RE: aamfp.exe caused an EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION in module...
I don't know for sure about AMFP becaue I don't think it uses the pre menu more than just setting up the gamma initially.
However, TDD has these entries in the PreMenu category within the english.lang file (I trimmed the contents a bit).
<CATEGORY Name="PreMenu"> <Entry Name="WelcomeMessage01">Welcome to Amnesia: The Dark Descent! [br][br]...</Entry> <Entry Name="WelcomeMessage02">Amnesia should not be played to win...</Entry> <Entry Name="WelcomeMessage03">Do not worry about when and how to save during gameplay...</Entry> <Entry Name="WelcomeMessage04">The world of Amnesia is a dangerous place and you are extremely vulnerable...</Entry> <Entry Name="WelcomeMessage05">The interplay between light and dark is very important to the game...</Entry> <Entry Name="WelcomeMessage06">That is all. Hope you enjoy immersing yourself in the world of Amnesia...</Entry> </CATEGORY>
RE: aamfp.exe caused an EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION in module...
(12-28-2018, 11:49 AM)Mudbill Wrote: I don't know for sure about AMFP becaue I don't think it uses the pre menu more than just setting up the gamma initially.
However, TDD has these entries in the PreMenu category within the english.lang file (I trimmed the contents a bit).
<CATEGORY Name="PreMenu"> <Entry Name="WelcomeMessage01">Welcome to Amnesia: The Dark Descent! [br][br]...</Entry> <Entry Name="WelcomeMessage02">Amnesia should not be played to win...</Entry> <Entry Name="WelcomeMessage03">Do not worry about when and how to save during gameplay...</Entry> <Entry Name="WelcomeMessage04">The world of Amnesia is a dangerous place and you are extremely vulnerable...</Entry> <Entry Name="WelcomeMessage05">The interplay between light and dark is very important to the game...</Entry> <Entry Name="WelcomeMessage06">That is all. Hope you enjoy immersing yourself in the world of Amnesia...</Entry> </CATEGORY>
Interesting. Well guess I will have to skip A Machine for Pigs. Have no idea of what to do.
quick edit: Found the premenu category on the base_english.lang file. This is what it shows:
RE: aamfp.exe caused an EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION in module...
You should include everything until the /CATEGORY tag, so we can see all it contains. I find it odd that the Continue entry is in there.
Another thing I can suggest would be to edit the actual pre_menu.cfg file. It has a list of all sections displayed upon start, so the section giving the warning could be removed from there as well.
Mine looks like so, so you can remove what's in the red mark:
Removing it is not critical for the game to work, all it does is ask you what the gamma should be the first time you start the game. Gamma can be changed in the graphics settings instead.
RE: aamfp.exe caused an EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION in module...
(12-28-2018, 07:39 PM)Mudbill Wrote: You should include everything until the /CATEGORY tag, so we can see all it contains. I find it odd that the Continue entry is in there.
Another thing I can suggest would be to edit the actual pre_menu.cfg file. It has a list of all sections displayed upon start, so the section giving the warning could be removed from there as well.
Mine looks like so, so you can remove what's in the red mark:
Removing it is not critical for the game to work, all it does is ask you what the gamma should be the first time you start the game. Gamma can be changed in the graphics settings instead.
All right. I will try what you suggest to address this issue. Here I am sharing what the base_english.lang file looks like, hope it helps.
quick edit: I tried what you suggested to no avail. Guess there is no more Amnesia for me then.
Spoiler below!
<CATEGORY Name="Global">
<Entry Name="Warning"></Entry>
<Entry Name="Yes">Yes</Entry>
<Entry Name="No">No</Entry>
<Entry Name="OK">OK</Entry>
<Entry Name="Cancel">Cancel</Entry>
<Entry Name="None">None</Entry>
<CATEGORY Name="MainMenu">
<Entry Name="Start Game">Start New Game</Entry>
<Entry Name="Load Game">Load Game</Entry>
<Entry Name="Custom Map">Custom Story</Entry>
<Entry Name="Change Profile">Change Profile</Entry>
<Entry Name="Exit">Exit</Entry>
<Entry Name="Start a new game?">Start a new game?</Entry>
<Entry Name="Yes">Yes</Entry>
<Entry Name="No">No</Entry>
<Entry Name="Sure you want to quit?">Sure you want to quit?</Entry>
<Entry Name="Profiles">Profiles</Entry>
<Entry Name="Select">Select</Entry>
<Entry Name="Create">Create</Entry>
<Entry Name="Delete">Delete</Entry>
<Entry Name="Information:">Information:</Entry>
<Entry Name="Create Profile">Create Profile</Entry>
<Entry Name="Enter name of Profile">Enter name of Profile</Entry>
<Entry Name="Cancel">Cancel</Entry>
<Entry Name="No profile to be deleted!">No profile to be deleted!</Entry>
<Entry Name="Sure you want to delete profile">Sure you want to delete profile? All progress will be lost!</Entry>
