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Amnesia - Scary Chart
Shadowman60 Offline
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RE: Amnesia - Scary Chart

Here's my chart:

[Image: jfye6p.jpg]
As you can probably tell, i am deathly afraid of bru- bru- OH GOD, REVISIONS AGAIN ;_;
12-04-2011, 06:34 PM
zeemeerman2 Offline
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RE: Amnesia - Scary Chart

I haven't finished the game because I'm mentally stuck on the Cellar Archives, not really looking forward towards the Storage, Prison and Choir. (I think there is no shame in telling so) However, I know the game from Let's Plays and playing individual levels through the developer account, as well as looking towards the Map Viewer, it should be something like this:
[Image: Schermafbeelding2012-03-05om152027.png]

Some addional information:
Rainy Hall: You start the game with the mindset, "all internet people are pussies. It can't be that scary." The level is fully lightened, yet, the audio tracks and effects are what will introduce you to the world of Amnesia.
Old Archives: Darker rooms, more visual effects, like cockroaches and blowing wind. It's a bit more tense than the Rainy Hall level.
Entrance Hall: A main, open hall with much lights coming through. It, combined with the music, gives a feeling of safety. Just... don't click on the great gate to your left.
Archives: A dark level with many rooms and hallways. Piano playing monsters don't really help much, really. Oh, and did I mention your first monster?
Entrance Hall: It's not the same hall anymore. There is goo covered at the entrance of the Archives. Gross!
Wine Cellar: A dark room, archives isn't anything compared to this level. The look-through stairs in the main room give a feeling of being watched, and the first real roaming monster spawns. But don't forget the other rooms. "Wilhelm, is that you?"
Entrance Hall: Covered even more in red goo, though not more scary.
Laboratory: Nothing here really happens, though you are aware that something might happen. It's not a hub, it's a level, so you're really aware.
Entrance Hall: Covered even more in red goo. It starts getting a bit much, don't you think?
Refinery: Same scariness as the Wine Cellar. Might even be named Wine Cellar, part 2.
Cellar Archives: The apotheosis, the climax of this chapter. Scariness at its best. ... "wait, there are two water monsters?!"
Archive Tunnels: "Well, glad that the Cellar Archives are over." You can pause now, at least in a single room. It's not over, really.
Back Hall: You deserve a cookie. And some rest, after what you just encountered.
Study: While there are no monsters, there could be. You are aware at all times.
Daniels Room: This monster is really close! Quick, find a place to hide!
Back Hall: Once back, you find part of the corpse of a gatherer outside the door. Gross. Not so peaceful anymore. Where's the happy music? And what's with the fountain?
Storage: The darkness seems really unnatural. This is not the grand finale of this chapter, more something in between.
Back Hall: Fountain. Red goo.
Machine Room: Puzzle room. You're safe here, right? Right!?
Back Hall: Well, it seems there's no way back. Not that I wanted to. But I don't want to go forward either...
Elevator: Something will happen. You know something will happen. But there's no escape. No free movement to escape the thing that will happen.
Prison North and South: Where am I? Prison? Doesn't look pretty. I hear something... and another something. And another something. Will I ever get out of here alive?
Cistern Entrance: Hub. Safe. After the prison, I wouldn't want otherwise. I think I stay a while around here.
Control Room: No hub. No safe. You're a aware, you think there might be monsters. Who knows...?
Cistern: Levers control the tank. But I hear someone in that tank. Oh, and there's water. I don't trust water anymore in this game. I hope there aren't any water monsters. I really hope so.
Morgue: What's that bell sound? And what's that echoing moo-sound I hear? What is bashing on the door? I really don't want to know.
Sewer: I don't like being there. And there's water. Does that mean... no. Please, no. I couldn't bear it.
Nave: My bad. Should be a new chapter line.

... you can fill in the rest.
03-05-2012, 03:53 PM

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