I'm thinking of getting this game, but I'm not sure. I've never really played horror games. Oblivion, Fallout 3 and Half-Life 2 didn't really scare me but those aren't really 'horror' games.
I don't like horror movies with a lot of gore and screaming, such as Saw. I prefer horror movies with a good storyline. I liked The Shining, but I was quite young when I saw it. For months after seeing that movie I always checked the bathtub when I went to the toilet, lol

I'm older now (18) and while I "jump up" if a zombie suddenly appears, it's hard to really scare me. I know that I'm not going to cry or panic.
There are two reasons why I haven't bought this game yet:
#1 I'm not sure if it'll be fun. I can only play it at night. I study and have a lot of homework but I don't want this game to affect my test results or that I'm unable to fall asleep

. So my question is: is it a rewarding game when you manage to overcome your fears, or are you just scared and happy that you're done with it?
#2 How bad is it, lol? >.< I don't mind horror, although I hate children who are screaming or little girls who are dead (F.E.A.R./The Ring). I'm the kind of guy who looks for his limit in real-life, with sports, everything, but I'm a bit afraid that this game will scare the hell out of me and if it does, I'll feel embarrassed because of that

. Playing this game in the dark with a headset also seems like a real challenge
Thanks in advance!