<Entry Name="Could not remove profile">Could not remove profile!</Entry>
<Entry Name="The profile name already exists">The profile name already exists!</Entry>
<Entry Name="OK">OK</Entry>
<Entry Name="New Player">New Player</Entry>
<Entry Name="Back To Game">Back To Game</Entry>
<Entry Name="Options">Options</Entry>
<Entry Name="OptionsGame">Game</Entry>
<Entry Name="OptionsGraphics">Graphics</Entry>
<Entry Name="OptionsGraphicsAdvanced">Graphics(Advanced)</Entry>
<Entry Name="OptionsSound">Sound</Entry>
<Entry Name="OptionsInput">Input</Entry>
<Entry Name="Apply">Apply</Entry>
<Entry Name="ExitToMainMenu">Exit</Entry>
<Entry Name="Sure you want to exit to main menu?">Sure you want to exit to main menu? Any unsaved progress will be lost!</Entry>
<Entry Name="Continue">Continue</Entry>
<Entry Name="Continue old game?">Continue previously played game?</Entry>
<Entry Name="ExitAndSave">Save and Exit</Entry>
<Entry Name="Sure you want to exit and save?">Sure you want to exit to main menu and save your progress?</Entry>
<Entry Name="Chapter">Chapter</Entry>
<Entry Name="Level">Level</Entry>
<Entry Name="Save">Save</Entry>
<CATEGORY Name="OptionsMenu">
<Entry Name="Low">Low</Entry>
<Entry Name="Medium">Medium</Entry>
<Entry Name="High">High</Entry>
<Entry Name="Show">Show</Entry>
<Entry Name="BasicOptions">Basic Options</Entry>
<Entry Name="AdvancedOptions">Advanced Options</Entry>
<Entry Name="Nearest">Nearest</Entry>
<Entry Name="Bilinear">Bilinear</Entry>
<Entry Name="Trilinear">Trilinear</Entry>
<Entry Name="ReqRestart">Restart required</Entry>
<Entry Name="ReqRestartLabel"></Entry>
<Entry Name="ReqRestartMessage">Some changes will need a restart to take effect.</Entry>
<Entry Name="ShowHints">Show hints</Entry>
<Entry Name="ShowHintsTip">Toggle display of useful hints during the game.</Entry>
<Entry Name="Resolution">Resolution</Entry>
<Entry Name="ResolutionTip">Change screen resolution.</Entry>
<Entry Name="FullScreen">FullScreen</Entry>
<Entry Name="FullScreenDesktop">Full Desktop on</Entry>
<Entry Name="FullScreenTip">Toggle between full screen and windowed mode.</Entry>
<Entry Name="VSync">Vertical Sync</Entry>
<Entry Name="AdaptiveVSync">Adaptive VSync</Entry>
<Entry Name="VSyncTip">Synchronize vertical retrace. Might solve tearing in the image.</Entry>
<Entry Name="AdaptiveVSyncTip">Automatically disables Vertical Sync if the game runs slower than the update rate of the screen. Enable if the game is slow</Entry>
<Entry Name="TexQuality">Texture Quality</Entry>
<Entry Name="TexQualityTip">The resolution of the in-game textures.</Entry>
<Entry Name="TexFilter">Texture Filter</Entry>
<Entry Name="TexFilterTip">Alters the quality of textures when viewed close up or far away.</Entry>
<Entry Name="PostEffects">PostEffects</Entry>
<Entry Name="PostEffectsTip">If any post effect should be used.</Entry>
<Entry Name="Bloom">Bloom</Entry>
<Entry Name="BloomTip">Smooths out brightness a bit.</Entry>
<Entry Name="ImageTrail">ImageTrail</Entry>
<Entry Name="ImageTrailTip">A kind of blur effect used during some sequences.</Entry>
<Entry Name="Sepia">Sepia</Entry>
<Entry Name="SepiaTip">Filter for changing color tones.</Entry>
<Entry Name="ColorGrading">ColorGrading</Entry>
<Entry Name="ColorGradingTip">Filter for changing color values and hues</Entry>
<Entry Name="RadialBlur">RadialBlur</Entry>
<Entry Name="RadialBlurTip">A special kind of blur filter used during some sequences.</Entry>
<Entry Name="SSAO">SSAO</Entry>
<Entry Name="SSAOTip">Screen Space Ambient Occlusion filter. Gives a more realistic shading.</Entry>
<Entry Name="SSAOSamplesTip">Number of samples for the SSAO filter.</Entry>
<Entry Name="Shadows">Shadows</Entry>
<Entry Name="ShadowsTip">If objects should be able to cast shadows.</Entry>
<Entry Name="ShadowQuality">Quality</Entry>
<Entry Name="ShadowQualityTip">The quality of the shadows. Higher gives smooth edges but is more demanding.</Entry>
<Entry Name="ShadowRes">Resolution</Entry>
<Entry Name="ShadowResTip">The higher, the more detailed shadows.</Entry>
<Entry Name="Gamma">Gamma</Entry>
<Entry Name="GammaTip">Gamma Tip</Entry>
<Entry Name="ParallaxQuality">Parallax Quality</Entry>
<Entry Name="ParallaxQualityTip">The quality level for the parallax effect. High is very demanding!</Entry>
<Entry Name="InvertMouse">Invert Mouse</Entry>
<Entry Name="InvertMouseTip">Inverts the mouse Y-axis.</Entry>
<Entry Name="SmoothMouse">Smooth Mouse</Entry>
<Entry Name="SmoothMouseTip">If the mouse movements should be smoothed.</Entry>
<Entry Name="MouseSensitivity">Mouse Sensitivity</Entry>
<Entry Name="MouseSensitivityTip">Set how sensitive the mouse movements should be.</Entry>
<Entry Name="InvertGamepadLook">Invert Gamepad Look</Entry>
<Entry Name="InvertGamepadLookTip">Inverts the gamepad analog look Y-axis.</Entry>
<Entry Name="GamepadLookSensitivity">Gamepad Look Sensitivity</Entry>
<Entry Name="GamepadLookSensitivityTip">Set how sensitive the gamepad analog look movements should be.</Entry>
<Entry Name="Volume">Master Volume</Entry>
<Entry Name="VolumeTip">Global sound volume</Entry>
<Entry Name="GammaInstructions">Controls screen brightness. To play as intended, lower Gamma until right square is barely visible.</Entry>
<Entry Name="KeyConfigButton">Key Config</Entry>
<Entry Name="KeyConfigButtonTip">Set up key configuration.</Entry>
<Entry Name="WorldReflection">World Reflection</Entry>
<Entry Name="WorldReflectionTip">If the water renders a world reflection or not.</Entry>
<Entry Name="SSAOSamples">Samples</Entry>
<Entry Name="SSAOResolution">Resolution</Entry>
<Entry Name="SSAOResolutionTip">When high, SSAO will be sharper but very demanding.</Entry>
<Entry Name="Material">Material</Entry>
<Entry Name="Anisotropy">Anisotropy</Entry>
<Entry Name="AnisotropyTip">Will make distant textures look better.</Entry>
<Entry Name="Off">Off</Entry>
<Entry Name="FullscreenSmooth">Smoothing</Entry>
<Entry Name="Enabled">Enabled</Entry>
<Entry Name="EdgeSmoothTip">Smoothes edges but is demanding.</Entry>
<Entry Name="Insanity">Insanity</Entry>
<Entry Name="InsanityTip">Effect used when sanity is low.</Entry>
<Entry Name="ParallaxEnabledTip">This effect gives otherwise flat surfaces an appearance of depth.</Entry>
<Entry Name="ShowSubtitles">Show subtitles</Entry>
<Entry Name="ShowSubtitlesTip">If subtitles should be shown along with spoken text.</Entry>
<Entry Name="ShowDeathHints">Show death hints</Entry>
<Entry Name="ShowDeathHintsTip">If tips shown after death should be activated.</Entry>
<Entry Name="ShowEffectSubtitles">Show effect subtitles</Entry>
<Entry Name="ShowEffectSubtitlesTip">If subtitles should be shown along with effect voices.</Entry>
<Entry Name="ShowCrosshair">Show crosshair</Entry>
<Entry Name="ShowCrosshairTip">If graphic crosshair should be shown in game.</Entry>
<Entry Name="Language">Language</Entry>
<Entry Name="LanguageTip">Language for texts and subtitles.</Entry>
<Entry Name="FocusIconStyle">Focus icon style</Entry>
<Entry Name="FocusIconStyleTip">The style of the icon when looking at an interactable object. Using Simple will only change color of the crosshair.</Entry>
<Entry Name="FocusIconStyleSimple">Simple</Entry>
<Entry Name="FocusIconStyleDefault">Default</Entry>
<Entry Name="Refraction">Refraction</Entry>
<Entry Name="RefractionTip">If a refraction should be rendered by specific objects.</Entry>
<Entry Name="SoundDevice">Sound Device</Entry>
<Entry Name="Commentary">Commentary</Entry>
<Entry Name="CommentaryTip">Enables developer commentary during gameplay.</Entry>
<Entry Name="SoundDeviceTip">Sound Device to use</Entry>
<Entry Name="Water">Water</Entry>
<Entry Name="Screen">Screen</Entry>
<CATEGORY Name="LoadGame">
<Entry Name="LoadGameTitle">Load Game</Entry>
<Entry Name="NoGame">No game to load</Entry>
<Entry Name="MissingGame">Save file is missing or corrupt</Entry>
<Entry Name="LoadGameMessage">Load saved game?</Entry>
<CATEGORY Name="KeyConfig">
<Entry Name="KeyConfigTitle">Key Config</Entry>
<Entry Name="Category">Category</Entry>
<Entry Name="Movement">Movement</Entry>
<Entry Name="Actions">Actions</Entry>
<Entry Name="Misc">Misc</Entry>
<Entry Name="HeaderAction">Action</Entry>
<Entry Name="HeaderPrimary">Primary</Entry>
<Entry Name="HeaderSecondary">Secondary</Entry>
<Entry Name="SetDefault">Set default keys</Entry>
<Entry Name="LoadDefaultsMessage">Sure to load default keys?</Entry>
<Entry Name="InvalidInputMessage">There are duplicate control definitions. Are you sure you want to keep them?</Entry>
<CATEGORY Name="StartUp" />
<CATEGORY Name="ButtonNames">
<Entry Name="BackSpace">BackSpace</Entry>
<Entry Name="Tab">Tab</Entry>
<Entry Name="Clear">Clear</Entry>
<Entry Name="Return">Return</Entry>
<Entry Name="Pause">Pause</Entry>
<Entry Name="Escape">Escape</Entry>
<Entry Name="Space">Space</Entry>
<Entry Name="Exclaim">Exclaim</Entry>
<Entry Name="DblQoute">DblQuote</Entry>
<Entry Name="Hash">Hash</Entry>
<Entry Name="Dollar">Dollar</Entry>
<Entry Name="Ampersand">Ampersand</Entry>
<Entry Name="Quote">Quote</Entry>
<Entry Name="LeftParent">LeftParent</Entry>
<Entry Name="RightParent">RightParent</Entry>
<Entry Name="Asterisk">Asterisk</Entry>
<Entry Name="Comma">Comma</Entry>
<Entry Name="Slash">Slash</Entry>
<Entry Name="Colon">Colon</Entry>
<Entry Name="SemiColon">SemiColon</Entry>
<Entry Name="Less">Less</Entry>
<Entry Name="Greater">Greater</Entry>
<Entry Name="Question">Question</Entry>
<Entry Name="At">At</Entry>
<Entry Name="LeftBracket">LeftBracket</Entry>
<Entry Name="BackSlash">BackSlash</Entry>
<Entry Name="RightBracket">RightAlt</Entry>
<Entry Name="Caret">Caret</Entry>
<Entry Name="Underscore">Underscore</Entry>
<Entry Name="BackQuote">BackQuote</Entry>
<Entry Name="A">A</Entry>
<Entry Name="B">B</Entry>
<Entry Name="C">C</Entry>
<Entry Name="D">D</Entry>
<Entry Name="E">E</Entry>
<Entry Name="F">F</Entry>
<Entry Name="G">G</Entry>
<Entry Name="H">H</Entry>
