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Importing The Hunter Model
tonewww Offline

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Importing The Hunter Model

when the tools came out for modding amnesia i tried to import the hunters model apparently when i import the dae file i get

(i am not using windows 2000 btw im using vista)

Number of Processors: 2
Processor Type: Intel Pentium
Windows OS: Windows 2000
Version 6.0000
Build Number 6002
Service Pack 2

Current Memory Load: 44
Total Physical Memory: -1830912 bytes
Available Physical Memory: -1917247488 bytes
Total Virtual Memory: 2147352576 bytes
Available Virtual Memory: 1883398144 bytes
EAX=00000000 EBX=00000000 ECX=00000000 EDX=00000000 ESI=0BA154E0
EDI=0BA0F4F0 EBP=0017FFEC ESP=0017FFDC EIP=772CD45F FLG=00010202
CS=0023 DS=002B SS=002B ES=002B FS=0053 GS=002B
EAX=00000000 EBX=00000000 ECX=00000000 EDX=00000000 ESI=0BA154E0
EDI=0BA0F4F0 EBP=0017FFEC ESP=0017FFDC EIP=772CD45F FLG=00010202
CS=0023 DS=002B SS=002B ES=002B FS=0053 GS=002B
0023:004DB2AE ModelEditor.exe, hpl::cSubMeshEntity::UpdateGraphicsForFrame()+0302 byte(s), d:\hpl_2\core\sources\scene\submeshentity.cpp, line 0202+0026 byte(s)
0023:004F1368 ModelEditor.exe, hpl::cRenderList::AddObject()+0120 byte(s), d:\hpl_2\core\sources\graphics\renderlist.cpp, line 0081
0023:00495C4F ModelEditor.exe, hpl::iRenderer::CheckNodesAndAddToListIterative()+0175 byte(s), d:\hpl_2\core\sources\graphics\renderer.cpp, line 0907+0012 byte(s)
0023:00495C83 ModelEditor.exe, hpl::iRenderer::CheckForVisibleAndAddToList()+0035 byte(s), d:\hpl_2\core\sources\graphics\renderer.cpp, line 0919+0020 byte(s)
0023:005014B7 ModelEditor.exe, hpl::cRendererWireFrame::SetupRenderList()+0071 byte(s), d:\hpl_2\core\sources\graphics\rendererwireframe.cpp, line 0095
0023:004987A6 ModelEditor.exe, hpl::iRenderer::Render()+0054 byte(s), d:\hpl_2\core\sources\graphics\renderer.cpp, line 0456
0023:0049DF4F ModelEditor.exe, hpl::cScene::Render()+0223 byte(s), d:\hpl_2\core\sources\scene\scene.cpp, line 0198
0023:0048C2F0 ModelEditor.exe, hpl::cEngine::Run()+0768 byte(s), d:\hpl_2\core\sources\engine\engine.cpp, line 0478
0023:00476407 ModelEditor.exe, hplMain()+0119 byte(s), d:\hpl_2\tools\editors\modeleditor\modeleditormain.cpp, line 0028
0023:004A446D ModelEditor.exe, WinMain()+0029 byte(s), d:\hpl_2\core\sources\impl\lowlevelsystemsdl.cpp, line 0052+0029 byte(s)
0023:0057DFC8 ModelEditor.exe, WinMainCRTStartup()+0389 byte(s), f:\vs70builds\3077\vc\crtbld\crt\src\crtexe.c, line 0390+0027 byte(s)
0023:7622ECCB kernel32.dll, BaseThreadInitThunk()+0014 byte(s)
0023:772CD24D ntdll.dll, RtlCreateUserProcess()+0140 byte(s)
0023:772CD45F ntdll.dll, RtlCreateProcessParameters()+0078 byte(s)

*Wishes Penumbra Tech Demo section would return*
10-17-2010, 03:04 PM

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