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Linking error
MasterKira Offline
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Linking error

Last time I posted on HPL section of the forum, now in the final stage...

I have compiled Overture without problems, in the linking step, i obtain this error:
1>------ Starting generation: Project: Penumbra, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
1>fatal error C1007: flag '-typedil' not found in 'p2'
1>LINK : fatal error LNK1257: generating code failed

1>Generation log is saved in 'file://c:\Users\user\Desktop\Overture\Redist\BuildLog.htm'
1>Penumbra - 1 errore/i, 0 avviso/i
========== Generating: 0 finished, 1 failed, 0 refreshed, 0 ignored==========
I tried to translate to english the word of this log.

What is this flag "typedil" ? and what is "p2"? it is the first time I see them. Huh

I hope you can answer me,and solve this last issues... thanks however! Blush
02-01-2011, 08:24 PM
MasterKira Offline
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RE: Linking error

I need to compile OALWrapper.lib necessary with my VS version.
I modified with a Block Note the intestation of .sln file of OALWrapper so now VS 2005 build it ...

then rebuild HPL.lib:
1>Creating library...
1>Spring.obj : warning LNK4221: impossibile trovare simboli pubblici; il membro di archivio non sarà accessibile
1>Container.obj : warning LNK4221: impossibile trovare simboli pubblici; il membro di archivio non sarà accessibile
impossibile trovare simboli pubblici; il membro di archivio non sarà accessibile = Impossible to found public symobls; archive member will be unaccessible

But only Warning and i tried to go ahead...

Now i have another problem, i think the last...
When i finish to compile and link the Overture source i found this error, in System error msg box:
"Impossible to start the program beause SDL.dll is not ........ try to reinstall the program"

I tried to put SDL.dll in system folder the message change to:
"Impossible to start the program beause Newton.dll is not ........ try to reinstall the program"

Tried again with Newton.dll...

"Impossible to find entry point for NewtonAddBodyImpulse in dynamic link library Newton.dll" or something like this.

But looking on dependencies/lib ... there is Newton.dll and SDL.dll.... where i wrong, because the program doesnt search that libraries?
(This post was last modified: 02-01-2011, 10:24 PM by MasterKira.)
02-01-2011, 10:23 PM
MasterKira Offline
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RE: Linking error

I'm sorry to post again, but when i find a solution I say to all hoping it will be usefull for someone other ^^

It is sufficient to put all dll files from /dependencies/lib/win32 to the same folder where porgram execute.

Finally the program starts.. but after a black screen for a while it blocks:
Now I'm in the classic stop point: "Couldn't load PointLight2D"... in the guide i dont understand what is needed to do.
It talks about Game contents in /Redist folder referred to my version of penumbra.exe.... what?

I've downloaded from Github the opensource, what are this Game contents to put in /Redist folder?

/Assets in HPL have resource.cfg that he was searching for?... but i put this assets everywhere and he doesnt look them...
02-01-2011, 11:23 PM
jens Offline
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RE: Linking error

The github is only the src, it does not contain the game data files. You'll need the files from an original copy of the game for that.
02-02-2011, 07:01 AM
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MasterKira Offline
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RE: Linking error

Ok understood =)
02-04-2011, 09:40 AM

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