<Entry Name="I">I</Entry>
<Entry Name="J">J</Entry>
<Entry Name="K">K</Entry>
<Entry Name="L">L</Entry>
<Entry Name="M">M</Entry>
<Entry Name="N">N</Entry>
<Entry Name="O">O</Entry>
<Entry Name="P">P</Entry>
<Entry Name="Q">Q</Entry>
<Entry Name="R">R</Entry>
<Entry Name="S">S</Entry>
<Entry Name="T">T</Entry>
<Entry Name="U">U</Entry>
<Entry Name="V">V</Entry>
<Entry Name="W">W</Entry>
<Entry Name="X">X</Entry>
<Entry Name="Y">Y</Entry>
<Entry Name="Z">Z</Entry>
<Entry Name="0">0</Entry>
<Entry Name="1">1</Entry>
<Entry Name="2">2</Entry>
<Entry Name="3">3</Entry>
<Entry Name="4">4</Entry>
<Entry Name="5">5</Entry>
<Entry Name="6">6</Entry>
<Entry Name="7">7</Entry>
<Entry Name="8">8</Entry>
<Entry Name="9">9</Entry>
<Entry Name="KP_0">NumPad 0</Entry>
<Entry Name="KP_1">NumPad 1</Entry>
<Entry Name="KP_2">NumPad 2</Entry>
<Entry Name="KP_3">NumPad 3</Entry>
<Entry Name="KP_4">NumPad 4</Entry>
<Entry Name="KP_5">NumPad 5</Entry>
<Entry Name="KP_6">NumPad 6</Entry>
<Entry Name="KP_7">NumPad 7</Entry>
<Entry Name="KP_8">NumPad 8</Entry>
<Entry Name="KP_9">NumPad 9</Entry>
<Entry Name="Delete">Delete</Entry>
<Entry Name="Period">Period</Entry>
<Entry Name="Divide">Divide</Entry>
<Entry Name="Multiply">Multiply</Entry>
<Entry Name="Minus">Minus</Entry>
<Entry Name="Plus">Plus</Entry>
<Entry Name="Enter">Enter</Entry>
<Entry Name="Equals">Equals</Entry>
<Entry Name="Up">Up</Entry>
<Entry Name="Down">Down</Entry>
<Entry Name="Right">Right</Entry>
<Entry Name="Left">Left</Entry>
<Entry Name="Insert">Insert</Entry>
<Entry Name="Home">Home</Entry>
<Entry Name="End">End</Entry>
<Entry Name="PageUp">PageUp</Entry>
<Entry Name="PageDown">PageDown</Entry>
<Entry Name="NumLock">NumLock</Entry>
<Entry Name="CapsLock">CapsLock</Entry>
<Entry Name="ScrollLock">ScrollLock</Entry>
<Entry Name="RightShift">RightShift</Entry>
<Entry Name="LeftShift">LeftShift</Entry>
<Entry Name="RightControl">RightControl</Entry>
<Entry Name="RightAlt">RightAlt</Entry>
<Entry Name="LeftAlt">LeftAlt</Entry>
<Entry Name="RightMeta">RightMeta</Entry>
<Entry Name="LeftMeta">LeftMeta</Entry>
<Entry Name="LeftSuper">LeftSuper</Entry>
<Entry Name="RightSuper">RightSuper</Entry>
<Entry Name="Mode">Mode</Entry>
<Entry Name="Help">Help</Entry>
<Entry Name="Print">Print</Entry>
<Entry Name="SysReq">SysReq</Entry>
<Entry Name="Break">Break</Entry>
<Entry Name="Menu">Menu</Entry>
<Entry Name="Power">Power</Entry>
<Entry Name="Euro">Euro</Entry>
<Entry Name="None">None</Entry>
<Entry Name="LeftMouse">LeftMouse</Entry>
<Entry Name="MiddleMouse">MiddleMouse</Entry>
<Entry Name="RightMouse">RightMouse</Entry>
<Entry Name="Mouse6">Mouse X1</Entry>
<Entry Name="Mouse7">Mouse X2</Entry>
<Entry Name="WheelUp">WheelUp</Entry>
<Entry Name="WheelDown">WheelDown</Entry>
<Entry Name="LeftControl">LeftControl</Entry>
<Entry Name="KP_Period">NumPad Period</Entry>
<Entry Name="KP_Divide">NumPad Divide</Entry>
<Entry Name="KP_Multiply">NumPad Multiply</Entry>
<Entry Name="KP_Minus">NumPad Minus</Entry>
<Entry Name="KP_Plus">NumPad Plus</Entry>
<Entry Name="KP_Enter">NumPad Enter</Entry>
<Entry Name="KP_Equals">NumPad Equals</Entry>
<Entry Name="F1">F1</Entry>
<Entry Name="F2">F2</Entry>
<Entry Name="F3">F3</Entry>
<Entry Name="F4">F4</Entry>
<Entry Name="F5">F5</Entry>
<Entry Name="F6">F6</Entry>
<Entry Name="F7">F7</Entry>
<Entry Name="F8">F8</Entry>
<Entry Name="F9">F9</Entry>
<Entry Name="F10">F10</Entry>
<Entry Name="F11">F11</Entry>
<Entry Name="F12">F12</Entry>
<Entry Name="F13">F13</Entry>
<Entry Name="F14">F14</Entry>
<Entry Name="F15">F15</Entry>
<Entry Name="World_0">World 0</Entry>
<Entry Name="World_1">World 1</Entry>
<Entry Name="World_2">World 2</Entry>
<Entry Name="World_3">World 3</Entry>
<Entry Name="World_4">World 4</Entry>
<Entry Name="World_5">World 5</Entry>
<Entry Name="World_6">World 6</Entry>
<Entry Name="World_7">World 7</Entry>
<Entry Name="World_8">World 8</Entry>
<Entry Name="World_9">World 9</Entry>
<Entry Name="World_10">World 10</Entry>
<Entry Name="World_11">World 11</Entry>
<Entry Name="World_12">World 12</Entry>
<Entry Name="World_13">World 13</Entry>
<Entry Name="World_14">World 14</Entry>
<Entry Name="World_15">World 15</Entry>
<Entry Name="World_16">World 16</Entry>
<Entry Name="World_17">World 17</Entry>
<Entry Name="World_18">World 18</Entry>
<Entry Name="World_19">World 19</Entry>
<Entry Name="World_20">World 20</Entry>
<Entry Name="World_21">World 21</Entry>
<Entry Name="World_22">World 22</Entry>
<Entry Name="World_23">World 23</Entry>
<Entry Name="World_24">World 24</Entry>
<Entry Name="World_25">World 25</Entry>
<Entry Name="World_26">World 26</Entry>
<Entry Name="World_27">World 27</Entry>
<Entry Name="World_28">World 28</Entry>
<Entry Name="World_29">World 29</Entry>
<Entry Name="World_30">World 30</Entry>
<Entry Name="World_31">World 31</Entry>
<Entry Name="World_32">World 32</Entry>
<Entry Name="World_33">World 33</Entry>
<Entry Name="World_34">World 34</Entry>
<Entry Name="World_35">World 35</Entry>
