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Code Help: New key commands and Entity coding
DIGI Byte Offline
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Solved: 8 Years, 11 Months, 3 Weeks ago Code Help: New key commands and Entity coding

Quote:This is a help request to the Dev's, Luis and any other coders
(I don't know everyone names yet Blush )

We have a small project going on, to create a flashlight entity, fully coded and scripted without overwriting the original lantern.
I have a few questions on limitations and if we can work around them
First, how far can we go as creating a fully working flashlight entity?

Is it possible to write our own keybinds?
I'm looking to change these 2 keybinds and make them take effect in game
<Lantern Primary="Keyboard::L" Secondary="" />
<Flashlight Primary="Keyboard::F" Secondary="" />
Spoiler below!
the only other issue is what if players want other inventory items, is it possible to have glowing sticks or even guns in game?
maybe copy the grunt claw attack?

I have created the pick up entity which allows the player to use the lantern.
However this needs to be changed to activate the flashlight and I'm kinda stuck at that part, The wiki doesn't have anything that's helpful and updated for HLP2

<UserDefinedVariables EntitySubType="Lantern" EntityType="Item">
        <Var Name="Health" Value="100" />
        <Var Name="Toughness" Value="0" />
        <Var Name="MaxFocusDistance" Value="0" />
        <Var Name="MainPhysicsBody" Value="" />
        <Var Name="ShowMesh" Value="true" />
        <Var Name="DissolveOnDestruction" Value="false" />
        <Var Name="DissolveTime" Value="1.0" />
        <Var Name="EffectsOnSound" Value="" />
        <Var Name="EffectsOffSound" Value="" />
        <Var Name="EffectsOnTime" Value="1" />
        <Var Name="EffectsOffTime" Value="1" />
        <Var Name="EffectsOffLightColor" Value="0 0 0 0" />
        <Var Name="EffectsOffLightRadius" Value="-1" />
        <Var Name="ShowHints" Value="true" />
        <Var Name="StaticMoveCheckCollision" Value="false" />
        <Var Name="StaticMoveStartSound" Value="" />
        <Var Name="StaticMoveStopSound" Value="" />
        <Var Name="StaticMoveLoopSound" Value="" />
        <Var Name="RandomizeAnimationStart" Value="true" />
        <Var Name="SubItemTypeName" Value="Flashlight" />
        <Var Name="ImageFile" Value="flashlight.tga" />
        <Var Name="PickSound" Value="Generic" />

flashlight.ent code
Spoiler below!

        <Performance CamClipPlanes="0.05 1000" LightsActive="true" PSActive="true" ShowFog="true" ShowSkybox="true" WorldReflection="true" />
        <ViewportConfig BGColor="0.2 0.2 0.2 1" GAmbientLight="true" GPointLight="true" GridSnap="false" GridSnapSeparation="0.25" SelectedViewport="0" UsingEnlargedViewport="false">
            <Viewport CameraPosition="0 0 180" CameraTarget="0 0 0" CameraZoom="4.8" GridHeight="0" GridPlane="2" Preset="0" RenderMode="1" ShowAxes="true" ShowGrid="true" UsingLTCam="false" />
            <Viewport CameraPosition="180 0.00484981 -0.0319652" CameraTarget="0 0.00484981 -0.0319652" CameraZoom="4.7" GridHeight="0" GridPlane="0" Preset="1" RenderMode="1" ShowAxes="true" ShowGrid="true" UsingLTCam="false" />
            <Viewport CameraPosition="0 180 0" CameraTarget="0 0 0" CameraZoom="0" GridHeight="0" GridPlane="1" Preset="2" RenderMode="1" ShowAxes="true" ShowGrid="true" UsingLTCam="false" />
            <Viewport CameraPosition="-0.357328 0.0124795 -0.012736" CameraTarget="0.326762 -0.218764 0.0262875" CameraZoom="4.23613" GridHeight="0" GridPlane="1" Preset="3" RenderMode="0" ShowAxes="true" ShowGrid="true" UsingLTCam="false" />
        <Entities />
        <Mesh Filename="entities/item/flashlight/flashlight.dae">
            <SubMesh Active="true" ID="0" Material="C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/amnesia the dark descent/entities/item/flashlight/flashlight.mat" Name="mesh_PIVOT" Rotation="3.14159 0 0" Scale="0.05 0.05 0.05" SubMeshID="0" Tag="" WorldPos="0 0.0418419 0" />
        <Bones />
            <BodyShape Active="true" ID="5" Name="Shape_1" RelativeRotation="0 0 0" RelativeScale="0.08 0.08 0.6" RelativeTranslation="0 0 0" Rotation="0 0 0" Scale="0.064 0.064 0.33" ShapeType="Box" Tag="" WorldPos="0 0.0390146 0" />
            <Body Active="true" AngularDamping="0.2" BlocksSound="false" BuoyancyDensityMul="1" CanAttachCharacter="false" CollideCharacter="false" CollideNonCharacter="true" ContinuousCollision="true" HasGravity="true" ID="7" LinearDamping="0.2" Mass="1" Material="Generic_Hard" MaxAngularSpeed="20" MaxLinearSpeed="20" Name="collision" PushedByCharacterGravity="false" Rotation="0 0 0" Scale="0.8 0.8 0.55" Tag="" UseSurfaceEffects="true" Volatile="false" WorldPos="0 0.0390146 0">
                <Shape ID="5" />
        <Joints />
        <Animations />
     <UserDefinedVariables EntitySubType="Flashlight" EntityType="Item">
        <Var Name="Health" Value="100" />
        <Var Name="Toughness" Value="0" />
        <Var Name="MaxFocusDistance" Value="0" />
        <Var Name="MainPhysicsBody" Value="" />
        <Var Name="ShowMesh" Value="true" />
        <Var Name="DissolveOnDestruction" Value="false" />
        <Var Name="DissolveTime" Value="1.0" />
        <Var Name="EffectsOnSound" Value="" />
        <Var Name="EffectsOffSound" Value="" />
        <Var Name="EffectsOnTime" Value="1" />
        <Var Name="EffectsOffTime" Value="1" />
        <Var Name="EffectsOffLightColor" Value="0 0 0 0" />
        <Var Name="EffectsOffLightRadius" Value="-1" />
        <Var Name="ShowHints" Value="true" />
        <Var Name="StaticMoveCheckCollision" Value="false" />
        <Var Name="StaticMoveStartSound" Value="" />
        <Var Name="StaticMoveStopSound" Value="" />
        <Var Name="StaticMoveLoopSound" Value="" />
        <Var Name="RandomizeAnimationStart" Value="true" />
        <Var Name="SubItemTypeName" Value="Flashlight" />
        <Var Name="ImageFile" Value="flashlight.tga" />
        <Var Name="PickSound" Value="Generic" />

(This post was last modified: 12-19-2010, 02:26 PM by DIGI Byte.)
12-19-2010, 01:46 PM

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