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Low FPS in main menu and game-play

Not Solved Low FPS in main menu and game-play
Hi there,

I just started playing this game SOMA and having this low FPS issue on my laptop. I think my laptop is capable of running this game smoothly but I am having ~30 FPS in main menu and game-play and it was not smooth at all.

-64 bit Win10 i7-7500U Nvidia GTX 950M (Driver up-to-date)
-Changing graphic quality from "high" to "low" or "off" doesn't help
-Changed Engine LimitFPS="false" already
-My default resolution is 1920*1080. When I changed the resolution to 1600*900 or below my FPS was 150+ but I could not make the game run in full screen

Attached is my HPL.log file and thank you in advance!
.log   hpl.log (Size: 13.99 KB / Downloads: 298)
09-10-2017, 10:31 AM
Mudbill Offline

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Not Solved RE: Low FPS in main menu and game-play
Do you have V-Sync enabled in your video settings? If so, try disabling it. I believe I've been in situations where having V-Sync enabled while your GPU is unable to send at least 60 frames, that it drops down to half and tries to balance it out there. Worth a try anyway.

09-10-2017, 03:08 PM

Not Solved RE: Low FPS in main menu and game-play
OP here,
Thank you for you reply. Yes I have tried to turn V-Sync ON, OFF or adaptive, from both the in-game setting and the NVIDIA controller setting one, my FPS did not change at all.
09-11-2017, 12:36 AM

Not Solved RE: Low FPS in main menu and game-play
OP here, I managed to make the game run in full screen now and found out no matter which resolution I use, my FPS is always 20-ish, even on 800x600. I would really appreciate if someone could help me on this.
09-16-2017, 09:37 AM

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