<Entry Name="World_36">World 36</Entry>
<Entry Name="World_37">World 37</Entry>
<Entry Name="World_38">World 38</Entry>
<Entry Name="World_39">World 39</Entry>
<Entry Name="World_40">World 40</Entry>
<Entry Name="World_41">World 41</Entry>
<Entry Name="World_42">World 42</Entry>
<Entry Name="World_43">World 43</Entry>
<Entry Name="World_44">World 44</Entry>
<Entry Name="World_45">World 45</Entry>
<Entry Name="World_46">World 46</Entry>
<Entry Name="World_47">World 47</Entry>
<Entry Name="World_48">World 48</Entry>
<Entry Name="World_49">World 49</Entry>
<Entry Name="World_50">World 50</Entry>
<Entry Name="World_51">World 51</Entry>
<Entry Name="World_52">World 52</Entry>
<Entry Name="World_53">World 53</Entry>
<Entry Name="World_54">World 54</Entry>
<Entry Name="World_55">World 55</Entry>
<Entry Name="World_56">World 56</Entry>
<Entry Name="World_57">World 57</Entry>
<Entry Name="World_58">World 58</Entry>
<Entry Name="World_59">World 59</Entry>
<Entry Name="World_60">World 60</Entry>
<Entry Name="World_61">World 61</Entry>
<Entry Name="World_62">World 62</Entry>
<Entry Name="World_63">World 63</Entry>
<Entry Name="World_64">World 64</Entry>
<Entry Name="World_65">World 65</Entry>
<Entry Name="World_66">World 66</Entry>
<Entry Name="World_67">World 67</Entry>
<Entry Name="World_68">World 68</Entry>
<Entry Name="World_69">World 69</Entry>
<Entry Name="World_70">World 70</Entry>
<Entry Name="World_71">World 71</Entry>
<Entry Name="World_72">World 72</Entry>
<Entry Name="World_73">World 73</Entry>
<Entry Name="World_74">World 74</Entry>
<Entry Name="World_75">World 75</Entry>
<Entry Name="World_76">World 76</Entry>
<Entry Name="World_77">World 77</Entry>
<Entry Name="World_78">World 78</Entry>
<Entry Name="World_79">World 79</Entry>
<Entry Name="World_80">World 80</Entry>
<Entry Name="World_81">World 81</Entry>
<Entry Name="World_82">World 82</Entry>
<Entry Name="World_83">World 83</Entry>
<Entry Name="World_84">World 84</Entry>
<Entry Name="World_85">World 85</Entry>
<Entry Name="World_86">World 86</Entry>
<Entry Name="World_87">World 87</Entry>
<Entry Name="World_88">World 88</Entry>
<Entry Name="World_89">World 89</Entry>
<Entry Name="World_90">World 90</Entry>
<Entry Name="World_91">World 91</Entry>
<Entry Name="World_92">World 92</Entry>
<Entry Name="World_93">World 93</Entry>
<Entry Name="World_94">World 94</Entry>
<Entry Name="World_95">World 95</Entry>
<Entry Name="Axis 0.Negative">LStick Left</Entry>
<Entry Name="Axis 0.Positive">LStick Right</Entry>
<Entry Name="Axis 1.Negative">LStick Up</Entry>
<Entry Name="Axis 1.Positive">LStick Down</Entry>
<Entry Name="Axis 2.Negative">Button RT</Entry>
<Entry Name="Axis 2.Positive">Button LT</Entry>
<Entry Name="Axis 3.Negative">RStick Up</Entry>
<Entry Name="Axis 3.Positive">RStick Down</Entry>
<Entry Name="Axis 4.Negative">RStick Left</Entry>
<Entry Name="Axis 4.Positive">RStick Right</Entry>
<Entry Name="Hat 0.Up">DPad Up</Entry>
<Entry Name="Hat 0.Right">DPad Right</Entry>
<Entry Name="Hat 0.Down">DPad Down</Entry>
<Entry Name="Hat 0.Left">DPad Left</Entry>
<Entry Name="Button 0">Button A</Entry>
<Entry Name="Button 1">Button B</Entry>
<Entry Name="Button 2">Button X</Entry>
<Entry Name="Button 3">Button Y</Entry>
<Entry Name="Button 4">Button LB</Entry>
<Entry Name="Button 5">Button RB</Entry>
<Entry Name="Button 6">Select</Entry>
<Entry Name="Button 7">Start</Entry>
<Entry Name="Button 8">Button LStick</Entry>
<Entry Name="Button 9">Button RStick</Entry>
<Entry Name="Button 10">Button x5</Entry>
<Entry Name="Button 11">Button x6</Entry>
<!-- SDL 2 mapping names -->
<Entry Name="Axis LeftX.Negative">LStick Left</Entry>
<Entry Name="Axis LeftX.Positive">LStick Right</Entry>
<Entry Name="Axis LeftY.Negative">LStick Up</Entry>
<Entry Name="Axis LeftY.Positive">LStick Down</Entry>
<Entry Name="Axis RightTrigger.Positive">Button RT</Entry>
<Entry Name="Axis LeftTrigger.Positive">Button LT</Entry>
<Entry Name="Axis RightX.Negative">RStick Up</Entry>
<Entry Name="Axis RightX.Positive">RStick Down</Entry>
<Entry Name="Axis RightY.Negative">RStick Left</Entry>
<Entry Name="Axis RightY.Positive">RStick Right</Entry>
<Entry Name="Button DpadUp">DPad Up</Entry>
<Entry Name="Button DpadRight">DPad Right</Entry>
<Entry Name="Button DpadDown">DPad Down</Entry>
<Entry Name="Button DpadLeft">DPad Left</Entry>
<Entry Name="Button A">Button A</Entry>
<Entry Name="Button B">Button B</Entry>
<Entry Name="Button X">Button X</Entry>
<Entry Name="Button Y">Button Y</Entry>
<Entry Name="Button LeftShoulder">Button LB</Entry>
<Entry Name="Button RightShoulder">Button RB</Entry>
<Entry Name="Button Back">Back</Entry>
<Entry Name="Button Start">Start</Entry>
<Entry Name="Button LeftStick">Button LStick</Entry>
<Entry Name="Button RightStick">Button RStick</Entry>
<Entry Name="Button Guide">Guide</Entry>
<CATEGORY Name="Actions">
<Entry Name="Forward">Forward</Entry>
<Entry Name="Backward">Backward</Entry>
<Entry Name="Right">Right</Entry>
