(02-18-2011, 04:15 PM)Playguy6 Wrote: My virus detection program doesn't trust it so I won't either.
I scanned it with AVG no viruses were found.
I played it trough and really liked it. If you're sick of the constant WIPs and demos that you see a lot on the forums then you should definately play this one.
I wrote some feedback for Vradcly earlier, when I was testing the story for him and here it is:
The level design was good and very unique. Decals are also used nicely. I especially liked the bigger rooms like the water part in the prison and the place with the big church windows.
The garden was allright. I could almost call it good because I know how hard it is to create outside areas in Amnesia. The lightning-effect was nice in this level.
The absence of overlapping textures was also neat because I usually see lots of that in other custom stories.
Decent voice acting is something you don't hear in every custom story so it is great to find plenty of it in this one.
The story resembles the original game's and the custom story, Cannibalism's, story so it is nothing really new, and it's definately not the strongest part of this custom story but the voice acting makes it a lot better.
The puzzles were easy but still took some time to complete, which is good.
In general, I didn't like monster events because their appearance was most of the time unexpected (except the first one and some others) and usually you just had to run away from them instead of hiding. Rarely you got any warning about them. Nevertheless, I liked how not all the monsters disappeared but instead patrolled and you couldn't just wait for them to go away. The disappearing monsters were, in my opinion, the bad side of Amnesia but not of this one.
Most importantly, the monster encounters weren't overused like in many other custom stories.
One thing bugged me especially: Even though the protagonist is a woman, the scare- and insanity-reactions were the same as in the original game so she sounded quite manly everytime those sounds played

But I know it would take some effort to change all those sounds so I guess that can be forgiven.
Anyways, it's nice to see a female protagonist for a change.
There were other little bugs, minor spelling errors and some frame-rate issues (Probably because of my crappy CPU) but nothing worth complaining.