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Texture, Model & Animation Help Dynamite model in Amnesia
TimProzz Offline
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Dynamite model in Amnesia

Hey there,

I'm currently working on my custom story Illusions of the Dead 2 and I'm working on a level in which I need a model of dynamite.

On the forum I found somebody had created/exported a dynamite model from Penumbra (I think?), but the mediafire download got deleted. Does somebody still have that/a dynamite model for Amnesia? Or do I have to create one myself?

I also have found a free model on the internet made with blender (texture in png, .blend file, .mtl file and .obj file) but I have no experience with modelling other than retexturing old models.

EDIT: I have found another model (.dae file) with .png texture.
When I open the .dae file in Photoshop the model looks like this (how it should be):
[Image: 353a88fec1419036899f85e1b8a93e0c.png]

I made the png texture into a .mat file but when I add the .mat file to the model, the model just looks like this in the editor (I also tried converting the PNG texture to .dds with Paint.net and then to .mat, but same result):
[Image: c7397a8b7c426141c747b0f4472748a2.png]

Also, loading the .dae file in the ModelViewer give the same result Sad

The files I used are added as attachment.

Anybody have any suggestions?

- TimProzz

Attached Files
.rar   iotd2_dynamite.rar (Size: 1.74 MB / Downloads: 183)

Mod I'm working on: Illusions of the Dead 2
ModDB Illusions of the Dead 2
(This post was last modified: 02-19-2018, 12:25 PM by TimProzz.)
02-19-2018, 09:56 AM
PutraenusAlivius Offline
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RE: Dynamite model in Amnesia

Was the model triangulated? Open the file in Blender, go to Edit Mode, select all faces, then press CTRL+T.

"Veni, vidi, vici."
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02-19-2018, 12:46 PM
TimProzz Offline
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RE: Dynamite model in Amnesia

I'm sorry if this is not what you meant (I've never really used Blender before so I'm a noob xD) but I opened the .dae file, selected Edit Mode, selected all and then pressed CTRL + T:

[Image: 93d01214b3fef07861449f32d6fc141d.png]

Mod I'm working on: Illusions of the Dead 2
ModDB Illusions of the Dead 2
02-19-2018, 01:22 PM
Mudbill Offline

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RE: Dynamite model in Amnesia

You need to open the .dae file you downloaded. By the looks of it, you just triangulated the default cube that Blender gives you when you open an empty document.

You can delete that cube and then import the .dae model if you can't open it directly. CTRL+T will triangulate the model. You then need to export the triangulated model. The export settings I'm not 100% sure of (since I use Maya rather than Blender) but generally you wanna retain the triangulation and exclude cameras and lights.

02-19-2018, 01:29 PM
TimProzz Offline
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RE: Dynamite model in Amnesia

Alright, sorry. I opened the .dae file itself (not imported). After I triangulated it, just export as another .dae file?
[Image: 091e6e328ca602d43580cc96820555a2.png]

I think I got it working! Thanks guys Smile
Many thanks!
[Image: 81ad47084511e167df007330847fa558.jpg]

Mod I'm working on: Illusions of the Dead 2
ModDB Illusions of the Dead 2
(This post was last modified: 02-19-2018, 01:45 PM by TimProzz.)
02-19-2018, 01:43 PM

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