<Entry Name="Left">Left</Entry>
<Entry Name="LeanRight">LeanRight</Entry>
<Entry Name="LeanLeft">LeanLeft</Entry>
<Entry Name="Lean">Lean</Entry>
<Entry Name="Run">Run</Entry>
<Entry Name="Crouch">Crouch</Entry>
<Entry Name="Jump">Jump</Entry>
<Entry Name="Attack">Throw</Entry>
<Entry Name="Interact">Interact</Entry>
<Entry Name="Rotate">Rotate</Entry>
<Entry Name="Lantern">Lantern</Entry>
<Entry Name="Inventory">Inventory</Entry>
<Entry Name="Journal">Journal</Entry>
<Entry Name="QuestLog">My Journal</Entry>
<Entry Name="RecentText">Open Recent Text</Entry>
<Entry Name="AttackTooltip">Throw or push a currently grabbed object.</Entry>
<Entry Name="BackwardTooltip">Move backwards</Entry>
<Entry Name="CrouchTooltip">Toggle crouch.</Entry>
<Entry Name="ForwardTooltip">Move forwards</Entry>
<Entry Name="InteractTooltip">Interact with objects in the game.</Entry>
<Entry Name="InventoryTooltip">Brings up the Inventory screen.</Entry>
<Entry Name="JournalTooltip">Brings up the Journal screen.</Entry>
<Entry Name="JumpTooltip">Do a jump.</Entry>
<Entry Name="LanternTooltip">Brings up or puts down the lantern.</Entry>
<Entry Name="LeanLeftTooltip">Tilts head to left, useful to peek around corners.</Entry>
<Entry Name="LeanRightTooltip">Tilts head to right, useful to peek around corners.</Entry>
<Entry Name="LeanTooltip">Tilts head to where the look control points, useful to peek around corners.</Entry>
<Entry Name="LeftTooltip">Strafe left.</Entry>
<Entry Name="QuestLogTooltip">Brings up My Journal. Useful to check when stuck.</Entry>
<Entry Name="RecentTextTooltip">Brings up most recently read text (note or diary).</Entry>
<Entry Name="RightTooltip">Strafe right.</Entry>
<Entry Name="RotateTooltip">Hold while moving the mouse to rotate the currently grabbed object.</Entry>
<Entry Name="RunTooltip">Hold while using the movement to run.</Entry>
<Entry Name="CrosshairToggle">CrosshairToggle</Entry>
<Entry Name="CrosshairToggleTooltip">Toggle onscreen crosshair.</Entry>
<CATEGORY Name="Inventory">
<Entry Name="Combine">Combine</Entry>
<Entry Name="with">with</Entry>
<Entry Name="CombinationDoesNotWork">Combination does not work!</Entry>
<Entry Name="UseItemDoesNotWork">Cannot use this item this way!</Entry>
<Entry Name="UseItemHasNoObject">No object to use item on!</Entry>
<Entry Name="Equipped:">Equipped:</Entry>
<Entry Name="ItemDesc_Lantern">The lantern will light up dark places. When in game press $ButLantern to turn it on.</Entry>
<Entry Name="ItemName_Lantern">Lantern</Entry>
<Entry Name="Thalers">Thaler:</Entry>
<Entry Name="Sanity">Sanity</Entry>
<Entry Name="SanityDesc0">...</Entry>
<Entry Name="SanityDesc1">Head is pounding and hands are shaking.</Entry>
<Entry Name="SanityDesc2">A slight headache.</Entry>
<Entry Name="SanityDesc3">Crystal clear.</Entry>
<Entry Name="Health">Health</Entry>
<Entry Name="HealthDesc0">Barely conscious.</Entry>
<Entry Name="HealthDesc1">A wound is bleeding quite badly.</Entry>
<Entry Name="HealthDesc2">A few cuts and bruises.</Entry>
<Entry Name="HealthDesc3">All is good.</Entry>
<Entry Name="LampOil">Oil</Entry>
<Entry Name="LampOilDesc">Used to keep the lantern flame alive. When it runs out, the lantern can no longer be used.</Entry>
<Entry Name="ItemDesc_HealthPotion">A medical bracer to improve health and help heal wounds.</Entry>
<Entry Name="ItemName_HealthPotion">Laudanum</Entry>
<Entry Name="ItemDesc_SanityPotion">It will increase the sanity level.</Entry>
<Entry Name="ItemName_SanityPotion">Sanity Potion</Entry>
<Entry Name="ItemName_OilPotion">Oil</Entry>
<Entry Name="ItemDesc_OilPotion">Fuel for lantern.</Entry>
<Entry Name="ItemName_OilPotionLarge">Large Oil Potion</Entry>
<Entry Name="ItemDesc_OilPotionLarge">Fuel for lantern.</Entry>
<Entry Name="TooManyItemsOfSort">There is no more room for this kind of item.</Entry>
<Entry Name="PickedUp">Picked up</Entry>
<Entry Name="ItemName_CoinsSmall">Pouch with 10 thalers</Entry>
<Entry Name="ItemDesc_CoinsSmall">A small pouch carrying 10 thalers.</Entry>
<Entry Name="ItemName_CoinsMedium">Bag with 25 thalers</Entry>
<Entry Name="ItemDesc_CoinsMedium">A bag with 25 thalers.</Entry>
<Entry Name="ItemName_CoinsLarge">Sack with 50 thalers</Entry>
<Entry Name="ItemDesc_CoinsLarge">A large sack filled with 50 thalers.</Entry>
<Entry Name="ItemDesc_Tinderbox">Used for lighting candles and torches.</Entry>
<Entry Name="ItemName_Tinderbox">Tinderbox</Entry>
<Entry Name="ItemName_LockPick">Lock Pick</Entry>
<Entry Name="ItemDesc_LockPick">Rusty and weak but in working condition for picking one lock.</Entry>
<Entry Name="UseItemCanNotBeLit">Cannot light this object.</Entry>
<Entry Name="LanternOn">On</Entry>
<Entry Name="LanternOff">Off</Entry>
<Entry Name="OilNeedsLantern">There is nothing to fill with oil.</Entry>
<Entry Name="Tinderboxes">Tinderboxes</Entry>
<Entry Name="TinderboxesDesc">Used to ignite light sources in the environment.</Entry>
<Entry Name="Journal">Journal</Entry>
