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Least Scary "Scary" Game in History?
KavazovAngel Offline

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RE: Least Scary "Scary" Game in History?

Spoiler below!
Plus the ending of penumbra was just.... I don't even know. When a dark figure is standing at the end of a hallway, in a mine with no people in it except someone you just burned, and the lights go out and the door locks behind you...

Well I just hid behind a box and eventually went "Fuck it" and just ran up to it to see what it'd do.

I turned off the game when I saw that stuff. Waited a dozen seconds before turning it on again, just to get my thoughts together. Smile
12-30-2010, 08:42 PM
weck Offline
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RE: Least Scary "Scary" Game in History?

Hello! I found this game to be most scary i've ever played! I've gone through the water thing at the moment but i have taken 2 pauses already just because i wanted to calm down. I freaked out first time i saw an enemy but the most "funny" thing was when i just entered a water room.. I saw footsteps in water coming towards me so i was like "Shit i need to hide somewhere" and ducked behind the boxes staring at the wall hoping he wont spot me and yeah it started to attack me. I screamed loudly and was like "OMG!!" Big Grin I play at night with lights off and my headphones pretty loud in chilly room. I've never been so satisfied with a game. Good job developers! I'm sure i will enjoy the rest of the game!
12-30-2010, 09:35 PM
hollowleviathan Offline
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RE: Least Scary "Scary" Game in History?

(12-30-2010, 07:30 PM)-Badger- Wrote: near an open window so you get that chilly draft; not if you live on a busy street or in a large city.

Worse than the wind in the breeze is a random shriek or drunkard babbling below your window. Large cities can offer more varied and scary sudden ambiance!
(This post was last modified: 12-31-2010, 12:16 AM by hollowleviathan.)
12-31-2010, 12:16 AM
Shev Offline

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RE: Least Scary "Scary" Game in History?

(12-29-2010, 05:29 AM)Spooder Wekd Wrote:
(12-29-2010, 02:15 AM)Shev Wrote: Penumbra wasn't really that scary considering you could easily take out dogs with that first hit, and spiders where pretty easy to avoid.

Playing on hard...the dogs kill you in 2-3 hits, and take at least 5 to kill. (though Ive never successfully killed one!) That makes it scary...

As long as you got that first hit it was over. What I did is see if I could time it right, hit them, wait till they get up, hit them before they can run away, rinse and repeat. As long as you do this it doesn't matter if it takes 5 or 500 hits to kill them. Although idk if they flinch in hard mode, I played normal.

I just beat the series, and I gotta say horror wise for me it goes.
Requiem < Overture < Black Plague < Amnesia

I mean black plague was a step in the right direction, but the monsters where extremely easy to lose , and I had a few times where one looked at me directly while I was standing up and in a well lit room and they didn't even notice me somehow.

In amnesia however, if a monster see's you you're pretty much screwed if you can't find a room to hide in considering they run faster than you.

i spam meme 4 raeg
(This post was last modified: 12-31-2010, 03:51 AM by Shev.)
12-31-2010, 03:48 AM
Spooder Wekd Offline
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RE: Least Scary "Scary" Game in History?

(12-31-2010, 03:48 AM)Shev Wrote: As long as you got that first hit it was over. What I did is see if I could time it right, hit them, wait till they get up, hit them before they can run away, rinse and repeat. As long as you do this it doesn't matter if it takes 5 or 500 hits to kill them. Although idk if they flinch in hard mode, I played normal.

I just beat the series, and I gotta say horror wise for me it goes.
Requiem < Overture < Black Plague < Amnesia

Nah, I tried fighting on hard. But those damned crazy dogs are like terminators! They didn't flinch so far as i remember.

I think that list is good, but not for horror. That is more of a quality list. Amnesia is the best, requiem was boring crap, and BP was slightly better than overture. However, so far as please find me a change of pants scariness I would put it as:

Requiem < Black Plague = Amnesia < Overture

But I suppose this all comes down to opinion. Because I get easily immersed in games, I could get into Overture just as well as Amnesia, even though there were noticable flaws. Though some people would be distracted by the flaws in Overture and be less scared by it. The list could also be tainted because as the series went on I got more used to the enemies and the intense fear so I was not as scared....but by memory, thats how I would rank them. I just went back and started Overture again, and let me tell you....DAYUM!!!
12-31-2010, 05:42 AM
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SHODANFreeman Offline
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RE: Least Scary "Scary" Game in History?

Didn't this same troll make the same thread a few times before?
12-31-2010, 09:26 PM
Spooder Wekd Offline
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RE: Least Scary "Scary" Game in History?

(12-31-2010, 09:26 PM)SHODANFreeman Wrote: Didn't this same troll make the same thread a few times before?

It could be the same guy, but with a new account. Cause he only has one post...
01-01-2011, 12:33 AM
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