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Performance concerns
Peeling Offline
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Performance concerns

I enjoyed the new demo (though it was a tad short) and my only real gripe (apart from finding the hatch astoundingly unresponsive to my mouse movements) was the relatively poor graphical performance. Yes, I know it's doing a lot of clever stuff, but I've just played through Prey at 1440x900 with everything set to maximum without dropping a frame. I've even had the computer-annihilating beast that is Oblivion (with 4096x4096 texture parallax texture patches applied AND the 'action oblivion' mod, which pits me against ten or more highly detailed mobs at a time with full ragdoll physics piling their weapons and slaughtered corpses in mounds around me) running at full frame rate on indoor scenes.

In short, it was a *little* disappointing to see relatively simple scenes chugging a bit in this game. Is there scope for further optimisation, or is that phase of development done and dusted?

Thanks Smile
03-13-2007, 09:05 PM
gamgam2 Offline
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RE: Performance concerns

Keep in mind this engine basicly came from a 2-d game, and that the devolopers have only a few people working on the engine with limited spending resources, compared to the game gaints that use thousands of dollors (possibly million, or somewhere around there)
For some reason, I got better fps on the wolf room than the smaller room, maybe because it has less objects.
(I remember in the tech demo when a monster was around, the fps would go total crap)

Sometimes, if you look carefully at a wall for a few minutes, you'll realize you wasted some time.  It's true.
03-13-2007, 09:50 PM
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RE: Performance concerns

I don't know what your talking about. I think the performance is great.

I can run Oblivion at High settings, 1024x768. With the framerate standing at about 20 fps in towns. (For some reason, no matter what settings I use, I cant get anything better. I probably have some mods I need to remove, cos I got better performance with my old 9800 pro).
Prey runs fine at max settings, 1024x768. That is actually the settings the game itself suggested. (Suggested settings are always lower than what you can really do).
Penumbra: Overture runs at a steady 55-60 fps. Max settings, 4x AA, 1024x768.
I don't think performance has been an issue with penumbra. The tech demo had some problems, but not Overture.

What is your hardware setup?

I've got 1 Gig ram,
ATI Radeon X850 Pro AGP 256 MB (With the extra 4 pixel pipes unlocked)
03-13-2007, 10:32 PM
piibii Offline

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RE: Performance concerns

Peeling Wrote:I enjoyed the new demo (though it was a tad short) and my only real gripe (apart from finding the hatch astoundingly unresponsive to my mouse movements) was the relatively poor graphical performance.
Have you tried disabling the Motion Blur effect? That should improve the framerate quite a bit.
03-14-2007, 12:53 AM
eduarte Offline
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RE: Performance concerns

Hi peopple

Think about the technology in this game, and the limited spending resources for the developers, compared to the another game companys with a lot of money to help a build the games, and see this result (Penumbra-Overture)... I dont have words to express my congratulations...
And the next 2 other Penumbra continues probabily will come bether. Because I have sure will be a great success the first one.

Penumbra Administrator and developers, you are winners!!!
03-14-2007, 01:27 AM
Sepai Offline

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RE: Performance concerns

I fid no problem with Penumbra Overture performance you must have some thing going wrong over there.
03-14-2007, 01:36 AM
HiViH Offline

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RE: Performance concerns

Great reviews, mostly gamespot, will be a wining ticket, otherwise there isnt much hype and huge fans on other forums etc for it or around its.. "teaser".. (yea btw you should have really made more trailers D; actual.. trailers..), good reviews is mostly what can lead it to success right now.

03-14-2007, 01:38 AM
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ShaggE Offline
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RE: Performance concerns

That's really strange, Penumbra runs beautifully on my machine, yet even Splinter Cell sees a bit of slowdown on higher settings. If you can run Prey at full detail, then Penumbra should run like a dream.
03-14-2007, 07:09 AM
Thomas Offline
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RE: Performance concerns

For those of you who do not not know, Inside almost all computers lives at least 3 or 4 Gremlins. These chew on the cords, scratch the circuits and cause all kinds of mayhem. This is why some computers behave no like they should at times and I think Gremlins is probably the cause of your slowdowns!

What I am saying in a silly way is that computers have strange behavior at times Smile Also, Penumbra might not be as super optimized as the Doom 3 engine allthough I have really tried my best to get rid of any slowdowns and making stuff as fast as possible
03-14-2007, 08:58 AM
Peeling Offline
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RE: Performance concerns

I'm running it on a 2 month old PC with dual-core Intel (can't remember which - 2nd best you can get from stock as I recall) and an Nvidia 8800GTX. Tested F.E.A.R last night and with everything switched to max at widescreen 1440x900 it never dropped a frame - it's a joy to behold quite frankly Smile

Overture performance isn't *terrible* or anything, just nowhere near as smooth as one might expect.
03-15-2007, 05:56 PM

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