<Entry Name="JournalDesc">Contains all notes that have been picked up. Click to open.</Entry>
<CATEGORY Name="Game">
<Entry Name="InteractChest01">This chest requires</Entry>
<Entry Name="InteractChest02">thaler in order to be opened.</Entry>
<Entry Name="InteractChest03_NoCoins">You do not have sufficent thaler!</Entry>
<Entry Name="InteractChest03_Question">Unlock it?</Entry>
<Entry Name="InteractChest03">Current thaler:</Entry>
<Entry Name="DeathPress">Press a button to continue...</Entry>
<Entry Name="NoMoreTinderboxes">No tinderboxes left.</Entry>
<Entry Name="OilBarrel_Empty">There is no oil left in barrel.</Entry>
<Entry Name="OilBarrel_LanternFull">No need to fill up on oil. The lantern is already full!</Entry>
<Entry Name="OilBarrel_Refill_Full">The lantern is now fully refilled.</Entry>
<Entry Name="OilBarrel_Refill_Amount_025">Refilled lantern with a few drops of oil.</Entry>
<Entry Name="OilBarrel_FocusText_Empty">The barrel contains no oil.</Entry>
<Entry Name="OilBarrel_Refill_Amount_050">Refilled lantern with a little amount of oil.</Entry>
<Entry Name="OilBarrel_Refill_Amount_075">Refilled more than half of the lantern oil.</Entry>
<Entry Name="OilBarrel_Refill_Amount_100">Refilled almost all lantern oil.</Entry>
<Entry Name="OilBarrel_FocusText_025">The barrel contains a few drops of oil</Entry>
<Entry Name="OilBarrel_FocusText_050">The barrel contains less than half a lantern-worth of oil.</Entry>
<Entry Name="OilBarrel_FocusText_075">The barrel contains more than half a lantern-worth of oil.</Entry>
<Entry Name="OilBarrel_FocusText_100">The barrel contains a full refill-worth of oil.</Entry>
<CATEGORY Name="Journal">
<Entry Name="Notes">Found Documents</Entry>
<Entry Name="Hints">My Journal</Entry>
<Entry Name="Diaries">DIARIES</Entry>
<Entry Name="Quest Log">MEMENTOS</Entry>
<Entry Name="Back">Back</Entry>
<Entry Name="MainBack">BACK</Entry>
<Entry Name="NotesEmpty">I haven't found any documents yet.</Entry>
<Entry Name="HintsEmpty">Nothing occurs to me as yet.</Entry>
<Entry Name="DiariesEmpty">No diaries are available!</Entry>
<Entry Name="QuestsEmpty">No mementos are available!</Entry>
<CATEGORY Name="Quest">
<Entry Name="QuestCompleted">QUEST COMPLETED</Entry>
<Entry Name="QuestAdded">QUEST ADDED</Entry>
<CATEGORY Name="CompletionCount">
<Entry Name="Completed">Completed</Entry>
<CATEGORY Name="Hints">
<Entry Name="SanityAdd">As you make progress or pick up important items, you'll recover some lost sanity.</Entry>
<Entry Name="LanternNoItem">You need to find a lantern to use first.</Entry>
<Entry Name="LanternNoOil">There is no Oil left in the Lantern. You need to find an oil potion and use it to make the lantern work again.</Entry>
<Entry Name="LeanHint">Press $ButLeanLeft or $ButLeanRight to lean around corners or to peek into narrow places.</Entry>
<Entry Name="PushHint">When holding an object, you can click $ButAttack to give it an extra push.</Entry>
<Entry Name="ThrowHint">When holding an object, you can click $ButAttack to throw the object.</Entry>
<Entry Name="HINT:">HINT:</Entry>
<Entry Name="DefaultDeath"></Entry>
<Entry Name="HintHint">Hints can be turned off in the Options menu under the Game tab. The Options menu is accessed by pressing $ButExit.</Entry>
<Entry Name="EntityWheel">Hold down $ButInteract and do a Circular Motion with the mouse to turn the wheel. The wheel will turn in the same direction as you rotate.</Entry>
<Entry Name="EntityGrab01">When holding an object, press $ButAttack to throw it. Hold down $ButRotate and move the mouse to rotate the object and look at it from different angles.</Entry>
<Entry Name="EntityGrab02">Use the $ButScrollDown and $ButScrollUp to move the object closer or further away from you.</Entry>
<Entry Name="EntityPush">Hold down $ButInteract while moving with $ButForward, $ButBackward, $ButLeft and $ButRight to push or pull heavy objects such as storage boxes. Press $ButAttack for a strong push in the direction you face.</Entry>
<Entry Name="EntitySlide">Move the mouse while holding down $ButInteract in order to move objects that are light enough to pick up.</Entry>
<Entry Name="EntitySwingDoor">Hold down $ButInteract and move the mouse in order to move the door. Press $ButAttack to throw the door open or shut, depending on the direction you face.</Entry>
<Entry Name="EntityLever">Hold down $ButInteract and move the mouse in the direction you want to move the lever.</Entry>
<Entry Name="DarknessDecrease">Beware! When standing in darkness your sanity will slowly drain. Turn on lights in the environment using Tinderboxes or search for other sources of light.</Entry>
<Entry Name="SanityHit">Witnessing unsettling events will reduce your sanity. It can be increased by completing puzzles and making progress.</Entry>
<Entry Name="SanityLow">Your sanity is now dangerously low. Make sure to stay in the light and try to make progress.</Entry>
<Entry Name="PickSanityPotion">Use the Sanity Potion to increase your sanity. To use it, double click on it in the Inventory ($ButInventory).</Entry>
