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Work in progress Insanity of Your Mind V2
MatiCekuriel Offline

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RE: Insanity of Your Mind V2

So, please excuse any language mistakes !

The plot without spoilers :

You play John Stanor, who wakes up at home having lost his memory. He discovers that his wife and son have disappeared, but a note from his wife tells him that they have gone to the town of (I didn't find a name yet) specifically in the old office building where John worked. The latter decides to follow his wife's footsteps, without knowing the terrible truth that hides the city.

And with spoilers (the whole story of what happened before gameplay!)

Spoiler below!

John Stanor and his wife Anna have just learned that they will not be able to have children. Completely devastated by this news, John gradually sinks into depression, until he decides one day to go to church. From there, he began to think about God and the condition of Men. From now on, it is madness that awaits him: he now believes he is sent by God to Earth to recreate a new Eden freed from human corruption.

Meanwhile, Anna discovers she's finally pregnant. But when she sees the madness invading her husband, she dares not tell him. John then begins his quest to liberate the Earth from Men. He disappears more and more often and returns home with blood on his clothes. Finally, Anna decides one day to confess that she is expecting a child.

It's too much for John who, blinded by his madness, beats his wife to death. Realizing what he has done, he rejects God and drinks an amnesia potion, having previously written notes for his "future him", so that he can judge him and decide his fate.

And I absolutely don't know when it will release, but certainly not in weeks :')

(I'm just thinking about it, does someone know how to make the "mansion fan" from AMFP static?)
(This post was last modified: 04-21-2018, 08:06 AM by MatiCekuriel.)
04-21-2018, 08:03 AM
Organic Shelter Offline
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RE: Insanity of Your Mind V2

(04-21-2018, 08:03 AM)MatiCekuriel Wrote: (I'm just thinking about it, does someone know how to make the "mansion fan" from AMFP static?)
What kind of fan?
04-21-2018, 12:08 PM
MatiCekuriel Offline

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RE: Insanity of Your Mind V2

New screen ! Big Grin
(And this fan)

Attached Files
.jpg   20180428223130_1.jpg (Size: 153.62 KB / Downloads: 273)
.jpg   fan.jpg (Size: 148.38 KB / Downloads: 270)
04-29-2018, 09:43 AM
Romulator Offline
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RE: Insanity of Your Mind V2

To make it spin you mean? You would use RotatePropToSpeed();. Use false in abResetSpeed, a plain "" in the last value, and experiment with the other values!

Spoiler below!
PHP Code: (Select All)
void RotatePropToSpeed(stringasNamefloat afAccfloat afGoalSpeedfloat afAxisXfloat afAxisYfloat afAxisZbool abResetSpeedstringasOffsetArea); 
Rotates the prop up to a set speed.

asName - internal name
afAcc - acceleration
afGoalSpeed - desired speed
afAxisX - rotation around X axis
afAxisY - rotation around Y axis
afAxisZ - rotation around Z axis
abResetSpeed - determines whether the speed is resetted after goal speed is reached
asOffsetArea - the area to rotate around, if empty, then the center of the body is used Note: The entity you want to rotate MUST be a “StaticObject” entity!

If this is incorrect, have a look at the rotating wheel in the Sewers near the entrance. It would be a very similar scenario to what you are wanting. Smile

Discord: Romulator#0001
[Image: 3f6f01a904.png]
(This post was last modified: 04-29-2018, 02:21 PM by Romulator.)
04-29-2018, 02:12 PM
MatiCekuriel Offline

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RE: Insanity of Your Mind V2

No no, I don't need to use a script to make it spin, it is automatic ! It is also spinning in the level editor, the thing is I don't know how to make it stop ! In the model editor it is already a static prop... Huh
But thank you anyway ^^
04-29-2018, 04:22 PM
MatiCekuriel Offline

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RE: Insanity of Your Mind V2

Here is the link to the moddb page of IoYM! Big Grin
06-16-2018, 10:17 AM
MatiCekuriel Offline

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RE: Insanity of Your Mind V2

I'm not dead! I'm back in Amnesia, and in IoYM!

The mod will be divided in 7 areas :

The Mansion (the introduction map in a way)
The Offices
The Church
The Sewers
The Hostel
The Hospital
The Streets (This map will connect all of the others, except the mansion)
For the moment I'm stuck at the Church ; I admit that I have no ideas for the "nightmare" version of the Church Sad So i'm working a bit on the Hostel and watch some videos of horror games to find ideas (I even watched a 12h marathon of all the Silent Hill games :')

Sorry again for this absence, it was due to a lack of motivation because oh this map Sad
07-22-2019, 07:55 PM
Mudbill Offline

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RE: Insanity of Your Mind V2

Great to see initiative still around. If you wish for more direct feedback/interactions with people, we do have a Discord server if you're interested.

07-23-2019, 05:55 PM
MatiCekuriel Offline

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RE: Insanity of Your Mind V2

(07-23-2019, 05:55 PM)Mudbill Wrote: Great to see initiative still around. If you wish for more direct feedback/interactions with people, we do have a Discord server if you're interested.

I know, I tried, but my ideas were criticized so hard that I left. Like, I wanted a feedback on a screenshot of the streets and the only answer I got was "Don't do the Silent Hill fog, it's horrible, because SH did it doesn't mean it's good, etc". And it was like that on almost every screenshots, so I decided to leave, sorry! I'll stay here and on moddb Wink
07-23-2019, 07:55 PM
Mudbill Offline

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RE: Insanity of Your Mind V2

I'm sorry you got that response. It doesn't sound very rational.
I hope it didn't discourage you though! I wish you luck with your project onwards.

07-24-2019, 04:27 PM

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