Add message:
1.Make category to language file with any name you want to! Let's say category named:"Example". (To easily add this use HPLangtool found in the same folder as the level editor.)
2.Inside the category ("Example", or anything you have put it's name.) create entry with any name you want. Example; "Entry1".
3.Use this script where you want the message to be showed:
SetMessage(string &asTextCategory, string &asTextEntry, float afTime);
-string &asTextCategory and string &asTextEntry will be the name of a category and entry.
-float afTime will be the time the message is on screen in form; 1.0f(=1 second.)
Example using category "Example" and entry "Entry1", showing the entry for 20 seconds:
SetMessage("Example", "Entry1", 20.0f);
For interaction check tutorials in Frictional Games wiki.