(11-24-2010, 12:08 AM)Kyle Wrote: It was O.K. but seriously, there were a lot of problems.
Level 1
I found this level to be very weird. First, you need to make the monster to pop up when a player intersects with an area a little ways toward it. Second, the monster needs to have points at where it moves to. Third, the monster needs to disapear once it reaches the end of its points which is away from the player. Fourth, the doorways for the castle part of the level were messed up. Fifth, near the end of the level, the lever on the wall that can be moved left and right had no purpose. Sixth, the sounds for the map were all overlapping and was very irratating. This level was not scary for me, and I am a not-so-brave of a person.
Level 2
The dungeon did not fit too well with the first level. Once again, like I said about the first level, the monster wasn't that cool. I am not sure if the monster this time did move around in this level. There was a random hint that would pop up where it said that the door was locked and the key is somewhere around there. And the thing is that the door was not locked and it popped up after I walked through it. There was also another problem about the hints. The other hint that would pop up would be about there being water and that something is in it.
Level 3
This level not so good. There were problems with doors being locked and the puzzle with the chemistry pot was completely taken from the game. Except I did noticed that it had two puzzles mixed together. There were not a lot of clutter anywhere. Some areas looked exactly like the same as the other rooms. The thalers that were in your game were completely useless. The little room that you started in was kind of stupid. Having the altar ontop of the pedastal was not a good combination. There was also one part when you enter some room and the door locks. It took away sanity when I wasn't even looking. So I recommend you get the player to look at where the scary things are happening for it to make sense.
I hope that you work apon your mistakes and make your game a lot better before starting new levels. 
Thanks for the reply but theres a few things i dont understand.
Firstly i gave all my monsters path nodes, so i have no idea why there not following them i tested my map and they followed them well. But i believe a few things messed up in my maps due to me updating them recently, i havent tested them since and the level doors have been reported to now FAIL. Did text and sound areas work in level 1 and 2 ? if not then sorry for completely ruining it for you.
If they weren't then i will try find the root of the problem.
Also, these were my first maps in order i didnt really make much of a story it was just so people could see how good/bad i am at level editing and scripting, also credit goes to mastersmith98 for making the chemicals mix with the apparatus and for the explosion area
Ehm, i know map 2 didnt fit in with map 1 but like i said map1 was my very first map i was just playing around with things, eg. sounds seem bad in your opinion due to them cluttering with each other, i understand that. Map 2 i started on later after getting used to level editor, it was my 2nd map, the hint about the door is ther ebecuase the door is actually supposed to be locked... i believe ive pretty much screwed my maps over with what i done recently... ehm, the water thing.... if it was at the end of the level then its because theres water there, you have to look closely and you should hear it.
Map 3, was basically used for the explosion and mixing scripts, all my maps arn't intended to be like amnesia's story i just want to keep making maps till i pretty much get them as close to perfect as i can make them.
My map 5 should show this.
Thanks again.
EDIT: also what are Thalers ?? also the whole starting area for map 3 was basically, you start in the creepy light atmosphere then you step into the dark wher eyou feel helpless. Also my monsters should have followed their path nodes apart from the one downstairs which is supposed to be guarding .... .
waqas12346 did you enjoy the maps or were they glitched to hell too ?
EDIT 2: also the text for the water part isnt in map 2 its in map 1 where you have to enter the water so i have no idea how thats happened as ive checked the scripts...
EDIT 3: Also what do you mean there was a hint sayign there was a locked door and that a kep was needed?? there is no scripting for this in map 2... and i checked all the doors i wanted locked are locked. Unless your refering to map 1 where theres a text script very similar to what you said, but the doors locked on mine.
Somethign tells me the downloads fucked up or when you downloaded there was an error maybe ?? because alto of the things you tell me arnt happeneing to me and they shouldnt happen as ive checked them up. ODD.