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[spoiler]Amnesia Forum Game
Leu Radu Offline

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RE: [spoiler]Amnesia Forum Game

Or am I? Will the thing reach the gate in time? A pull myself up on a box and hold my breath, waiting for the gate to close, as it inches towards the ground. I sigh in relief when it finally splashes in the water, with that thing locked behind. I light my lantern and peer into the darkness. I see body parts scattered around, probably ripped apart by that terrible beast. I see a single door in the whole room. Time to get out of here, this place gives me the creeps. I lower myself gently into the water and, to my dismay, I see the invisible abomination splashing towards me from the direction of the door!
04-02-2011, 12:12 PM
Anxt Offline
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RE: [spoiler]Amnesia Forum Game

I hurriedly climb back onto a box for safety, and try to think of a solution. Looking at the body parts disgusts me, and I kick one into the water. The monster instantly begins feasting on it, and it gives me an idea.

04-02-2011, 06:12 PM
LuckyBlackCatXIII Offline

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RE: [spoiler]Amnesia Forum Game

Picking up one of the body parts, an arm from the looks of it, I give a small apology to whoever it belonged to previously before hurling the limb as far away from me as I can, hearing it splash several feet away from me as it lands into the water. Done with its previous meal the beast goes in the general direction of the arm, causing me to gather my nerves as I wait for the sound of teeth ripping apart flesh. Once the sickening sound begins I make a mad dash to another set of boxes, noticing that up ahead there appears to be another gate that could lead me out from this watery Hell. I splash back in the water, trying to keep my ears open to whether the monster is still preoccupied or not, but it proves difficult to hear between the violent splashing of my own feet and how heavy I'm beginning to breath. The gate is close, along with another set of boxes. I pray I'll make it in time.
04-02-2011, 07:52 PM
Leu Radu Offline

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RE: [spoiler]Amnesia Forum Game

I see a winch next to the door. I frantically grab it at and twist it with all my power. The creature's feast is a disturbing combination of splashing and crunching. I could not even fathom what will happen to this fragile earthly body of mine once the water horror reaches me. I raise the door and splash through the archway as it closes shut behind me. Ha! I've escaped the thing!
04-03-2011, 02:31 AM
RawkBandMan Offline
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RE: [spoiler]Amnesia Forum Game

I begin to run through the water to the door infront of me, I open it and briefly look behind me. The invisible creature somehow got through the gate and was charging at me. I gasped and frantically closed the door and jumped on another box. I kneel on the box wondering what to do. I spot another door. I jump from the box I was on to a one very near the door. I try to push it open but its locked. The lock was however, weak. I could break it open with pick. Suddenly, the creature breaks open the door and I stumble. Luckily, I land on a different box beside a shelf. I slowly stand up and look on the shelf. I find a pick. "This must be my lucky day," I mumble to myself, hense the hell I'm in, which is not excactly "lucky". I take the pick and stick it into the lock. I hear the lock click and I push the door open. I quickly jump into the water, run through the door, and I close it behind me. I then slide down against the door, tired. The rest of the room is filled with water. "Damnit," I mummer.

OT: I'm probably gonna post another one of these later on into the story.

I've come to learn to not fear the living, nor the dead... But the monsters that hide in closets.
(This post was last modified: 04-03-2011, 03:05 AM by RawkBandMan.)
04-03-2011, 03:01 AM
tonewww Offline

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RE: [spoiler]Amnesia Forum Game

I pick myself up....my hands are shaking from the terror of the monster before,but i know i must proceed to find out what is ahead

*Wishes Penumbra Tech Demo section would return*
04-03-2011, 11:33 AM
Redeemer Offline

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RE: [spoiler]Amnesia Forum Game

I begin sloshing ahead through the watery tunnels, before I hear the angry growl of the water lurkers again. I quickly begin looking for something to stand on, but in vain; as seconds of searching begin to wear on, panic sets in and I begin fleeing down the waterlogged corridors of the castle, panting as I hear the monsters approaching me.

I am running blind; for every door I approach, I disregard my previous notions of caution and swing the door open with all my strength, without even stopping to close it as I charge ahead. I clamber over a few obstacles; I make a left turn, and then a right. The corridor is twisting and turning chaotically, and there is no sign of escape. Finally, I find a door that looks different from the rest. It is old and heavy, but I manage to force it open and close it behind me before any of the creatures can follow me through.

I am at the foot of a dry staircase now. A flood of relief washes over my body, quenching my fear as I slowly begin climbing up the stairs. I am drenched with water, sweat, and tears, but there is a light up ahead. I feel safe, and somehow know that all immediate danger has passed.

(This post was last modified: 04-03-2011, 04:21 PM by Redeemer.)
04-03-2011, 04:18 PM
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Xanatos Offline
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RE: [spoiler]Amnesia Forum Game

I am greeted by a rather bizarre fountain blanketed in the soft moonlight from outside. I turn around to see a balcony with two doors flanked by a staircase on either side, each flight guarded by a pair of rather majestic eagle statues. I get a eerie sense of peace in this room, although somehow I suspect it won't last long. I decide to wash the sweat off my face in the cool water of the fountain, the splashing sounds reminding me of the terror I just narrowly escaped moments before. I figured it's best to get as far away from that cellar as possible and decide the best option would be to head up, but as I approach the stairs I notice an old elevator in the large hall to my right. My legs are rather tired from all that frantic running, I figure that would probably be a better way up.

If fate frowns, we all perish.
Do not fear the darkness, but welcome its embrace.
04-03-2011, 04:28 PM
Anxt Offline
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RE: [spoiler]Amnesia Forum Game

I drag my tired body into the elevator, close the safety doors behind me, and pull the lever. But nothing happens. It seems my luck just keeps getting better and better. There must be a way to fix it.

04-03-2011, 06:17 PM
Cryaotic Offline
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RE: [spoiler]Amnesia Forum Game

I carry my bruised and battered husk of a body away from the elevator towards the door in the corner of the large room decorated with two giant stone lion statues, tall looming pillars, and candles that remain lit despite not knowing how long it has truly been since they have been tended to. The intricate door with foreign designs and almost machine-like origin refuses to budge, my weary body unable to push it open. It is locked... of course it's locked.

04-03-2011, 06:43 PM

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