Hey guys
I can't get the game (ATDD) to show my custom story. I have look through both my extra_english.lang file and my custom_story_settings.cfg file and everything seems fine to me and I've also added cusstom_stories to the resources.cfg file
Everything is placed where they should be placed.
I've tried to re-instal the game 2 times and I've also tried to change profil, but it simply wont show up.
lang file
<CATEGORY Name="CustomStoryMain">
<Entry Name="Description">Description</Entry>
<CATEGORY Name="Iventory">
<CATEGORY Name="Journal">
//In-Game Messages
<Entry Name="Sleep1">When you sleep in a bed. Your health and sanity restores</Entry>
<Entry Name="Sleep2">You feel fresh and recharged</Entry>
<CATEGORY Name="Dialogs">
<Entry Name="WakedUpByNoise">Daniel: What the heck was that sound!? I guess I should go find out</Entry>
<CATEGORY Name="Levels">
<CATEGORY Name="Signs">
custom_story_settings.cfg (Size: 125 bytes / Downloads: 181)
resources.cfg (Size: 1.18 KB / Downloads: 172)