Good morning, I'm Patrick and this is my first post here. Please remind me should I do anything wrong.
I have a little present for you SOMA players out there. Please read on.
After playing SOMA, I really wished for an option to turn off some of the monsters which deliberately hinder me when trying to concentrate and listen to an audio log or read notes. There is the safe mode, but you still get hit or have to endure noises. So I ventured into the internet to find a solution - and found none. What I've found is the *.hps map scripts instead, which are uncompiled and beautifully descriptive. Sitting down for two days removing code lines, I successfully erradicated all monster encounters that have bugged me.
As there is a safe mode, I think there is a demand for it by players who want to enjoy SOMA without those specific monster encounters. I will share these map scripts with you, so you don't need to do it yourself. I provided a backup of the original map scripts in case something happens. Please read the installation instructions below if you decide to use the edited files.
Be wary that I use the version of the game (patched to version number 1.510 as of now), so I can't guarantee what can happen should you use them on a different version. Make a backup of your current SOMA map script files and try for yourself, I suggest.
Please don't load a savegame of a map you replaced the script file for as no one can be sure what could go wrong. From my testing experience coming encounters will not trigger, but already triggered encounters will stay and because I edited the script files the monsters could not despawn properly. So, please do us two a favor and start a new game or load a savegame on a map without removed encounters.
Notice that on some encounters I had to remove sound noises and changes to music which usually happen in scripted sequences when you get introduced to a new monster type. Apart from these changes the scripts are identical to the originals.
Opinion after replaying
So I played SOMA thrice now. Once with monsters in normal mode, once loading saves to test changes frequently, and once without monsters in normal mode. The ambience inside Pathos II still works well enough and because I did not remove anything besides the encounters where monsters are able to kill you when patrolling an area, you will still be aware of their presence.
Being short, you can enjoy a less monster infested PATHOS-II now and don't need to worry about getting hit or killed exploring and investigating. Happy New Year 2019!
- Extract files from zipped folder.
- Copy the maps folder from \Edited\ to your SOMA installation directory.
- Overwrite all files when asked.
- Copy the maps folder from \Backup\ to your SOMA installation directory.
- Overwrite all files when asked.
Features - minor spoilers about monster encounters ahead!
- Added customizable Mod Launcher version. If you feel like customizing the experience to your own liking. Installation instructions included in readme.txt.
- Added Mod Launcher version. Installation instructions included in readme.txt.
To SOMA's dev team - thank you very much for making this game! It was unnerving walking through Pathos-II.
To staff - for your generosity. I hope you continue to thrive!
I wish you and your families well for this year!
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