<Entry Name="PickCoin">You have found a bag of thalers. When you have enough thalers you can open chests containing valuable items.</Entry>
<Entry Name="PickHealthPotion">Use the Laudanum to increase your health. To drink it, double click on its icon inside the Inventory ($ButInventory).</Entry>
<Entry Name="PickOil">The Lantern drains Oil when it is turned on. To add more Oil to the Lantern, double click on the Oil item in the Inventory ($ButInventory).</Entry>
<Entry Name="PickLantern">You have picked up the Lantern. It can be turned on by pressing $ButLantern and used to find your way through dark areas. Be careful not to attract unwanted attention with the beam.</Entry>
<Entry Name="PickTinderbox">Tinderboxes are used to light candles and other light sources in the enviroment. The current amount of Tinderboxes is shown in Inventory ($ButInventory).</Entry>
<Entry Name="EnemySeen">Avoid looking at enemies for too long. It will drain your sanity and you will eventually be seen.</Entry>
<Entry Name="StickyArea">You can use objects to reach hard-to-get places.</Entry>
<Entry Name="HideHint">You better find a place to hide, you have no means to defend yourself.</Entry>
<Entry Name="EnemyTip01">If an enemy is near, stay out sight and hide in the darkness. Make sure to turn off your lantern ($ButLantern), if possible.</Entry>
<Entry Name="EnemyTip02">Crouch $ButCrouch.</Entry>
<Entry Name="CombineHint">Some items can be combined in the Inventory ($ButInventory). You drag and drop one item onto another to attempt a combine.</Entry>
<Entry Name="RunHint">To run, hold down $ButRun while moving.</Entry>
<Entry Name="QuestAdded">A note has been added to the Journal ($ButJournal). For quick access to your notes, press $ButQuestLog. Make sure to check these whenever you get stuck!</Entry>
<Entry Name="RecentlyReadText">You can quickly check the most recently read text by pressing $ButRecentText.</Entry>
<CATEGORY Name="LevelDoors">
<Entry Name="LockedForever">It won't budge.</Entry>
<CATEGORY Name="General">
<Entry Name="Loading">Loading...</Entry>
<Entry Name="TheEnd">The End</Entry>
<CATEGORY Name="Launcher">
<Entry Name="Off">Off</Entry>
<Entry Name="On">On</Entry>
<Entry Name="ShowBasic">Show Basic</Entry>
<Entry Name="ShowAdvanced">Show Advanced</Entry>
<Entry Name="TabGeneral">General</Entry>
<Entry Name="VideoDevice">Video device:</Entry>
<Entry Name="Quality">Quality:</Entry>
<Entry Name="DetectSettings">Detect</Entry>
<Entry Name="TabGraphics">Graphic options</Entry>
<Entry Name="ShadowQuality">Shadow quality:</Entry>
<Entry Name="ShadowResolution">Shadow resolution:</Entry>
<Entry Name="SSAORes">SSAO resolution</Entry>
<Entry Name="EdgeSmooth">Edge smooth</Entry>
<Entry Name="Parallax">Parallax:</Entry>
<Entry Name="TabSound">Sound options</Entry>
<Entry Name="SoundDevice">Device:</Entry>
<Entry Name="LaunchGame">Launch game</Entry>
<Entry Name="UnsupportedVCard">Card is unsupported</Entry>
<Entry Name="UnlistedVCard">Card is not listed, assuming medium settings</Entry>
<Entry Name="UnlistedVCardClosestMatch">Card is not listed, using settings for closest match:</Entry>
<Entry Name="Custom">Custom</Entry>
<Entry Name="Unsupported">Unsupported</Entry>
<CATEGORY Name="PreMenu">
<Entry Name="Continue">Continue</Entry>
<CATEGORY Name="CustomStory">
<Entry Name="By">By</Entry>
<Entry Name="NoName">No name</Entry>
<Entry Name="NoDescription">No description</Entry>
<Entry Name="NoAuthor">Anonymous</Entry>
<Entry Name="StartCustomQuestion">Start custom story?</Entry>
<Entry Name="Start">Start</Entry>
<Entry Name="NoValidStory">Must select a custom story from the list</Entry>
<CATEGORY Name="Languages">
<Entry Name="english">English</Entry>
<Entry Name="german">Deutsch</Entry>
<Entry Name="spanish">Español</Entry>
<Entry Name="french">Français</Entry>
<Entry Name="italian">Italiano</Entry>
<Entry Name="russian">Ruski</Entry>
<Entry Name="polish">Polski</Entry>
<Entry Name="czech">[u268]eština</Entry>
<Entry Name="hungarian">Magyar</Entry>
<Entry Name="brazilian_portuguese">Português brasileiro</Entry>
(This post was last modified: 12-29-2018, 02:57 PM by Mudbill.)
RE: aamfp.exe caused an EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION in module...
To put it plainly, the reason the error occurs in the log file is because the last section configured in the pre_menu.cfg is asking for this entry:
TextCat="PreMenu" TextEntry="WelcomeMessage05"
Which doesn't exist in the PreMenu category in the base_english.lang file. So the option is to either add an entry called WelcomeMessage05 or remove the section from the pre menu.
However, although this will fix the error, I don't think that is the cause of the crash since this seems to be an error left in by the developers, and the game obviously works for some people.
I hate to see people leave the game because of some strange error like this, but I think I'm out of suggestions...