my position... I was petrified... Neither there is a load button...Eventually he reached me and I died. My heart was pumping like hell....

Revived, I was moving like once in 5 minutes. After a LONG time venturing around, it was nowhere to be found.. "Oohhh, I got it... They think they are clever... He kills you the first time, they remove him from the game... and you just DIE in anticipation... Ha".... So I went on relaxed. Exploded the rumbles and went on the kitchen. Calmly I open the first door and ..BAM!... we see each other face to face and he runs towards me. I could have easily soiled my pants there...

5. Guest Room
The surroundings didn't fool me. I was expecting something bad to happen. As soon as I saw the key, I understood that getting it will start the events. Thats why I only broke the glass and left it there, continuing relaxed to search the rest of the room. Gosh, little did I knew it would still come to haunt me. If I didn't know how to hide in the wardrobe, this would have been more than a simple friggin' terrifying moment.

4. Water Part - Archives
First true Amnesia experience. At first.... Just another room..... Then.... What??? What is this flood... AND THEN.... OH GOD, IT'S CHASING ME..... Honestly, seeing all these hallways, I didn't believe a human mind is able to create such levels... At all the other levels I had to run from my fears, but at this one I had to confront it. And not only that but also hurry up, never hesitating... I thought passing the first door was more than enough and I thought it was the end... How wrong I was....

The psychollogical pressure I had to pursue to go on was tremendous. Not only I had to rush through water, I had to curry up boxes, turn wheels and run away from this... thing... But the worst was the fact that I had to throw it human bodies and fleshes for it to eat and make for myself time to proceed. I was honestly thinking "What kind of game is this? This is more sick that I can handle"....

After that I thougt that at last FINALLY I would relax. I had just changed level, it couldn't chase me throught loading screens.... Having seen all those trailers and yet I was horrified..

After seeing solid ground again, I quit the game to catch a breath...

3. Morgue
Just by the name, I did't want to go in there...
Just a few minutes in and I was seeing piles of naked dead bodies, opening holes in skulls and drinking blood from the dead. A game doesn't need to scare you to make you frightened. Seeing and doing all those horrid stuff was much more than I could take to stay sane, than almost all horror games combined. Especially when you try to leave and the Grunt bashes the door you came in. Having to corner yourself in a room along with a pile of dead naked bodies hiding in plain sight was reason to cry.... I was hoping he goes to the other room, so I can head for the exit. If it came here, I was doomed.... It was the only time I lost my in-game sanity completely (and real life sanity, I would say)

2. Sewers
I HATE WATER. I hate even the fact that the Cistern left me waiting something to happen. I knew Sewers would be the next big thing, but after solving the puzzle I though I would be ok. And... Dead end... ??? At this moment, I knew something was fishy.. I understood that when I heard that noise outside... I went to see what's going on and .... GOD, IT SAW ME.... HIS HEAD... WHAT'S WRONG WITH HIS HEAD???? I rushed up, closed the door and... and... nowhere to hide... Oh, f**k... I hid behind a pillar and waited... He saw me, chased me till the end, CRAP, 1-shot... Revived - Tried to sneak - Found - Chased - Close door - Try to hide - Door bashed - Chased - Dead. This happened 4 to 5 times. I honestly couldn't take any more... Last time was a charm and moved forward... I though I saw the last of this thing. Oh wait, it's there standing, blocking my only way out... I was honestly wanting to give up on this game... Trying to distract it, I succeeded after a couple of times. It hadn't seen me and I thought I passed him and I was safe now (wrong again...). How many times have I to escape this thing???? Never I loved a ladder more...

1. Choir
English in not my native language, so I thought Choir is not something scary... HOW VERY WRONG OF ME.... In Choir - Entrance, I was like WTF... And then I entered the Choir - Main Hall.... I don't think I have felt that way i any game before. PURE psychollogical torture.... First of all, the looks of it. How different and how otherworldly looked from the rest of the game. But it wasn't that.... The matter that it was HUGE and you had to search it all before leaving was what put the most pressure. You had to search this damned place, where the red fog didn't let you see anything a few meters in front of you and you knew Grunts (oh, how I LOATHE Grunts) were wandering around. Hide and seek with these guys, with no cover, no place to hide, no darkness, was mentally wrecking. Furthermore as soon as you understood what this place was about (torture chambers), I don't think anyone felt any better.

Iron Maiden didn't scare me that much. More terrifying were the descriptions of each torture chamber (especially the bull, where the screaming from the tortured was heard throughtout the place) and the tension around. Not knowing where is which, and having to traverse this abomination not knowing for how much longer is what frightened me the most....

It's a pity not many felt scared by the Choir. There was a slight chance not seeing any enemy. So as soon as they left with no enemy seem they might have thought "Pfff... That was it?".... Yeah... right....

I have played a mod for Thief 2: The Metal Age, named A Night in Rocksbourg. It is a horror fan mission and one of the most frightening ever created... At some point in the 3rd part of the series, you go to the "Dark Zone", "where no light is allowed to enter". There it has 2 areas, the one area is something like Choir and another one is like the Shadow Chase. For any familiar with the game, or wanting a new horror I advise them to try out this mod.
(This post was last modified: 01-29-2013, 06:21 PM by kmarinis88.)
01-29-2013, 06:01 PM
NE0NDUDE Offline
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RE: What part of Amnesia scared you the most?

You want to know what part scared me the most!?!?!?!?!??!

01-29-2013, 07:44 PM
Gaboon Viper Offline
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RE: What part of Amnesia scared you the most?

For me it was the chase in the sewers.I just didn't expect a chase right there.I thought that all I have to do is flank the monster.
01-30-2013, 01:08 AM
Spaceman Offline

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RE: What part of Amnesia scared you the most?

(01-29-2013, 06:01 PM)kmarinis88 Wrote: 3. Morgue
Just by the name, I did't want to go in there...
Just a few minutes in and I was seeing piles of naked dead bodies, opening holes in skulls and drinking blood from the dead. A game doesn't need to scare you to make you frightened. Seeing and doing all those horrid stuff was much more than I could take to stay sane, than almost all horror games combined. Especially when you try to leave and the Grunt bashes the door you came in. Having to corner yourself in a room along with a pile of dead naked bodies hiding in plain sight was reason to cry.... I was hoping he goes to the other room, so I can head for the exit. If it came here, I was doomed.... It was the only time I lost my in-game sanity completely (and real life sanity, I would say)

I hate to break it to you, but you don't drink that blood. You inject it straight into your veins xD

[Image: tumblr_meuosnsjDw1s01xwto1_500.gif]
01-30-2013, 05:42 AM

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