Hey guys, I recorded a let's play of Amnesia over the Christmas Break and only started uploading it now.
I know someone else already posted a let's play of the game on the forum (that I still need to watch by the way!), so I hope you don't mind if I post mine here: if it is a problem then I'll understand if this topic is locked.
It was a blind let's play, apart from the parts featured in the demo, I think I only checked a walkthrough once or twice when I got stuck with some enigmas. The let's play has commentary in English, but you will have to deal with my lame accent and jokes, and I did not sound very scared (even if I played in total darkness with my headphones), so sorry for some expecting some screams.
The enigmas gave me a lot of trouble, and I know I'll look pretty stupid in some of those videos...Not mentioning me complicating the plot for no reason: "Since I am amnesic, maybe I AM Alexander, and I am trying to go back to the Inner Sanctum, to kill myself!"

Anyway, here is the link to the playlist, I'll be adding a new video every two day approximately: