Yes, that's what I did:
StopSound("ui_lantern_off", 0.0f);
//I also tried this:
StopSound("ui_lantern_off.snt", 0.0f);
//same with the on sounds.
This didn't work however.
If I recall correctly, I used that code in SetLanternLitCallback. When I think about it, maybe a looping timer might help, but...
StopSound(string& asSoundName, float afFadeTime);
PlaySoundAtEntity(string& asSoundName, string& asSoundFile, string& asEntity, float afFadeTime, bool abSaveSound);
StopSound requires asSoundName, and when using the "Show sounds playing" it only shows the asSoundFile (I checked that with other sounds I set up).
So if the UI sounds don't have such names, what I'm trying to achieve might be impossible ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
PS. I was trying to refer to .snt, not .ogg, in the previous post